I'll begin with the good stuff, yeh?
When I was considering what sort of pincushion to make for Q and U it seemed fairly obvious.
Those two letters go together like butter and toast so why not use them to create a rather lovely pincushion for those who like to quilt?
I had a very small piece of elegant cream floral fabric leftover from my Robyn Pandolph phase many years ago and married with cream cotton lace it was only a matter of choosing thread colours to sew a very special pinnie for you this week...
To be honest, I've stitched a number of words using my alphabet pattern in the past but I do really love this one the most (so far).
I chose two Cosmo Seasons variegated threads to keep the overall appearance soft and simple.
Sooo, guess what!?
This week I'm giving you the Q, U and T as your free download!
I and L have already been shared and are now part of the $2 sets you'll find here in my shop.
Here's the diagram for my new pinnie but you'll also find it in the pattern for reference later.
The link to download patterns for O and P can be found if you scroll through my blog for the previous two Fridays. They are also free until January 3rd.
The pattern sets for A-E, F-I and J-M are $2 each here in my shop.
Pincushion BREAK
I won't be sharing an alphabet letter or pincushion idea next week as you received a triple blessing this week, but the first Friday in January I'll have R and S ready for you.
Now the not so good news.
Craftsy have decided to close many of the online pattern shops they have hosted for a number of years.
Fortunately mine is not one of them, however, they will be taking control of my shop and making changes that I will have no say in.
From December 28th they will be removing many of my patterns, their choices and not my own, and I will no longer be able to upload any new patterns or freebies until much later in 2019 - Craftsty have not given any dates for this except to say 'later in 2019'.
This is happening to all remaining Craftsy shops after December 28th, but I feel rotten for those lovely craft designers who have just been told their shops will close at the end of the year.
So here's my advice.
If you have purchased a pattern from my shop or any other shop make sure it has been downloaded to your computer and saved.
If you have had your eye on a pattern go to the relevant shop and purchase it now for the shop or the pattern may not be there from December 29th.
If you're after some of my freebies or any of my other patterns, go HERE to my shop and grab them now as I do not know which ones will go or which ones will stay. I will find that out on December 29th when I check what Craftsy have left on my shop shelves.
What has made me angry is being given just ten days notice that this will occur and not being allowed to choose which of my patterns to keep there and which to remove. I do not even know how many patterns are allowed only that they will be removing a lot.
Two close designer friends have caught up with me this afternoon and sadly one of them has lost their shop and this has huge ramifications for her. Fee still has one other shop, a new one with just one pattern, but it's her main shop which she's had for years that Craftsy have chosen to remove. If you'd like to check her patterns before the shop vanishes hop over here.
My other friend is Allie and like me she has no idea what patterns Craftsy will remove so if you'd like to visit her shop it is here.
We're praying for wisdom in choosing a new path forward as we all work hard as self employed designers.
I had more lovely things to share today but this rattled the cage a lot and as there's only a very small window of time before these changes take place I needed to tell you now.
God bless you, and just as I am doing, may your own troubles or anxieties be handed over to the Lord for He knows exactly what to do and can bring calm to the storms which tend to blow through our lives when we least expect them.
Trust Him.
And breathe.
Thank you for these patterns and the information. Good luck with everything. Guida
I am sorry this has happened. Also very sad because we were told we as customers would have lifetime access to the classes we purchased.
I will continue to purchase from you personally. Kathleen Mary
Jenny that pincushion is jaw-droppingly lovely!!!! My fingers are itching to get started! Thank you! I'm not happy with Craftsy - I need to do a blog post too, and change a couple of pages on my blog, probably remove the ones that show all my patterns. Of course they WOULD do this at the busiest time of the year, sigh. It's too bad, they've been a lovely place for designers. I suppose not everything lasts forever, but still - ten days notice!!!!
I have down loaded all the letters so far but have not stitched any of them. I tend to be a pattern collector :) this one has certainly caught my eye! I love your colors and the simple beauty! Such a great idea! Thank you for sharing!
I am so disappointed with Craftsy! This seems like a move that has no thought for the designers who have drawn people to their site with their beautiful designs but is only thinking about themselves. Of course as a business they have a right to do whatever they desire but it is highly disappointing.
After losing my job a little over a year ago I have been praying about designing my own pieces (I have piles of patterns I have sketched over the years) and was looking at Craftsy as an option to market my patterns. I guess I will wait to see what happens in the new year.
I will be praying for you, Jenny, and the other designers that you are able to find a new online platform without much of a disruption to the financial side of your business. Remember, God is in control and He knew this was going to happen. While it may have blind-sided you He was not at all surprised. He has a plan and I have no doubt that He will reveal it to you with His still small voice.
Many blessings to you today. May His peace be upon your heart as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our glorious Savior!
Jenny Dear I am so very sorry Craftsy is doing this and at this time with such very short notice. Not to let YOU the designer select which designs remain on offer is just wrong! Pray and Breathe and know we love you and will support your wonderful elefantz business. Quilt Pinnie is Stunning in its simplicity and calm. You are amazing and I am Blessed sharing your friendship and talents. May 2019 bring clarity and prosperity Sweet Jenny. XO
Thank you so much for all the wonderful patterns and ideas you've shared over the years. This is not insincere flattery....I so respect and look up to you as a role model for a Christian wife and mother and for being a true HOMEmaker. I downloaded all of my patterns from you and Allie on Craftsy and still have some quilting patterns that I'll have to download from other designers. This change in Craftsy is quite troubling to me....I hope it's not a harbinger of more changes to come. But we know who is in control of all that affects us and we are not afraid. Blessings from WV, USA.
I love the QUILT pinnie! Thank you! I pray that you, Fee, Allie, and all the others affected by Craftsy's new policies find new venues to sell your patterns. New doors are opening. Better opportunities are on the way. All will work out for the good of everyone. Have a blessed day.
Cruel of Craftsy to do this in such a way and at this time of the year. But try to remember....when one door closes another will open.
Good luck and thank you for these wonderful patterns.
Hello Jenny, Your newest pincushion is fabulous! I am also sorry that Craftsy is doing this to you and all other designers affected. I have always enjoyed going to designers shops and seeing what everyone is creating. I will continue to follow you and other designers in whatever place they decide upon. Thank you so much for sharing and caring about all of us. Have a brilliant day!
Yes, I have heard this from others designers. I hope you find another option, because I have already emailed Craftsy and told them I will no longer support their shop after what they have done to independent designers.
This is sort of the nail in the coffin, as far as I'm concerned, with Craftsy and me. When they aren't serving my needs, I see no reason to use their service. Many places like Craftsy have come and gone. Someone else will pop up to serve the community, I expect. I'll pray for the Lord to guide you and Allie in your business endeavors.
The look of your QUILT pincushion is so simply elegant and beautiful. I can understand why it would be your favorite one thus far. It is mine, too. This is one time I'll want to reproduce something as exactly as I can! Thank you so much for the pattern.
Thank you for triple pleasure today. Sorry about the shop news. I hop it will all work out for you.
Thank you for letting me know about all the patterns I had saved on Craftsy but never downloaded. Nine pages have now been downloaded!! Will this affect the classes we have purchased as well, do you know? Praying with you, dear friend. When a door closes, a window opens...I know that you trust the Lord to point you in the direction of that opened window!!
Thank you for the warning and so sorry to hear that, I have bought lots of things from you and others on Craftsy so they are now all safe on this new computer. I hope that you find another outlet soon and I will pray for a good solution for you all.
Well, first things first! Beautiful 'Quilt' pincushion, I love this one so much. Thank you. What a shame about Craftsy and such an odd thing to do. But then there are far too many 'odd' things going on in the world these days. I am sorry for you - and more especially for those who have lost their shop, so sad. xx
Your Quilt pincushion is just SOooo beautiful Jenny. That is such a shame that Craftsy are doing that ... its going to change things for so many folk. I am disappointed in them & their attitude. I hope you all have a wonderful festive season my dear friend XXx
I knew when NBC Universal purchased Craftsy that we, the consumer, would probably not be happy with the result. First they moved to a subscription basis for classes and other content. I suspect that classes we purchased and were told we could access forever will also disappear at some point. They have been offering all kinds of incentives to get people to subscribe, but I wonder how many people will stick with it once the incentives are gone and the price rises. So sorry this has happened to you with such short notice and at this time of year. Thank you for alerting us to the situation. Please try not to let it ruin your holidays.
Thank you, dear Jenny, for the beautiful pinnie and letter patterns. You are so faithful to us, offering new designs and patterns to keep our need to stitch fulfilled. What Craftsy is about to do is very disturbing. Thanks for the warning!
Jenny, thanks for letting us know about this. I had no idea Craftsy would be doing this. My suggestion is that you place your patterns on your own site. Put a tab at the top called "Shop." You can use Paypal. There is code you can add to your website that should not cost anything. You may need to pay a web person a couple hundred dollars to set it up initially, but then you will be good to go.!
Thank you for the information about Craftsy. I cannot say that I am surprised once I knew that they had been sold to NBC Universal and when the subscription service started. Large corporations only seem to be about making as much money as they can. What I find hard to believe is that they have decided to remove your patterns without any input or discussion with you. I doubt that I will ever sign up for their subscription service but I have bought classes from them and it makes you wonder if they will continue with the Craftsy promise that they will always be there for you. Two in particular I purchased their fabric kit for and hope that they don't disappear as I haven't started the quilts yet. I guess we will see what the future holds. In the meantime I will at least download all patterns and class materials. So sorry this is happening to you and your friends. My belief is that they will receive a backlash from the crafting community that they are totally not expecting if they make too many drastic changes. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family!
How awful! Is there an Aussie company similar that you can sell from? It was rather disgusting that you don't even have a say in any of it. Obviously they want to streamline everything and make more $$$$ for themselves. I am so glad I bought 3 recently. Funny thing, I was cleaning up my sewing room today and found a magazine with 2 of your older designs in it. I kept that one and threw the other mags into the recycling bin. Brilliant idea with the Q, U and T designs. Another sweet pinnie to add to my collection. I have a plan to make a few next year. I am so sorry that you have had to deal with the Crafty debacle, especially this time of year and with plans ahead for 2019. Angel hugs.
Such terrible news Jenny, I sure hope an answer comes quickly providing a good solution for all of you xo
Thank you Jenny for letting us know about changes at Craftsy....
Thank you for the sweet pattern. So sorry to hear the changes coming! These crafters will be in my prayers. Have a blessed and beautiful Christmas.
Goodness me Jenny...how upsetting for you and your friends but perhaos another door will open in the New Year. My girl and her family have safely arrived in Townsville and are trying to get used to the humidity. At least with staying on The Strand they should get a sea breeze.
I am so sorry to hear this has happened to your Etsy account...it’s completely unfair of them, and at such short notice!
One silver lining to this cloud is they can’t take away your patterns, they are yours forever, and the lovely ones they take away from your Craftsy account, you can offer at another venue at a later date, should you so choose. =^_______^=
And your quilt embroidery pattern is lovely. Makes me happy just to look at it!
Thank you Jenny for these lovely letters once again, I look forward to stitching them up. I am making them into lavender sachets and hoping to have them in a big bowl to give as a gift to visitors to my new home, each taking the relevant initial of their name. But I want to thank you too for the spiritual help you have given me, I was lead to your site when I was planning my house move alongside you and your words of wisdom have strengthened and comforted me as well as the stitching patterns to keep me sane. I read this post at 4 in the morning after getting up and making a cuppa because I just couldn’t sleep. We moved in two days ago and I’m surrounded by boxes as well as my Mum being in hospital having had a mini stroke last week and of course it being Christmas in two days time so there are a few things on my mind! Your last sentence has helped me to focus on God and to know that he is in control and he is the one to turn to. I’m somsorry to hear of your troubles with Craftsy but be blessed that in the midst of your difficulties you were able to bless me, God is so good and may he pour his favour on you. Thank you so much Jenny, God bless you over this Christmas period.
Praying for you, Liz, and for your mum. Lean into God, let His grace be upon you and guide you moment by moment, day by day. He loves you. xxx
Love the new quilt pin cushion. Thank you for the new alphabets today. I am so very sorry to hear what Craftsy is doing to the designers with shops. This is so not good. Seems like most businesses today are all about money and want to control everything. You cant control others creative rights. That's craziness that they are doing this. Wow makes you not want to do business with a company that does this sort of thing to people .Not a good business move on their part. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
Bless you Jenny. I have had a lovely day revisiting all my saved designs from you and Allie on Craftsy. All is now in order in my department.
So many changes either created by yourself or others makes me wonder what a beautiful outcome as yet unseen is yet to unfold.
How wrong of Craftsy to do this. I hope all my patterns in my 'list' don't go away, too. This was a great way to get patterns for all of us.
It is transparently clear that Craftsy decision making is motivated by Craftsy greed and I find it disgusting. This became obvious to me when they started offering their own brand for sale: from inferior (I have read) fabrics, to thread, to the “Bluprint” classes, inaccessible unless a yearly fee is paid. Now the shop closing because it likely costs them money for server space. They stopped selling better quality fabrics and threads and now they’re imperiously and callously shutting stores without, for all intent and uproar, notice. I won’t be buying anything further from Craftsy. I don’t knowingly ever support greedy people or business practices.
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