Thursday, June 24, 2010

If your husband likes motorbikes...

...and has a quirky sense of humour, you can send him over to visit my hubby's blog. He's only just started it. I wondered if he'd ever join the blogging world, thought probably not, and then he did. ;-)
You'll find him HERE.


Allie said...

Tell him GOOD JOB!

Dolores said...

And does he have his own computer or do you share? My hubby is not into motorbikes nor the computer.

Unknown said...

Great for him!!! My husband is only into collecting and looking at coins - he just joined a group for that!!!

Anna Rosa Designs said...

Hi Jenny,
Well done to your hubby.
I'll point my guys over there!

Anonymous said...

Hubby has a pretty awesome blog . . . I sent links to a few friends who might be interested.


Annie said...

Good on him for joining in the fun

Janice said...

Mick will certainly be checking out Mark's blog. I think I might nearly have him talked into starting one as well. I hope Mark has as much fun with his as we do. We are looking forward to posts on the restoration of his bike.

loulee said...

I sent him here.....
if he takes my hint, let me know, we'll get together.