Tuesday, August 14, 2012

While I am waiting for our girl to come home...

After stalking Heathrow airport's flight departure page for an hour before breakfast, patiently awaiting confirmation that Blossom's flight had lifted off from dear old England and had turned southward for good old Aussie soil, I took a deep breath and officially began my day.

Twinings English Breakfast tea in honour of Blossom's holiday, leftover sundried tomato and spinach muffins with lashings of real butter, a good devotional, and my Bible - the perfect breakfast when one has an 18yo flying half way across the world alone and you need assurance and comfort!
Realising I had about 34 hours until she touched down here in Townsville, I opened all her windows and washed her quilts, then in a spark of inspiration decided I'd do a proper spring clean of my sewing room.
The thing is, once you get started on something like that you can't turn back!
It's been on my mind to sell off the fabrics that aren't 'me' (back to THIS post), and also to donate all the extras I never or rarely use. More and more I am finding my sewing room a place of suffocation because it's simply got way too much in it, and not enough free air for me to move about and create.
So...in I waded, boots and all!
By lunchtime I had almost filled the outside bin, and had two large garbage bags of donatables - plus a table piled high with fabrics to sell.
 Box upon box was emptied and shelves were cleared. 
Bit by bit it's coming together, but another day I think before I can sit and admire my energy and fortitude in culling so much.
I'll photograph all the fabric, patterns and 'stuff' for sale tomorrow, and list everything on a separate blog page for those in Australia (sorry, no overseas buyers) who might like to grab a bargain and relieve me of my excess. 
 I took time out to whip up a healthy stir fry for Mr E's dinner...
...but now it's time for a cuppa and back to the sewing room.
What did you do today? 


Unknown said...

Will pray for a save trip for Blossom. Enjoy the return together. A question: What a you read as devotion's book. Thank's for answer.
Sandra a reader from France

Jo in TAS said...

Looks like you're cleansing! Blossom will be home before you know it, seems like only yesterday you said good-bye!

memmens said...

Oh I desperately need to do this - sort out my fabric stash, you have very nearly inspired me to start right now, except I have 3 small children at home and I know it would get started and not finished and then we will need the table for dinner! Wishing you a joyful reunion with your daughter.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Hi Sandra,
The devotional is "A Beautiful Day" by Gwen Faulkenberry

Vickie said...

oh wow time has zoooooomed so quickly..the flight is such a long one then I guess ther eis the jet lag...will be so great to have her hoime again..oh dear I guess I'll be naughty at work and be checking my email often to see if u have posted your sale items, sweet dreams Cheers Vickie

Anonymous said...

Have been praying daily for Blossom's safety!!!

Hope your mind has been at rest whilst she has been away!!


Abby and Stephanie said...

You started the post with food and ended it with food. My kind of post! I'm sure Blossom had quite the memorable journey. I understand the suffocation of the sewing space. I'm there right now.

Abby and Stephanie said...

You started the post with food and ended it with food. My kind of post! I'm sure Blossom had quite the memorable journey. I understand the suffocation of the sewing space. I'm there right now.

Winifred said...

Hope she has a safe journey home and has enjoyed her stay here and the weather has been kind.

I have withdrawal symptoms for the Olympics & I normally hate sport. So I've been listening to the fabulous Elbow music One Day Like This from the Olympics. So uplifting, seems to go with you Beautiful Day devotional.

Anonymous said...

My favorite verse to pray for a safe flight is: Ps 57:10. For great is your love, reaching to the heavens: your faithfulness reaches to the skies. He will protect her even in the skies. Blessings

Carrie P. said...

safe journey for Blossom. My, you were busy. I am sure you will have some great buys.

Unknown said...

Thank you Jenny.

Chris said...

Would you like a nice Florida vacation? Only a half hour from Disney World? All you have to do is come clean out my sewingroom.

Stitched With Prayer said...

Hi Jenny, Wanted to let you know that Blossom is in my prayers for a safe flight home and prayers for a peaceful heart for you also. Oh my, I'm also having a wonderful cup of Twinings English Breakfast Tea. We finally did our grocery shopping yesterday and replenished my supply of Tea, the English Breakfast being my very favorite. My gosh, you were truly overcome with ambition weren't you? Could you send just a smidgin of it my way? LOL... You have set aside so really beautiful fabrics to sell and though I would like to say I'm sorry your not opening your sale internationally, I'm actually happy that I won't have to resist the temptation *grin*. I can't wait to see your sewing room when it is all shiny, fresh and shouting out, "Jenny's Space". I truly need to do the same with my sewing room. It will be a bit easier because I only need to straighten shelves of fabric as I just discovered quilting four years ago, so my stash is still working on growing...but it's starting to look like a stash, LOL. Good Luck with your sale sweet friend and tell Blossom I'm hoping to see more sweet designs from her when possible in Elephantz Home!!! Big Hugs...

Anonymous said...

Praying for Blossom's safe arrival back to you. I need to clean my sewing room too, but I keep putting it off. I always end up making a bigger mess before it gets better.

Janice said...

Wow! You have been busy in your sewing room. I hope you will share the finished result.......then you can come and do mine. Blossom will love having her room all freshened up when she returns home. Not long now.

Country Whispers said...

Cleaning and reorganizing is a great way to keep your mind off the worry of Blossom's travel.

Michelle Ridgway said...

There is a desperate need for such happenings here too. Looks like you have been very stringent in your culling. I hope you enjoy being with your girl again and didn't have to much of an anxious day waiting.

Michelle Ridgway said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Fi said...

Inspiring Jen ... And I'm very happy I could take some of that excess off your hands!! I'm in a mood for decluttering here too. I feel overwhelmed with too much stuff and clutter. If you can do it ... so can I!! Big hugs, Fi x

Dawn said...

Wow, by the time you get this comment , Blossom will be safely with you, chatting about her wonderful adventure...can't wait to hear... I too did my sewing room yesterday and today, albeit with a huge break in between, all day been out with a neighbour, took her to hospital for a check up..anyhow just spent 3 hours straightening my room...almost done and I am pooped ready for bed...will finish tomorrow..enjoy your chats
Hugs Dawn x x x

Allie said...

Boy you weren't kidding, were you! Wow, girl. I so need to do this too! Maybe when I get my energy back. Hope Blossom is home by now! Love you!

trish said...

Your room looks fabulous Jenny! Doesn't it feel wonderful to go through stuff and either pass along or sell? You are in good company, my room gets a little deep for me too. :o) The stir fry looks just delicious and SO glad Blossom made it home safely!! My momma's heart felt your anxiety while reading. I would need to stay super busy too!! :o)
Seeing your bible reminds me how much I would like to cover mine in a pretty fabric. :o) What is the devotion you are reading?
love, Trish