Sunday, September 18, 2016

Things about home...

The days spent with a precious daughter and granddaughter who traveled far to see me this past week were beyond joyous.
Loving on them, caring for them in my own home, reaping love and hugs and endless conversations...blessed beyond words.
Seeing my own home through the eyes of a daughter is a wonderful thing because I too often miss what's before me, you know? 
Too often our homes becomes a shell we live in, though lovely in display we forget to truly look and be thankful for what we have. My girl felt embraced by simple beauty, grounded in safe surrounds, LOVED by the atmosphere of welcome and invitation. I shall treasure her words and not take my humble surrounds for granted any longer.

Reminded me of this stitchery from last year, designed because I love 'home' and all that can bring, all that can offer if we're open to receive.
 I popped the pattern back in my shop, just in case...

Samplers always direct my thoughts to the simpler times of home life, when what mattered was how you felt at home - not overawed by stuff or pomp and ceremony, but by arms stretched wide to receive a little child, wild flowers in the garden and a kettle on the boil for a friend come to visit.
Guess that's why I love them so much.

When Anita was here we talked and talked for hours, sharing the past, the present, and hopes for the future. She both inspired me and made me laugh so much my ribs still hurt, yet at the same time Anita welcomed and invited  my counsel in her own life.
Many times Blossom would join us and there we would be, a mother and two daughters, two little grandbabies close by, unraveling motherhood, wiving, and homemaking mysteries together. Over a cuppa we delved into almost every topic of life and shared our thoughts unhindered by criticism. 
We loved on each other, we loved with each other, we gave love, we received love.
And respect, so much respect. How proud I am of these young women, and how much I am learning from them.

Over a cuppa we women relax, open up, comfort, encourage, and occasionally solve the problems of the world...well, perhaps not solve, but we certainly have a plan. We laugh, we cry, we forgive, we mend.

Reconnecting with family and friends and making time to sit without distractions and ENJOY each other over a cup of tea, that's a suggestion I made to the sweet members of our Gentle Domesticity Facebook group this weekend. 
Simple things can be life-giving when the busyness of a daily grind has swept your breath away or when loneliness surrounds you. Perhaps you're in need of some down time with a cuppa and a friend too?
A warm brew, a slice of cake, a smile, an ear to listen, a laugh over silly things...sound good?
This week ahead I shall be preparing my heart and home for another daughter to arrive from far away, and much of what Anita shared about 'home' will be forefront in my thoughts.

How is your heart with regards to home?
Are you in need of afternoon tea with a friend or two?
Will you bless yourself and stop the clock for a few hours to simply enjoy time together?

Here's a free teapot pattern you can stitch, something simple and sweet that could become a tray mat or tea cosy...whatever puts a smile on your dear face.

 My friends, enjoy this day, give thanks, breathe deep, embrace goodness.
You're worth it.

Both patterns are here in my shop.

 Have a blessed and beauty-filled week,


Petal49 said...

What a lovely post Jenny and I'm so happy for you to have had such a wonderful time with your daughters and grandbabies.

Little Penpen said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed your babies with their babies.... sounds wonderful! The stitcheries are precious.

Águeda said...

A cup of tea with friends or family, is the best therapy you can find. You can only compare to sew with friends. :)
Thank you for your beautiful designs.
Have a blessed day. Huigs.

Marion Buecher Pottker said...

Gosto muito do que escreves. Sempre palavras suaves e que me fazem pensar em minha vida. Palavras que falam ao meu coração. Bom fim de semana.

Christine M said...

What a lovely post, Jenny. Sounds like you had a wonder time with your precious girls. xxx

Createology said...

Jenny Dear you have such a wonderful warm way of expressing all that is true and good with home, family, love, respect and so much more. Thank you for each post you share. And thank you for another precious Stitchery. Blessings forever...

Little Quiltsong said...

So glad you had a wonderful time - and made special memories to hold dear! Thank you for your lovely designs! I need to make that teapot - brings back great memories of my mom's two, to me, special ones! My mom's kitchen was never cold or lifeless. In a moment's notice she had the table set for whoever was there - visitors included. Those two teapots served a lot of tea - plain (so I could add my milk - loved it that way best) or with lemon already added or juice from her raspberries, blueberries or grapes. Happy times!!

the girlfriend gap said...

They are blessed to call you mom.


Annette said...

Dear Jenny, another beautiful post from your heart, so happy you enjoyed your families visit, I have tears reading this. . Wish I had a friend to share a cuppa with right sucks at times! Take care xx

Véronique Rose said...

coucou Jenny,
ta petite maison est ravissante
merci pour le joli cadeau de la théière, j'ai une petit idée !!
très bon dimanche

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny i love this post and i am filled with joy for you as i know how much this means to you xx

Brenda said...

Good Morning Jenny! It was endearing to read your post this morning and know that all went splendidly with healing the bonds of you and your daughter. It truly made my heart sing and say a prayer of thanks. Have a fantastic creative day surrounded in memories and the beauty of your precious and beautiful home!

Tuppence said...

Jenny, que bonita entrada, me alegro que hayais disfrutado de estos dias en familia, muchas gracias por el nuevo regalo, como siempre , precioso¡
Un beso .Nora

MY MUSINGS said...


Le crocette di Mariuccia said...

All very beautiful! Mariuccia

MissesStitches said...

What a wonderful loving relationship you have! Bless you for being the kind of mum who can foster that kind of relationship.

Jude said...

Hi Jenny, beautiful post, peace joy love and happiness in your beautiful home, and now preparing to do it all over again, daughters and their babies so special, this month proving very memorable for you and your family, wishing you many more special family times.Thank you for sharing and for the lovely gift and stitchery. Judithann :-)x

Summer said...

I love that teapot pattern! Happy Monday to you and your family ♥

Wendyb said...

So happy to hear your girls are coming home to mumma! Can imagine you all around the table laughing and drinking tea......a perfectly blessed week...may there be many MANY more my friend. xox sugary hugs :o)

Mimi said...

Daughters and grandchildren sounds like bliss to me too Jenny. Thankyou for the teapot pattern. How do I find it though? Mimi xxx

Mimi said...

Oh I am a goose! I see now. Thankyou Jenny. Mimi xxx

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy to read these words, Jenny. Words of love and renewal. Thank you for your generous spirit, as always. I so appreciate you.

Gillian said...

Having been born in England I grew up with "a cup of tea solves everything". And I can't disagree with that! It is such a blessing to have your family there to enjoy that time together!

For me, tea, a good book, an Elefantz embroidery project ;-), or whatever fiber craft I am working on all bring me peace. I feel fortunate to be able to find an outlet to bring calm into my life.