Friday, July 10, 2015

It's all happening...

The cleaning and preparing continue.
Only 3 sleeps till they arrive.
Meanwhile, Bob-the-dog sleeps in his cosy corner...
Have a wonderful Friday!


Allie-oops Designs said...

Three sleeps, oh my!!! Looking good, dear one! Don't forget to BREATHE!

Christina said...

How exciting for you. Wishing them safe travels and that you all have a wonderful time together.

Maria said...

Oh wonder how much sleep you are getting... Just sew exciting for you..

Melody said...

No wonder you are excited. Hope you all have a wonderful time together. Lovely to see sweet little Bob.

Julie said...

Veeerrry exciting for you all Jenny - I feel excited for you too :-) What is that stuff coming in your windows ??? Is it sunshine by any chance?? But its winter !!!!

Createology said...

I can feel your excitement in your post dear. Sleep well for three more nights and then just enjoy every minute together.

Ondrea said...

You really are getting excited and I would be too. I long for grandies but there are no plans being made yet.

Käthe said...

Der Bob hat es gut !!!
Liebe Grüße

Wendyb said...

Happy days..... And exciting ones. I'm with Allie....BREATHE! Xxxxx

Chris said...

I am so excited for you. Enjoy your visit.

Sharon - creativity and family said...

I'm so pleased for you Jenny. I hope you are able to lovingly enjoy all the preparations for this so special visit. x

RoseMary Baty-Willcox said...

So happy they are coming.
Love your blue couches and sunlight.
And open room

Rya, Rotterdam said...

Good luck. Much pleasure and love. God's blessing.
Hug, Rya Lucas

Andra Gayle said...

You have a gorgeous home, Jenny. Could you come redecorate mine for me? I am getting really sick of all my clutter but don't even know where to start. I am currently working on rearranging my sewing room as well as my son's bedroom. Lots of work!

TerriSue said...

I know that after 13 years it is so hard to wait now. 3 days can seem an eternity when you have waited so long. You can only clean so much. When the cleaning is done, it's done. Take some time for yourself now. Read, sew, watch movies, delve into the Good Book, whatever you need to center yourself so that you will not be a bundle of nerves when you finally hold your daughter in your arms again and your sweet granddaughter for the first time. I will be praying.

Anonymous said...

And even closer now! I love how Bob the dog stays out of the way of all that cleaning!

Susie said...

It looks so lovely and inviting. Enjoy this special time.

Carla said...

Nope you're not one bit excited. Don't see it at all. Just kidding. Can tell you're definitely excited.
Looking good