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  1. Jenny, I so love your newsletter. I was struck by your comment that you don't have any other believers in your family. I pray that they will be won over by the tenderness of your heart and testimony. I have three unbelieving sisters and they wonder why I take my cares to my believing friends first. I am praying for you all. Thank you for sharing your life, your heart and most of all - your faith with us. I am blessed by your newsletter and rush to open it when it arrives in my email! God bless you and yours!

    1. Jenny, I want to say thank you for all you do. You are an inspiration to me and seem to speak to my heart when I feel weary, offerings of different ideas and needle work to help me focus on what is important, mainly my Heavenly Father and home. Thank you for bringing me back to the fold.

  2. Gracias, me gusta mucho leer tus publicaciones en el blog.

  3. Jennifer . . . I want to thank you for your beautiful newsletter and for creating and sharing "uplifting" and lovely needlework patterns. You ALWAYS lighten my heart and I thank God for you. God bless you richly. - Marcia

  4. Hi Jennifer
    Just decided to say a Hello and thank you for your emails. I wanted you to know that I read, appreciate and enjoy my “visits” with you. I noticed on today’s you asked what we were up to. I’m sorry I wasn’t sure where to reply so this will have to do. I came in for a break from setting out my tomatoes. I did 4 dozen yesterday and have 8 dozen to do. It’s going to be 30 degrees today so I’m trying to get in early and water well. I live in Canada’s prairie and it’s been a long cold spring we had frost on a Monday morning and last night it was 15degrees so I loved looking at your roses! It’s interesting to hear the rewards and challenges of different climates. I’m an art quilter and I garden and homemake so no matter what you write I always find it interesting. Thank you for being there in my life. Blessing to you

    1. Hi Susan,
      You can respond in the comments below the relevant blog post. :-)

      Lovely to hear of your day, the season you're in and also of your tomato bounty! Yummy!!

  5. Olá Jenny querida, encantada com seus bordados, as cores suaves me transporta a viver essa tranquilidade.


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