Two of those beautiful giveaways I won arrived in the mail yesterday!
Terry sent me these really pretty fat quarters and matching you know I love roses so I've already started dreaming up ways to use these fabrics! Thanks SO much Terry!
And then there was a big bulky package from Brenda!
I am so excited about making this felted wallhanging, but Brenda has the experience so she shared some very helpful tips in her card and added a few extra pieces in case I make a boo boo. Thank you Brenda!! She also added in a couple of American quilting magazines, and wouldn't you know it, I already have my eye on one of the quilts featured!
Remember the applique rose sewing machine cover I was making? Well, after I shared the applique pattern with you I promptly put the cover aside because I just couldn't decide how I was going to finish it! When I'm not sure on a project I stop working on it and move to the next one...this tends to free my mind to be more creative and when I come back to the project a week or so later I have a brainwave. So this is how the machine cover was finished today...
On the first cover I made (the one with Blossom's design on the front) I tied the sides with bows. For this one I simply buttoned 8in strips down on the sides so the cover slips over the machine, but I chose to make those buttons a feature of the machine cover. I used large and small mother-of-pearl buttons on top of each other with tiny seed pearl beads across the holes. Aren't they so sweet!?
Now my machine is dressed very prettily! The first cover, with the embroidery Blossom designed and stitched, has been sent off to one of the magazines I contribute to - it's being photographed and will be published later this year or early next year. I'm so proud of my girl! :-)
Speaking of my girl....this morning we went out for coffee and to visit THAT shop again! We thought you may like to see our purchases?
This bowl will hold my ruby red ceramic pomegranates...
...and this set I bought for Blossom, for our High Teas. Isn't it stunning?
I loved this sweet little hanging photo frame....perhaps to house a tiny rose stitchery?
Do you remember the beautiful milk jug from my last visit to the shop? This was the matching sugar bowl, but it does not have a lid (someone must have mishandled and broke it in the store), so rather than use it for sugar I intend to fill it with dried lavender and place it on my bedside table. Such a gorgeous piece to wake up to each morning. :-)
Now I'd best get back to a project I'm working on for Blossom. She really loved the bag I made Sarah in Hawaii, so I'm making a similar one for her to use on sports days at school. :-) She's chosen the embroidery and fabrics she wants and I'm half-way through it...hopefully it will be finished tomorrow and I can show you.
Have a lovely weekend!
Terry sent me these really pretty fat quarters and matching you know I love roses so I've already started dreaming up ways to use these fabrics! Thanks SO much Terry!
I am so excited about making this felted wallhanging, but Brenda has the experience so she shared some very helpful tips in her card and added a few extra pieces in case I make a boo boo. Thank you Brenda!! She also added in a couple of American quilting magazines, and wouldn't you know it, I already have my eye on one of the quilts featured!
Remember the applique rose sewing machine cover I was making? Well, after I shared the applique pattern with you I promptly put the cover aside because I just couldn't decide how I was going to finish it! When I'm not sure on a project I stop working on it and move to the next one...this tends to free my mind to be more creative and when I come back to the project a week or so later I have a brainwave. So this is how the machine cover was finished today...
Speaking of my girl....this morning we went out for coffee and to visit THAT shop again! We thought you may like to see our purchases?
This bowl will hold my ruby red ceramic pomegranates...
Have a lovely weekend!
Oh I was so happy to see that you got the sugar bowl you wanted so much, but also dissapointed that someone broke the lid. But it will look very nice with lavender in it.
I love your machine cover, what a clever idea with the buttons and the beeds.
By the way have you noticed that we are using the same backrounds on our blogs?
Jenny, once again yummies from THAT shop. Blossom's tea set is gorgeous. I also am pleased you managed to get the matching sugar bowl to your milk jug.
Your machine cover is stunning. Its making me very unsatisfied with mine!
very beautifull things!!!!Compliments!!!!!!!!!!!You're a wonderfull person!!!
Lovely Post..will be looking out for your machine cover to make...I like this one..
also love you Gorgeous finds...
Hi Jenny sweets! :-)
Your machine cover is GORGEOUS!!! I love every inch of it! Your designs are so pretty and feminine, and I love the wibbly-wobbly quilting! :-)
Your new purchases are gorgeous too! As are your wins! I love the felted piece and look forward to seeing it in all it's splendid glory - Enjoy! :-)
Lots of love!
Vikki xoxo :-)
love it all , you never cease to amaze the touch you did with the buttons clever girl you are...your looks great, cheers Vickie
I love your work. Specially the button design.
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Jenny, I think this is an 'ABC' post...
'A'wesome giveaway gifts!
'B'eautiful sewing machine cover!
'C'harming store-bought treasures!
Enjoy them all and thanks for sharing!
Gorgeous shops finds and I really love the button you used on your beautiful sewing machine cover. Love the lavender idea on the sugar bowl.
Wonderful finds and the lavendar idea is terrific. To think that most would just leave that poor sugar bowl behind and you found a wonderful way of giving it new life. Your sewing machine looks so pretty all covered up.
You're very welcome for the fabrics Jenny! And I love your sewing machine cover! :0)
Oh Jenny your machine cover is just lovely....your work is inspirational!
THAT shop has me drooling again..sigh! What about turning the sugar bowl into a pin cushion for your brooches or special pins. Generally, about a 7 inch circle made up as a suffolk puff fits most cups, so you could try that size for the sugar bowl. Fill the suffolk puff with wadding until it is smooth and very plump. Then; tip it upside down with the gathers facing the bottom and sit it in your sugar bowl to see if it fits (if not try a bigger or smaller circle). If okey...put some rice in the bowl to give it some weight and also some lavender for fragance. Then; glue your "pregnant suffolk puff" (upside down) to the bowl. Also glue some trim around the top edge e.g. pretty cord. To finish; glue some other embellishments somewhere around the top edge e.g. handmade rose, some beading dangles etc....very pretty for the bedside table!
Hugs From Judith
Oh What beautiful things, all of them, gifts and brought stuff from "the shop" I do hope you have not brought everything in there!! Hugz xxx
Great idea on how to use the lidless sugar bowl! I also love your machine cover finish! I love seeing all the goodies you manage to find at "that shop!"
What beautiful things. The teacup is so lovely. And I love your machine cover!
You and Blossom have certainly found some beautiful things at that shop. I love the pattern on the china.
Very beautiful post and a lot of pretty things, I love the sewing machine cover, it's looks so dainty and pretty.
Gorgeous as always. Love love love my tote bag and I can't wait to see the one you make Blossom. Have a brilliantly lovely weekend!
Great goodies received, bought, and made Jenny! 8-)
Wow - that fabric Terry sent is so "Jenny"!!!!!!! I love it! Can't wait to see your wallhanging when it's done. I LOVE the buttons on your sewing machine cover, what a clever stitcher you are! Lovely, lovely purchases, Jenny.....I'm lifting my pinky in approval of the teacup!
Jenny, once again great buys from THAT shop....great you were able to get the sugar bowl..
Love the machine cover..
Julia ♥
Ohhhh! Ahhhh! Nice purchases! Your sewing machine cover looks great, too! Love the stacked buttons, just the perfect touch.
Love all your new stash, it is looks yummy! Love all the new stuff from THAT shop too, very pretty!
Jenny, if you grow tired of the little topless sugar bowl filled with lavender, you may want to do what I did with a similar find. I put a firmly stuffed with wool "ball/egg" shaped piece of a favorite fabric into the opening and made it into a much loved (and much used) pincushion! It would look lovely with your new machine cover. All the treasures are beautiful.
Congrats on your lovely wins.
Your sewing machine cover is so pretty too. Love your china treasures.
I just love those dishes....especially the tea set. How delicate and dainty. I do have a delicate and dainty side. But with all these boys in the house, my delicate and dainty side would be broken in no time!
Jenny I love your sewing machine cover! It has such a romantic feel. I love checking out your blog. It is a happy place.
I finally made my cover. You can see it on my blog, here.
Thanks for the fun!
Sew long,
Everything just perfect, just beautiful. I'll have to post my machine cover. :-)
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