Sunday, May 4, 2014

Sunday Scripture ~ Deuternomy 33:12

I'm not sharing an accompanying quote this week as I believe this Scripture says all we need to know, all we need to cherish and hold dear to our hearts no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in right now.

He loves you.
Rest between His strong and mighty shoulders. 
Let Him carry you through your trial.
He is faithful.
He is gentle.
He is True.
He is your strong and mighty tower.



Anthea said...

Jenny - I have found that sometimes in my life trials, it's hard to trust that this is true, but right down in my gut & heart, I know it is... just because I have faith in Him doesn't mean I should feel an entitlement to immunity to challenges along the way, but rather I should have more trust that He is carrying me through those times... have a lovely week♥

Rya, Rotterdam said...

Yes, I BELIEVE. Thank you, Lord for all the blessings in my life.

Thank you, Jenny, for your inspiration.
Rya Lucas, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Dolores said...

Thank you for this. I need to read this often.

Tammy said...

Thank you for another beutiful scripture