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Sunday, November 8, 2015

His mercy endures!

be blessed,

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  1. Jenny, I do not know if I ever told you that I stepped away from God for many years. Well Thank the Lord that he continued to believe in me and would guide me in many ways. Of course, I did not admit that at those times, yet we know that his strength, love and never ending devotion to us is undeniable! I am so grateful for his forgiveness and guidance now that I get goosebumples reading scriptures! Thank you for sharing and have a wonderful creative day!

    I also want to Thank you for your wonderful comment on my blog! I know that I have truly been blessed and love him forever. Have a great day Jenny!

  2. Gracias por la tarjeta, y por recordarnos lo importante. Besos.

  3. And it's a very good thing for me that it does! Thanks for a beautiful picture with the thought.

  4. I so often need to be reminded to give thanks. I remember God whispering to me as I sat by my Dad's bed as he lay dying 'in everything give thanks' it was the hardest thing I ever did but it brought such peace when I did because with the thanks came submission. His mercies truly are great. Have a blessed week Jenny. x


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