The Homemakers Heart is a FREE digital magazine with articles to encourage women in many aspects of a full life such as - health, gardening, homemaking tips, sewing patterns, stitchery patterns, decorating, faith, recipes, gift ideas and more.
The extra two "Days of the Week" tea towel stitcheries (Saturday and Sunday) can be found HERE and HERE.
Bless you heaps,
How wonderful! Can’t wait to hear more about the magazine! Prayers for you and your family....bless you for sharing your love of God along with the gifts he’s given you. 💕
Best wishes on your new adventure, Jenny. Your beautiful heartfelt creations will be a wonderful addition to the publishing world.
Oh that's so lovely! Thank you for sharing all your inspiring projects. Bless you!
Looking forward to the first issue, I'm sure it will be great.
Oh how very wonderful a new digital magazine...That sounds super exciting. I am still continuing to pray for you and your family. Love the button card. It is very charming. Your buttons are lovely showcased on it. Like a beautiful photo in a frame. It makes the buttons stand out. Please keep us updated about Dear Blossom and her boy babe. So we can fine tune our prayers as need be.
I am so looking forward to your new digital magazine, I am so grateful for your sharing of The Lord and It gives me new hope Thank You Jenny for ministering to us all through your words, Embroidery, Pictures so much more God Bless you and all your family a 100 fold back to you,Love Sherrie
This sounds great. I'm inspired by how you let God lead you each year, and how God uses your talents to encourage other Homemakers and hand sewers with your blog and patterns. May God bless your efforts as you bring us this digital magazine.
Hi Jenny,
2021 is filling with beautiful cozy homemaker things :) Thank you !
Oh, this is going to be good! Cannot wait! :)
so happy your doing the stitchery club looking forward to starting. I hope you will also share the souses of the cute fabric,I don't get out to much anymore and would love to shop online thank you
Kaye Greenhalgh
I can’t wait to hear more, this is very exciting! ❤️
Sheila in Nebraska, US
Jenny, God has blessed you with great talent, and we are privileged to have you in our life circle. You are the encouragement many of us need, and thank you SO MUCH for sharing your journey with all of us. Bless you!
That sounds super , I can’t wait to hear more!
Sound wonderful Jenny, maybe just what we need for 2021.
Blessings Gail.
I am looking forward to the encouragement and inspiration from your generous ministry to homemakers!
I am truly a homemaker at heart and truly love everything about making a home. I think you are the only one on the internet that I have found that truly strive to make homemaking the art that it should be. After all the heart of society is the family and families deserve to have comfortable and cozy place to live. In the crazy world we live in now, it is more important than ever to make our homes a place of comfort and safety.
Can't wait to see when we can sign up for The Homemakers Heart digital magazine !!
Hi Jenny,
First weekend with your new magazine Homemaker's Heart published and in the air !
Wishing you a cozy relaxing weekend with good, positive comments to read about your new adventure :)
most morning I have my coffee and enjoy reading from you site yesterday I saw a reference to homespun magazine which set me on a long search and finally was able to find a way to read from a purchase of a back issue being in the USA it was hard to find a way to read it but I thank you .I enjoy your site so much and your patterns are wonderful.I to am an artist and enjoy making my own drawing to embroiderer.I love your technique
today we were cleaning out a box and found some old flour sacks wow they don't make them like that any more ... the weave is very tight I plan to use some of your cute patterns on them by the way I think my work is improving a lot sense I found you thank you
Thank you for the magazine. Hopefully, I can motivate myself to rid the "old."
Where would I find the new magazine?
Loved the first issue! Thank you!
What a fabulous job you are doing! Sending Love & Hugs & Prayers xo
Hi Jennifer. I am so enjoying your magazine and have just read the May/June issue. After I read your work I always feel calm and know that this is because you include the word of God and that he is blessing you as you share your writing and patterns. We in turn get blessed! Fabulous! Thanks so much.
Isn’t God wonderful? Needed this encouragement today and He met me right at the level of my need.
Prayers and blessings to you Jennifer for your obedience to our Lord Father.
Hola al fin afiliada y muy feliz 😊
Grazie Jenny, per le riviste che ho scaricato e già letto, anche se ho qualche difficoltà con la traduzione di alcune parole.
I tuoi disegni sono bellissimi e presto li ricamerò.
i tuoi dolci mi sembrano buonissimi e voglio provare a fare la cake's birthday Blossom. Ho da poco scoperto la cannella, che prima non usavo mai, e vorrei provare la torta, che sembra ottima.
Ti auguro tanta felicità ed ogni benedizione ❤️🙏🏻
Con affetto da Rosalba (Italy)
Thankyou so much for offering such lovely magazines! Your love and kindness shines through every one.
Thank you so much for your digital magazine. I genuinely feel encouraged and excited to read it.
I just stumbled upon this site. I am SO happy!! I absolutely love your designs and am honored to be able to download some of them! Keep up the beautiful work and thank you so much for sharing your talent!!
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