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Sunday, August 21, 2016

Are you ready?

A simple question.
Three little words, yet they carry eternal significance.

Are you ready?

If Christ came back tomorrow would your life reflect Him, would your heart be clean and your mind given over to Him? Could you say that you love Him with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, with all your strength? (Matthew 22:37, Deuteronomy 10:12)

Are you ready for His return?

My husband and I have this question on our hearts and it's given us much food for contemplation and prayer recently.
Are we ready? Are we truly ready? 
Do we love Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind and strength? 

Or do we love the things of this world more than Him? We hope not, but we're putting our lives under closer examination because it never hurts to make time for a truth/reality check so we can correct our life and spiritual course. (1 John 2:15-17)

Have you done this recently?



  1. Ouch! I have been listening to Jesus Culture worship music really loud in the quilt room tonight and playing computer games. What food for thought.

  2. I'm ready! And I believe HE Is coming soon!

  3. Always a struggle for me. But I keep trying.

  4. YES, I am ready. But I'm not homesick.

  5. Thank you for this post! I cannot wait for Christ's return but "ready" is something that must be on my heart and mind at all times!! I realize just how silly things can consume my thoughts too often. I want to be ready!

  6. I am sooo ready. I cannot wait for Him to return. This old world is becoming so unrecognizable it makes me sick. I listened to Dr. Charles Stanley last evening and he spoke about this. Yes, I believe I am ready, I've repented of my sins and I know in my heart He has forgiven me. God is good all the time, all the time, God is good.

  7. Thank you, Jenny, for this timely post! It's something I need to do - something we all need to consider. Hugs to you in Jesus.

  8. I do this off and on, for course corrections, as you've described. There are always corrections to make! Thanks for another beautiful thought.

  9. Je ne sais pas si je suis prête mais, je sais que ma foi a encore grandi quand le prêtre à côté de chez nous s'est fait assassiné sauvagement, Jésus m'a poussé en dehors de ma maison sans peur.
    Belle journée


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