Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Final block - "The Love of Home" BOM...

Here we are at the end of another year's Block of the Month. 
I hope you've enjoyed the one-off patterns each month between February and now, and that you've been able to make some lovely projects with them.

Some were new designs and others were older ones of mine which I felt were so in line with the theme for this year that they needed to be shared again.

The November pattern, our final one for the year, is a new one.

I've called it "My Simple Home"...

I wanted this stitchery to exude a lovely aged appearance so choosing the background fabric took a little time. 
One day an idea came to mind for featuring it as a simple project for my dining room table so I cut a long narrow length of vintage flour sack from a larger piece I'd purchased a while ago through an antique dealer, and brought my plan to life.

I actually stitched the design twice, one at each end of this sweet and simple table runner.

There's no quilting on this runner, just the embroidered flour sack top, wadding, backing and binding. 
Simple. Gentle. Lovely.

I think too often we forget that not everything we make needs to have an added degree of time or difficulty. Sometimes, and for me this is becoming most of the time, simple is best.

The embroideries took two days to stitch but the table runner was just an hour in the making so most of the time for this project went in to the embroidery because that's what I do and is the handcraft which brings me the most delight.
But what a burst of pleasure in my heart when this new decoration for our dining table was complete!
I think it's lovely and hope to display it for many years.

If you'd like to stitch block 10 of "The Love of Home" the pattern is free until December 31st and can be downloaded from HERE in my shop.

Please be aware that all the BOM patterns for this year are free downloads until December 31st.

The kitchen came to life again over the weekend with some lovely bakes.

I like to use up all our perishables on Sunday and Monday before the next week's groceries arrive on Tuesday, and I also check the freezer to see what I can put into a meal from there as well. 

This time we had 1 1/2 sheets of puff pastry, olives, asparagus and feta cheese to finish so I spread a base of sundried tomato pesto over one sheet of pastry and cut four lengths from the half sheet to create a side. 
Then it was a quick scattering of the remaining ingredients along with roasted peppers, spring onions and basil leaves before popping in the oven for 35 minutes. 

The sides puffed up just as I'd hoped!

Served with avocado and rocket it was delicious.

For Mr E's morning tea at work and mine at home, a large batch of biscuits (cookies) needed to be baked.
I chose the chewy muesli recipe from my tried and true copy of the Women's Weekly Classic Cookies recipe book.
Once again, delicious.

The next bake (Apple & Berry Slice) is one I've been wanting to try since discovering it in a cookbook on Saturday but as I needed a few things from today's grocery delivery in order to make it I had to be patient and wait until this afternoon to bring out my mixing bowl. 

No idea yet what it will taste like as it's for dessert tonight, but I'll drizzle a little cream over it before serving, and in my book a drizzle of pure cream makes almost anything delicious. 

Will let you know how it goes in the taste test with Mr E and if it's a winner I'll share the recipe.

Blossom and Cully will be here for the day tomorrow and I can't wait, which is why I'm sharing the stitchery pattern a day early.

May your day be blessed abundantly with every good and simple thing,



Baa. xxx said...

Beautiful Jenny. So lovely to read and see beautiful pictures. Blessings

Christine M said...

This little house is so sweet. You are making me hungry with that delicious tart. Enjoy your day with Blossom and Cully tomorrow, Jenny. xx

Little Penpen said...

Enjoy little Cully and Blossom today. She is such a cutie. Your family is very blessed that you love to bake!!!

Anonymous said...

I like the little pictures you share at the beginning or end of most posts, because Cully May is just a pleasure to see. She always bring a smile to my face. Thank you so much for this final wonderful pattern. I'm going to enjoy time with the needle next year, as that's my selected goal for hand work next year. That and the soldier quilts and school. =) I have two Christmas BOMs to finish by February, and then something even better in these designs, and others you've shared. Thank you for all your generosity. Your cooking looks scrumptious, and I am definitely interested in that slice!

Kathleen said...

Thank you for the last BOM.
Kisses for Cully . . . seeing her face brightens mine :)

Jackie said...

Thank you for the lovely pattern! The dessert looks delish!

gracie said...

Every thing you do is an inspiration. Beautiful designs. Enjoy your visit tomorrow.

Createology said...

Jenny your generous HeArt is as big as the sky and I adore this BOM Home design. Thank you sew very much. Delicious baked goods from your kitchen. Cully May is uber cute and her smile is Priceless! Enjoy family time...xo

Michelle said...

Such a nice,old fashion design. And the message of keeping some things simple is something I want to embrace more. To fulfill our God-given roles as homemakers/helpmeets, we may need to keep hobbies/decorating/crafting simple. But it also reminds me not to stop doing these things,like stitching or making something for the home, because that can bring joy and contentment to all that enter our home. Thank you for the BOM's this year.

Linda in Arkansas said...

Aww - that's the cutest little "home" design. And such an adorable little girl!