Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday Scripture ~ Lamentations 3:22

Who is He of whom such gracious words are spoken? He is the Good Shepherd...He has a tender heart, and any weakness at once melts His heart. The sighs, the ignorance, the feebleness of the little ones of His flock draw forth His compassion.
Charles H Spurgeon



Ju said...

Lindo e acalentador.

Chris said...

Happy Sunday to you over there as we still have Sat. going on. It's about 759 pm right now hubby is taking a 'cat nap' was out side all day long trimming trees & hauling everything over to the free land-fill. In the mean time I was making a great supper garden salad with an extra tomatoe cut up on top. fresh cooked bacon to gey mixed in the thr fried potatoes & then the lobster . This I took all of the outer shell off & rinsed it well, melted butter & added garlic-herbs, mixed that, then took the lobster and rolled it in the butter mixture, put on under the broiler skin side down for 3 min & then turn it over for another 3 min, very, very delicious, so yes we will have a grand weekend & so will you.Chris from Wisconsin, USA

Anonymous said...

And it's a good thing, isn't it? If I had to stand on my own, I would be in DEEP trouble!