It's here - the mail!!
After 17 days with no mail deliveries, we hot the jackpot today with a call from the school office asking us to come and remove our 'mountain' of parcels from their entry area!
Blossom and I drove up all excited, filled the car and came home to play...
The biggest packages were Mr Elefantz' bike parts (remember he is rebuilding a motorbike), but the rest were for Blossom and I to open.
My dearest childhood friend, Vicki, knows me so well and sent a box of my absolute FAVOURITE chocolates...

...and look what I bought myself for Christmas?
Aster Manor!
Plus more of the leather handles I used in the bag I made last month - but this time in pink. I think they will find a home with some of my Aster Manor. :-)
I received other fabrics too (all paid for with cash, I won't buy fabric on a credit card), and I am now stocked up for my 2010 projects and designs, which means anything earned this year can go toward our savings and reducing debt.
I'm still waiting for my Secret Santa package to arrive (Chookyblue's SSCS). I hope it comes soon. I hate to think of people stitching lovely gifts in swaps and hearing that they don't arrive. If you are my Secret Santa lets pray a prayer together that your special gift arrives very, very soon.
This weekend the design bug bit me hard and I sketched my fingers to the bone...but that's good because I like to sit in the cool of the airconditioner, fabric and thread in hand, and a good old movie to play on in the background.
What do you do when you're stitching? Movies, music, audio books, or do you like to sit in silence with your own thoughts?
I'd better get back to that stitching - I hear Miss Marple about to start!
Glad to see you got mail finally!!
I am praying as i type this that your Secret Santa parcel reaches you soon...
Thanks also for the chicken recipe:)
Woo Hoo!!! You must feel like a kid! Though I'm sure you would have preferred it all BEFORE Christmas ;)
Yeah, welcome to the outside world! So many goodies, I bet your mind is just buzzing with stitching and designing plans - good on ya.
Better late than never, so let's hope your SS goodies turn up soon. My favourite way to stitch is to sit beside our kitchen stove listening to an audio book, or to a play on the radio. I also stitch in front of the television in the evenings, to be companionable with my DH. It's surprising how much you can pick up without watching very much.
Wow - all that lovely mail, hope it was all good. I love the goodies you have brought. Hope your SS arrives safe and sound soon. Hugs xxx
Oh my goodness - Look at them all - Looks like you had heaps of fun opening them. The new stitchery looks delicious XX
I bet you were just itching to get up there to collect your mountain of mail. You're going to have lots of fun with your new fabric and handles. I can't wait to see what you create. The sneak peak looks very interesting.
I'm sure the special man in you life was just as excited with his boxes, and they should keep him amused for quite a while. I'm just hoping your SSCS parcel arrives very soon.
Wahoo, look at all of those parcels, how exciting , just like a whole new christmas. I hope your SSCS arrives soon Jenny.
hugs Deb
Wahoo, look at all of those parcels, how exciting , just like a whole new christmas. I hope your SSCS arrives soon Jenny.
hugs Deb
What a wonderful heap of parcels to receive it must have been like Christmas all over again.
Wow... thats a huge amont of parcels Jenny....certainly Christmas... he he.
Hugs Dawn x x x
OOO so many lovely parcels to open up!!! You must have had so much fun. Your sneak peek of the design looks great. When I hand piece and stitch I like to watch DVDs or old movies on TV. If the V8 Supercars are on I watch that too. When I use the sewing machine ( which is extremely rare) I crank my music up loud- Deep Purple, Led Zepplin, ACDC, Greenday, Muse etc. Something about that music gets me pumping heheheheehe.
Now, that was certainly worth the wait! And there's more to come. I listen to audio books when I stitch, and occasionally watch (listen to) a movie.
It must feel like Christmas all over again.
Good morning Jenny, What a jackpot.. I know you were so excited..How do you like those handles and do they apply easily?? I have seen them but usually make my own.. My blog is going well and have 4 followers.
Returning after time for motives of work and always I will speak that every thing that you present is a sweetness, thanks and kisses
That's a LOT of mail!!!!! What fun! Love all your goodies, Jenny. I'm adding a prayer too that your parcel arrives soon. Remember my quilt for Italy? It sat in customs for over a month. :( But if finally got there!
Oh your design looks amazing. So beautiful! I listen to my bible study while I stitch, it's all mp3 files. I can't watch tv - I don't get much stitching done as I keep looking up, lol. I adore Miss Marple!
Oh no, I hate to hear that your secret santa package hasn´t arrived jet, I was so curious to see what you got. I hope it will arrive soon!
Hi Jenny,
Oh it must feel like Christmas again at your house with all that mail.
Hm, I'm hope hubby's bike bits were all in tact.
My son received a new grill for his car by mail recently and a piece was broken off. Grrh!
I'm sure your Secret Santa parcel won't be far away.
Wow...Jen...what fun opening that lot...your gifts are lovely....sounds like a perfect way to spend some what are you working on??????...I received my Advent Swap yesterday so I am sure your SS is in todays mail...
oooooo Jenny, that dinner sounds so yummy..will definitely have to try that one! So much fun to have Christmas all over again!!!!
Cant wait to see what you make with the Aster Manor!!
sugary hugs :O)
Oh boy, you got some goodies didn't ya!! Love the fabric choice and the pink handles. I like to stitch while watching NCIS.
Lots of lovely gifts, oh I do love the Astor manor fabrics.
Dear Jenny
Happy new Year to you.
So many goodies you got. I envy you the big yellow envelope from Hancock's and also envelopes from other fabricsuppliers. Many many yards you have got and beatiful fabrics.
I don't think I could have lasted that long waiting for the mail. I would have requested a key. LOL
Have fun with all your new goodies. If and when I get the chance it is usually keeping DH company while he watches TV.
Woohoo to the parcels! Wow! Like Christmas all over again! Wonderful goodies! Lovely stack of fabrics! 8-)
My package?
so much fun to get all your packages at once! just wanted to wish you a happy new year! here's to great things in 2010!
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