Challenging myself to makeover our new lodgings this month has been wonderful. We've officially been here 14 weeks tomorrow, but I was pretty slow to make this fairly run-down, generic, school-supplied accommodation *ours*. So much was happening in our life that I kept pushing it to the back of my mind, having that 'one day' conversation with myself.
Fortunately, I began reading a beautiful book that encouraged my mind to imagine the home of my dreams...not the house of my dreams, the *home*. There's a huge difference, and it's becoming evident with each day of October passing that this house is transforming, finally, into a place of welcome, rest, and nourishment of the soul. I still have a ways to go, but the journey has begun and it brings me such joy to traverse it. :-)
After I stitched the 'Life Is Special' door hanger there was quite a bit of Osnaburg leftover so I stitched Vikki's 'House In The Country' design on a piece, and today it too has become a sweet lavender filled hanger!
I added some cute prairie points to the bottom - very country! :-)
We do live in the country, so the sentiment is quite appropriate.
Tomorrow I hope to be making some more door stoppers. A few people have asked for a tutorial on a number of projects I've made recently, so over the next month I hope to do them - but first up I'll do the door stopper because I need them! :-)
I also sketched more designs today, which means I'm going to have another BOM to share with you in 2010! Hope you're excited about that - I am!
It's Saturday night so I think I'll run along now and enjoy it with my darling man. He's caught my head cold and nasty throat and I'm keeping him supplied with honey & lemon teas, jelly and custard, and cold drinks - but he doesn't want to try the brandy/milk/honey remedy (I don't blame him!).
Happy stitching days!
Fortunately, I began reading a beautiful book that encouraged my mind to imagine the home of my dreams...not the house of my dreams, the *home*. There's a huge difference, and it's becoming evident with each day of October passing that this house is transforming, finally, into a place of welcome, rest, and nourishment of the soul. I still have a ways to go, but the journey has begun and it brings me such joy to traverse it. :-)
After I stitched the 'Life Is Special' door hanger there was quite a bit of Osnaburg leftover so I stitched Vikki's 'House In The Country' design on a piece, and today it too has become a sweet lavender filled hanger!
Tomorrow I hope to be making some more door stoppers. A few people have asked for a tutorial on a number of projects I've made recently, so over the next month I hope to do them - but first up I'll do the door stopper because I need them! :-)
I also sketched more designs today, which means I'm going to have another BOM to share with you in 2010! Hope you're excited about that - I am!
It's Saturday night so I think I'll run along now and enjoy it with my darling man. He's caught my head cold and nasty throat and I'm keeping him supplied with honey & lemon teas, jelly and custard, and cold drinks - but he doesn't want to try the brandy/milk/honey remedy (I don't blame him!).
Happy stitching days!
Jenny, sorry your DH has now caught the dreaded glug!! I can't wait to see what's in store for your BOM for 2010. 2010 will be here in a hurry no doubt.
You're getting on much faster than I am with your home-making, and we've been here for six months now - you put me to shame. I've loved all of your designs, so look forward enormously to your BOM next year. Tough luck for your DH catching your bug - try the hot toddy recipe I suggested - lemon, honey, hot water and whisky - it will help him sleep if nothing more.
Jenny they are lovely. Is the house actually fabric applique?
Be well Elefantz family! Love the transformation of making your house a warm and cozy home.
Wishing you continued enthusiasm! IT seems to motivate me to more!!! Wishing your hubby well!!! Cathy
Very cute doorhanger Jenny. Can't wait to see your new ideas.
HI JEnny, me encanto esa percha con lavandas!!!!!!!!!! te mando desde Argentina un beso enorme
Hi Jenny....hope your family recovers quickly...colds and sore throats seem much worse in summer! I'm looking forward to the BOM...but please don't hurry 2010 along yet! Yeah...I'm now a blogger!! Officially at last!! Now all I need is a good fairy to clean my messy house so that I may sew more! Rainbow smiles...Gloria
Jenny, I know exactly what you mean about making a house a home. There IS a big difference.
I'm sorry your hubby caught the cold; they can make you feel miserable.
ewww- can't wait to see the new BOM!!
The prairie points are so dang cute! Making a house a home can be a daunting processes!
How wonderful to be creating your Home! and quickly, too! I am very much looking forward to your new BOM.
You bet I´m excited about your 2010 BOM! I´m sure I will like it as much as the Shabby Roses! And if you can´t make a house into a home, nobody can!
I like anything with a house on it. Your purse is cute, cute!
If anyone can make a house a home, Jenny, you can. I'm so impressed with all your projects and talent for creating a welcoming and cozy space.
You did a darling job with Vikki's stitchery, and I can't wait to see your new BOM. Hopefully I'll be done with Shabby Roses by then, lol! You come up with new designs quicker than I can stitch, and I love them all.
I'm saying a prayer for dh and the rest of the family - I know you'll take good care of him!
Sorry to hear your DH has now caught your lurgy.Hope he feels better soon!
WHAT!! Anothe BOM for 2010....Wooo Hooo roll on 2010 I say.
can't wait to see your new designs.I've been a bit like you in not decorating my home the winter blues hit and that was the end of that but with spring here and warmer days I'm getting all revved up to start on some things for the home.Thanks for all the inspiration I get everytime I visit your blog :) Barb.
Hi Jenny, hope you are all feeling a lot better. hugs Jane xxx
I think our 'homifying' touches are lovely. Definitely look forward to your new bom next year.
Hope you all shake that bug.
CAN'T wait to see what you have planned for 2010 BOM. I loved this years.. You are very generous.. Thank you xx
Gosh Jenny , where have those 14 weeks gone, its doesn't seem anything like that length of time. How wonderful that you are feeling settled in your *home*- a house is but bricks and mortar, a home is love and laughter forever after.
Another BOM! Wow! I look forward to that Jenny!
Lovely little doorknob hangy thingy! Darling little button!!! 8-)
Another sicky in the house!?! Take care!
God bless!
Hello my darling, gorgeous, talented, kind-hearted friend! :-)
Your *home* is positively blooming sweetheart, it must be with all the treasures you are creating to adorn it! :-) I feel so very honoured that you have chosen my little design for a decoration for your sanctuary, it's very humbling sweetie! And it is beautiful - I love the shape of the door hanger and that osnaburg is scrummy. Must get me some of that!
You are an inspiration Jenny-love! {{{{Thank you}}}}} Hugs! Vikki xoxo
What an adorable porject that is and I love lavelnder. The house is just so special as it does represent the home.
It takes time to make a place a home your work is great
Hugs Janice
Hi there! I *found* you again...not that I'm a stalker or anything lol.
Hope you don't mind me commenting on your craft blog, but I have lost all other details for you but followed you from Fee's blog.
You always have been and continue to be an inspiration to me! How amazing are you? Super duper amazing! Of course you know I don't have a crafty bone in my body but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate craft, home-made-with-love finishings.
Sorry to hear that DH isn't well but I know you'll fix him up good and proper.
I don't suppose you're on FaceBook???
Anyway, just wanted to drop in and say *hello*. :)
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