It's been rather quiet in our house the last couple of days. No-one is talking. I lost my voice, you see, and hubby won't let anyone talk to me because it encourages me to try and answer and that will not help my throat to we're all emailing back and forth. Yep, we're odd.
My daily diet at present is bowl after bowl of cold custard, tinned peaches, and jelly (jello). They are soothing on my throat, but mostly they remind me of my nana who raised me, and though she is supping with Jesus these days, it makes me feel loved and hugged to eat the foods of my childhood.
To keep myself occupied I have been playing around with a new design, and using an old design to make something new! Do you remember when I made THIS block? It's been sitting around waiting for a useful purpose ever since, and today was the day.
It's now a very happy door-stopper!
Looks as though it has pigtails doesn't it!? Actually, that's a little handle so we can pick it up and move it easily. Another home decor project completed this month! How are you going with yours?
And this is something very new...just a peek for now. I think you'll love what it's going to be!
Apart from sewing, eating custard, emailing my husband, and living with laryngitis and a head cold, the only other thing I could do without talking was to play around with my previous designs and see if I could inspire you with ways to display them.
In my Etsy Shop now, and on my ElefantzDesigns blog, you can buy some of my stitchery designs *with* a pattern for a wallhanging. I hope to find out whether you prefer to buy just the embroidery and applique designs alone, or would you like me to include a pattern for a project in the pattern packs?
You are my customers, and I would very much like to offer you the things you like best. So have a wee think about it and let me know what your preference is. :-)
Now I'm off to make a warm milk with some honey and brandy...I've been told by my buddy, Allie, that her grandfather swore by this as a cold remedy - though he used whiskey.
I'll keep you updated on this medical experiment as it unfolds...
Hugs and blessings,
My daily diet at present is bowl after bowl of cold custard, tinned peaches, and jelly (jello). They are soothing on my throat, but mostly they remind me of my nana who raised me, and though she is supping with Jesus these days, it makes me feel loved and hugged to eat the foods of my childhood.
To keep myself occupied I have been playing around with a new design, and using an old design to make something new! Do you remember when I made THIS block? It's been sitting around waiting for a useful purpose ever since, and today was the day.
It's now a very happy door-stopper!
And this is something very new...just a peek for now. I think you'll love what it's going to be!
In my Etsy Shop now, and on my ElefantzDesigns blog, you can buy some of my stitchery designs *with* a pattern for a wallhanging. I hope to find out whether you prefer to buy just the embroidery and applique designs alone, or would you like me to include a pattern for a project in the pattern packs?
You are my customers, and I would very much like to offer you the things you like best. So have a wee think about it and let me know what your preference is. :-)
Now I'm off to make a warm milk with some honey and brandy...I've been told by my buddy, Allie, that her grandfather swore by this as a cold remedy - though he used whiskey.
I'll keep you updated on this medical experiment as it unfolds...
Hugs and blessings,
Wishing you well. My lovely neighbor lady of many long years ago used to mix honey and lemon and hand it over the fence when my kids were sick. Soothing and tasty.
Hi Jenny,
I thought I was losing my voice last night, but thankfully, no.
The door stop is so cute and is gives me a great idea. I've got some orphan stitchery that could be used this way. How did you make the doorstop?
I hope you feel better soon!
Here in Italy, when you have problems with your voice and your throat, we use hot milk and honey.
Hope you get well soon!
A big hugs :))
P.S. The door-stopper is fantastic!
Jenny I hope you feel better soon! The door stopper is darling.
The door stopper is very cute...Please take care of yourself...
Warm lemon tea with honey...might help...
Hope you feel better soon,
Beautiful stuff as usual. Prayers for the restoration of your health!!
My remedy is a hot toddy - half a lemon, a teaspoon of honey topped up with a mug full of hot water + a slug of whisky. You could also add some nutmeg or a clove. The doorstop is very attractive - I've been meaning to make one for ages.
Get well soon, Jenny. So many ladies have been sick. Sorry you are one of them.
Your door stop is such a great idea. Way to come up with a way to use a block.
The door stop is adorable! I hope you're feeling better soon.
Hope you feel better soon Jenny. Seems to be lot of stuff going around just now. I have been fighting a cough for 3 weeks. Hot tea with honey is always soothing.
Hoping you feel better soon, Jenny.
The door stopper is cute.
The door stopper is so cute! what a great use for the block! Great idea!
So sorry about your voice! Thank goodness for emails! Love the doorstop and the sneak peek! :0)
Sorry to hear your not feeling up to par.Nothing worse than not being able to speak tho my hubby woud differ as he thinks I talk too much!Hope you're feeling better soon.
I love your door stop are you going to be making it into a pattenr to sell? :) Barb.
P.S: My word verication is *immut*you just need an e on the end and it woul spell out I'm mute....go figure that out!
so sorry about your throat. I think it is great that we can email and rest your throat.
I will be praying for a complete recovery for you soon.
Jenny, sorry to hear of your illness. I think I would just like you to concentrate on embroidery and applique designs, although the door stop is gorgeous. I like the sneak peek of what you are embroidering now.
I spent moxt of the day yesterday debugging my computer. I am off to my sewing room now. I am embroidering some pockets for a sewing bag. I have had this kit for quite a few years. A pattern by Kerry Swain of Cottage on the Hill in Nundle NSW. The fabrics are mainly deep purple, a range by Nancy Halverson, not current. I had started the embroidery but never finished it. Dud workmanship on my part, so have started it again. Look good this time, and I am feeling much better about it. If I get negative feelings about some craft item, I throw it in the back of the cupboard for a few years. I will put it up on my blog page when I am finished it. I have now completed by Christmas gift for our swap. I took a couple of photos of that too. Will blog it mid December after I have given it to my swap partner. We had to incorporate braid, button, bow, blanket stitch and beads. Hope you get well real soooooon.
Hi Jen, the doorstop is too cute and very clever!
Get well soon Gumnut Girl...
Cheryl xxx
Jenny Jenny's whiskey, honey and lemon, lol! Milk and brandy might work though.
Emailing each other should work just fine, don't you DARE try to talk until you're better! I don't think you're odd at all, I think you're clever!
I love your happy little door-stopper - it's so sweet! Oh you make such beautiful things, dear Jenny. Can't wait to see the new design! BTW, I do like your designs either alone OR in a project. I think if you do a project, more people might want to do them...and if you don't, folks might not know what to use them on. I hope that makes sense, I've taken a sleeping pill and may be at the rambling stage.
Lovely door stopper Jenny! 8-)
Oh my! Your turn? Do take care friend. Get lots of rest, the housework and stitching can wait...
OK Jenny--designers don;t have time to be Under the Weather--so get with the program!!!! Love the door stop- and that sneak peak is certainly a beauty--take care and rest--we all want you well!!!
Hugs, Di
Your doorstop looks great.
I do hope you feel better soon. If your up for trying out remedies, here's a yummy one!
A good shot of dark rum, topped up with a hot blackcurrant drink. Ribena or another cordial is fine, but it must be hot.
Not good news Jenny....that dreaded least we can all still 'talk' to you and help make you feel a little better!!
When I have a cold or virus..I hit the vicks vaporub and slather it on my feet after a nice warm bath and then put cotton socks on before I go to bed....seems to do the trick...odd but true! They say everything in your body is connected through your feet??!!
Funny though, my verification word is 'chuggla' so maybe a slosh of brandy might do the trick too....maybe a message in it??? hehehe
Get well soon my friend
'o) sugary hugs Wendy B
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