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Tuesday, January 6, 2015

UFO finish Tuesday...

It was fun giving myself the goal of completing one UFO each week during November and December last year, and I think it's important that during A Year of Gentle Domesticity the habit continues... 

On Sunday night I chose to find a use for the two blue and white patchwork blocks I made last June....

I'm working at 'refreshing' our bedroom at the moment, and these looked perfect for the centre of two small toppers to cover our bedside tables.
Mr E and I do not having matching drawers. His is slightly rectangular whilst the top of mine is square and a little larger, so even though I used the same fabric to border both blocks, they are slightly different sizes when finished, and I also chose different binding fabric for each.

I got them made to the binding stage late Sunday evening, then Monday morning I brewed a strong coffee and put an episode of 'Rosemary & Thyme' on the telly while I hid the stray quilting threads and blind stitched the binding to the back. 
An hour later both were done and I cannot tell you how  lovely that feeling of accomplishment was for me!

I gave my beloved the more manly of the two, those striped borders instantly bringing memories of my dear Pop to mind. It's like shirting isn't it?
I used the stripe for the binding too...

Mine was the 'pretty' block, (naturally)...

...and I'm really pleased with how the outline quilting allowed the darker shapes to stand out.

The fabrics used in these blocks are from Rachel Ashwell's 'Chambray Rose"...

...and as I still have a good supply I may use them to continue a blue and white flow in our bedroom.

What have you finished recently from the UFO box?



  1. Those are both so pretty! And what a great way to use up two lovely orphan blocks! :0)

  2. So soft, pretty and feminine! UFO box????? Should I have one of those? LOL!!! :-)

  3. Lovely! Stripes are so nice! Great use for those blocks

  4. I love these blocks for blues are my heartthrob! Excellent finish dear. Creative Blue Bliss...

  5. Oh, I do love those blocks, and those fabrics. Blues are wonderful! Those stripes do look like a man's shirt. Great finishes. I didn't finish, but I did work on a UFO today and made some progress!

  6. Очень красиво! Это мои любимые цвета!!!

  7. So beautiful! I have always loved blue and white together!

  8. As always your advice and projects always inspire me. The UFO project is such a good idea. The fabric you used for these blocks is so nice. I think the blue and white design style always looks fresh and clean.

  9. What a wonderful idea to actually finish all unfinished projects! :) I have many of them...thank you for showing us your work. It is beautiful and an inspiration to create lovely things to bless others with and to enhance the beauty of our homes. God bless and keep you!

  10. Lovely fabrics. I'm always thinking about table toppers to add that something special to my table. These are beautiful!

  11. It is definitely a good idea to work on those UFO's. Your two mats look lovely. I always feel happier when I can move something from the sewing room box to a place where I can enjoy it, look at it and hopefully make use of it. Tea mats and tray mats are my favourite use for single blocks.
    I don't operate very well on the regular day for doing things. I like to make a bit of a list just a few days ahead and work through it. That way the deadlines are very flexible. I stress very easily and even when I set my own deadlines I tend to stress out. Silly, I know, but it happens so I have to work in a way that reduces pressure. Mostly that tends to be some planned things and some spur of the moment things. I am enjoying your blog.

  12. I just love these colours Jenny. You have such a great eye for colour choice x

  13. I love blue and white. Those will look so pretty on your bedside tables.

  14. Gorgeous way to use your pretty orphan blocks.


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