Friday, December 20, 2013

We're in!

It's been one of the most physically demanding weeks I can ever remember, and my '50's' body sure feels every aching muscle today!
But, we're in the new house, and that has put a smile on all our faces.
The nicest thing is that we're about to make this house our home.

It's not all put together yet, but 95% of the unpacking is done and we're finding our bearings a little easier today.

I'll show you some pics from the living area and my sewing room...

We are up high and surrounded by greenery on all sides. No curtains here at all! It feels like we're living in the tree tops...

The house is smaller than our last one, so the local charity stores benefited greatly from what we could not use (or fit) in this home.

There is so much green around us, and the wind here is incredible - so much so that we've not had to use the air conditioner yet...

Once we get rid of the  packing boxes we can set up the deck for breakfasts...

Blossom is rather comfy in her own space downstairs.

Over the next week or so we shall rest and recover our muscles, enjoy a very quiet Christmas, and then potter around adding our personal touches to the outside as well as finishing inside.

Thank you so very much for your prayers and wishes. It didn't rain, and Blossom was able to supply us with three burly young men from work to come help lift and carry for us.
Mr E was so relieved. 

I'm cooking here for the first time tonight. 
Steak and salad. Easy.



Arlene White said...

Looks like a nice comfy home to be in. What suburb did you end up settling in, looks like Palleranda.


Unknown said...

Congratulations on your move in. It's great to have muscle power of young people. . . Everything looks awesome and cozy. May you be blessed in your new home. Hugzzzz and Merry Christmas ♡♡♡

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Thanks Pam. xx

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Very comfy, Arlene. No, not Pallaranda, but just as windy! ;-)

Deb said...

Looks lovely and light Jenny. Your couches are the most incredible colour, so inviting and cheerful. I hope you have many happy moments in your new home and you manage to find a little bit of extra peace and joy by living there. Have a super Christmas with your wee family and may 2014 brings you much peace, happiness and lots of love and may as many of your prayers as possible turn to fruition and know that if there are some that don't that's okay, life is a long journey. Love you xxx

Stacey @ bakercourt said...

Oh Jenny, your new home is beautiful! It's so wonderful when you're able to take your time and fill it with your special things to make it truly YOURS... and then you fill it with wonderful memories :) Wishing you well in your new home xx AND LOVE THAT GARDEN! xx

Cattinka said...

What a beautiful place to be. It looks very homey already, your move was very organized, and now you can get ready for christmas.

Baa. xxx said...

It looks beautiful - colourful, light, fresh and airy - so beautiful !! A home that will be full of peace, hope and love. Merry Christmas - only 4 days to go!

Shirley Ann said...

Your new home looks lovely Jenny! I'm sure that you will have years of happiness there. You are looking so settled already and your sewing room looks like a bit of stitching heaven :o)

Wishing you all a very blessed Christmas in your new home!

Anonymous said...

Jenny your house looks wonderful. Such colour inside and out & what a great sewing space. Have a well earned rest and a truly enjoyable Christmas. Sandra P

Maria McCabe said...

The home looks inviting and cozy already! God Bless you all and have a very Merry Christmas in your new home sweet home!

Terry said...

Congratulations on getting settled into your new home! It looks lovely! :0)

Shawkl said...

Wow, y'all have gotten a lot done in a very short amount of time...and it looks so relaxing. Enjoy your few days of rest! It is certainly well deserved. And BRAVO to Blossum on getting the help...way to go! Sending hugs across the big pond!

Preeta said...

Hi Jenny, you have already made your new place a home, and I am amazed how quickly you have done it up. May you have a blessed and merry Chrirstmas in your new home. Prayers and lots of good wishes for the new year ahead.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your new home - it's lovely and so much greenery to keep you cool! You've done a wonderful job making a house your home.
Blessings, Donna

Debbie said...

Congratulations to all the Es in there new home! I hope you stay in this one a long time. It's absolutely beautiful! And, the outdoor space, WOW!!!

Vicki said...

It looks lovely. How did you get everything in place so quickly? It usually takes me a couple of years or more to get to the last box and by then it's time to start packing again. I hope you are very comfortable in your new home. Vicki

Larissa said...

It looks really lovely Jen!! You've done an amazing job getting almost all unpacked in such a short amount of time!! Well done!!! Hoping this home, and coming year, bring you much more luck and happiness!! Enjoy your Christmas week!! Hugs xx

Deb said...

Your new home is lovely. I can tell you are a veteran at moving. I would have boxes everywhere for months! Have a blessed and relaxing Christmas and enjoy your beautiful new home.

Anonymous said...

So pleased you in and getting settled. It looks lovely.

Wanda said...

Your new home looks just lovely. The floors are beautiful and the deck will be an awesome dining spot. I'm sure you're going to make great memories here. And that sewing room?! I'd love one. I'd have to give up a child first and since they are mostly college age they'll be going soon anyway! Enjoy and congrats on the move.

Anonymous said...

Jenny, I sure could come and have a cup of tea! Your house is so inviting and beautiful! May God bless you and I pray this will be a place of relaxation and inspiration. Love you!

Meadowcreek said...

What a great new place! The outside space is beautiful, and I love the color of your couches. Hope you'll be able to stay here a long time.

Patricia said...

Your new place looks great. Love all the windows in you sewing room!

Patricia C

e said...

You home is beautiful, comfortable and very inviting. Happy to hear that everything went smoothly and no problems. May God bless your home and Merry Christmas to you and your family.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

What a wonderful home!

Victoria said...

You are amazing! You should write a book..."How to Move."

Victoria said...

You are amazing! You should write a book..."How to Move."

Victoria said...

You are amazing! You should write a book..."How to Move."

Victoria said...

You are amazing! You should write a book..."How to Move."

Tammy said...

Oh my it is beautiful. I love all that tropical looking paradise around your home. What a lovely and beautiful home and housespot. I know you will find much peace and happiness in your new home....Love all the light ....

Lin said...

Congratulations Jenny - I hope you will all be very happy there and I wish you all a very Happy Christmas. Blessings. Lin

Linda said...

Wow your house is soooooooooo cute. We have a small home too and other then wanting more room to store my crafts it suits us both. along with our two dogs. Love the greenery outside it looks like a beautifull area to live in. Linda

Judy1522 said...
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Judy1522 said...

Your new house looks wonderful and the wood floors are gorgeous. I hope that you are able to hang things on the walls in this house. Have a Merry Christmas filled with joy.

Susan said...

You've done so much so quickly - it looks all settled and very inviting. Can you hang things??
Merry Christmas to you, Mr E Blossom & all the family - how lucky for Blossom to have her own space.

Carrie P. said...

Congrats on your new place. It really does look wonderful. Have a Blessed Christmas!

Wendy said...

So glad the move is over for you. May you have a very Merry Christmas as we celebrate the reason for this wonderful season. Many hugz to you!

MissesStitches said...

Your new home looks lovely, Jenny! So nice and bright. Enjoy your first Christmas there.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful home. It certainly looks peaceful. I'm in love with your kitchen, it looks very inviting! Enjoy a well deserved rest :)

Sherry said...

I am so happy for you and thanks for sharing your new home. I hope that you relax and enjoy your Christmas in your lovely home.

Chris said...

Oh Jenny....a treehouse - how lovely!. Are you able to hang thing on the walls here? Take it easy, enjoy Christmas week and get your energy back. The house will wait for you.

Deborah said...

Your new home looks wonderful. You must be an expert to move and settle so quickly. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.

Fiona said...

your new place looks lovely...

Anonymous said...

Oh, Jenny, your home is beautiful! I love those big windows looking out, and all the greenery - not having to have window coverings is fabulous! The deck will be so perfect on warm evenings. This is just a delightful space. I'm so happy you found this one. I hope you can put things on the walls here! I love all the wood flooring, too, and that sewing space looks just right and SO organized! Know the other thing I love? All the bookcases filled with books! =)

Ellen said...

Your new home looks great! Just love all those greenery and big windows!

Happy Holidays!

Sue fromCyprus said...

Gosh Jenny your new place looks fantastic. Well done for unpacking so quickly! I now hope you are able to display some of your beautiful quilts on the wall ;). Have a gorgeous fun filled Christmas full of Peace, Love and Joy.
Hugs,Sue from Cyprus xxxx

Maria said...

A beautiful home for you all. Nice to be in for Christmas..

Ju said...

Olá Jenny,
Uma linda casa! Gostei de tudo que vi e sua sala de costura é maravilhosa. Desejo que Deus cubra esta nova morada com chuvas de bençãos e que todos sejam muito felizes!!!

Christina said...

Congrats on the new home! It looks great. I commend you for all the moving you do.

Robin in New Jersey said...

It's lovely, Jenny! I hope the natural light is perfect for stitching!