I was two weeks old when this photo was taken in 1959.
And today I am celebrating my 61st birthday.
What a life it has been.
Setbacks and sorrows, trials, pain, bad decisions, hard decisions, loss and betrayal are scattered throughout the decades BUT...
Through it all I had Someone watching over me, Someone directing and re-directing (cause I went off course a lot), Someone who never gave up but Who LIFTED me up time and again - and still does today.
Because of all the sorrows and trials my FAITH in He Who loved me to Cross has grown deep roots, strong roots, yielding roots, healthy roots.
(uncle Brian, Mum and me - 1960)
I have always cherished the few photos of my mum, sad there's only two of her and I together but this was an era when photos were uncommon, and also because she was killed in a car accident in 1962 so there was no opportunity for more.
It was only last year that during an afternoon of looking over old photos I realised that the veil she wore in this photo below (she was bridesmaid at a wedding) must have been removed after the ceremony and placed on me. I bet she delighted in that bit of fun!
The reason I'm sharing some of this today is because of the many emails or comments over the years where my readers mention how they wish they lived my ideal life.
They may have not regularly read my blog through the more than a decade it's been published, or are new to it, because scattered throughout are many, many life trials shared...and always with the HOPE of Christ shining through. I don't dwell on them though! I look up and see my life as though from God's view and know that with every sorrow there's a joy, with a trial there's a triumph, with each road bump there's a better way discovered, with every loss a treasure follows.
In one of the deepest valley experiences of my adult life, and one which still carries residual consequences and grief, the Lord brought me a husband, a man who loved God and wanted to share Him with me. I was broken and lost but this sweet man, seven years my junior, asked me to go to church and as they say - the rest is history.
Five months later we stood at the altar...
(Mr E, Aunt Penny, me, Uncle Brian - December 1991 at our wedding)
Having Aunt Penny and Uncle Brian at the wedding was such a blessing as I'd not been raised to know my mother's siblings at all...but God opened that door just before our big day. Blessed.
The joy of my wedding day was a gift from On High because it bubbled over onto everyone and I was able to step aside from the heaviness of the ongoing trials to simply embrace my new husband, my Saviour, and whatever He had in store for us in the years to follow.
That same JOY fills my heart today, and every day.
In the valleys and on the mountaintops I worship my Creator and His Son, Jesus, with all my heart, mind and soul. No matter what, He never lets me go and in all circumstances His arms are open to receive me.
Today I am 61.
Old in some opinions, but young to my Father in heaven. Still His little girl no matter the number of earthly years I accrue.
Friends, if you love the Lord, let me encourage you to love Him more.
If you don't know the Lord, I pray you soon will.
"This is my story, this is my song, praising my Saviour all the day long."
I'd also like to update you with my health choice in regards to the heart issue.
I say choice because it's not what some of you would choose to do, but it's what my spirit knows is right for me.
I was booked in for an angiogram and 'whatever' the cardiologist deemed necessary in early March but have decided to cancel any further tests, investigations or procedures.
Some incredible health miracles have already happened this past week (thank you for your prayers!) and I feel amazing. Going completely vegan has done more for my health than I could believe possible in such a short time, but I also KNOW the Lord's hand is on me and He has given me the tools, the knowledge, to bring healing if I follow through.
I had been walking around under a dark cloud of doom and gloom and fear for many weeks, the negative words of men echoing in my ears, but when I made this decision it was as though I walked straight out of a cave and into bright and HOPE-filled sunshine. The transformation was immediate.
My energy returned in abundance and I sit here this morning brimming with good health, I can breathe easily (despite the heat and humidity), and I am not tired, nor have I had a migraine in such a long time.
This choice of mine is not for everyone because there's no one-size-fits-all for health. We are each unique and must approach our situations in that manner. You cannot live someone else's testimony or their life. We each must live our own. Whatever you are facing, place it before the Lord and follow His lead, whatever that may be....for it may be very different to the path He has me on.
Tonight Blossom is preparing a family dinner for the family and I will be surrounded by the people I love and who love me. If we remember to take photos I'll share a few next week, but if we don't, be assured we were too busy enjoying just being together.
May your own weekend be full and abundant with every good gift from the Father, and may your home overflow with goodness, laughter, love, forgiveness, kindness and HOPE.
may your birthday be a blessed one filled with God's blessings now and in the year to come!
Happy Birthday,Jenny! May your day be full of love and surprises. (It's still the 20th here in the US.) You are a blessing and a treasure to all of us. Such a wonderful answer to prayer that your health is improving. Prayers for your health will continue. Thank you for being an encouragement over the years even in the midst of your trials. Your testimony of God's grace is beautiful.
happy birthday jenny! your mother was very beautiful! old photos are beautiful! I wish you health and joy in life!
Wow your mum was so beautiful - such a tragic loss, dear heart. I'm so amazed at our parallels - born the same year, I lost my dad right around the time you lost your mum, I didn't know dad's family until I was 17, we married in the same year and it sounds like we were both saved the same year! Oh my. Jenny-girl, you were an adorable child and your beauty will never fade. May God richly bless you on your special day, and every day.
Love the wedding pics - Mark looks like a rock star!!
Thank you for sharing the photos & story of your wedding, so fun also to see you as a little girl. As someone much your same age, I do understand when you tell of the highs & lows, struggles & sorrows, as well as the joys of life. It does seem that we grow in strength & hopefully wisdom for each of these events & for simply surviving it all we have so much to be thankful for. I wish you a most joyful birthday & continued improvement in your health! - Diane from Minnesota
Happy birthday dear Jenny! Prayers for Gods continued blessings for you and Mr E.
Happy Birthday Jenny! So glad you are feeling better!
Happiest of Birthdays, Jenny! Celebrating with family is just the best. May you have a wonderful year ahead, filled with God's good gifts.
Happy Birthday Jenny. I hope your health continues to improve as you relax and enjoy the sun and warmth. I am glad your vegan diet seems to be helping you feel on top. So sorry to hear you were without your dear Mum from such a young age. It must have been so hard for you growing up but it is lovely to see what a caring and sweet lady you have become. Thank you for all you give us in your words and craft. With love Jacqueline xx
You are beautiful inside and out, dear Jenny (I see where Cully May gets her sparkle). Thank you for sharing your life with all of us, and being a light for Messiah that shines so brightly. May God bless you extra today - Happy Birthday!
Such a wonderful post, Jenny. Thank you for sharing with us. Blessings on your birthday!
Jenny, Happy Birthday. You are doing the right thing—making the best decision for you. A little story related to yours—a friend and colleague of mine was supposed to have open heart surgery on January 3 of this year. She was prepped for surgery, completed under laying the surgery table, when the doctor decided to take one more set of images before he opened her up. What he saw was that there was nothing wrong with her heart to warrant surgery. It was a true miracle. She is a woman of faith and she had many of us praying for her. All I can say is "power of prayer" and believing in him who gives us life. Hugs.
Happy birthday, Jenny. Your wedding photos are beautiful, you look so happy. It is true that we never know what is around the corner and that life changes when we don't expect it. I can see why you have estopped the tests, we jus have to go with what we feel is right for us. Enjoy your special day. x
All the way my Saviour leads me, what have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt his tender mercy, who through life has been my guide?
Heavenly peace, divines comfort, here by faith in him to dwell.
For I know, whate'er befall me,Jesus doeth all things well.
Happy Birthday - God bless you today and always x
Happy Birthday Jenny! Enjoy the weekend!
Thanks for sharing all those photo's and memories!
Happy birthday Jenny. I am so pleased for your return to good health. The Lord is faithful, and the great healer. His will for you is always best. I can sense your happiness and joy in Him who gave everything for you and me, and all who trust in Him. Enjoy a great celebration with your lovely family.xx
Happy Birthday!! I'd forgotten we are birthday month buddies! Hope your day has been a special one!
A brave decision Jenny but one that I can understand. Lovely post. xx
A big Happy Birthday, Jenny. Have a lovely dinner with your family. I am so pleased you are feeling much better. Big hugs.
Happy Birthday Jenny! May you be blessed twice fold for the blessing you are to others!
Happy Birthday !!!!!!!! Enjoy each minute of it. You are such a special lady. When I read your posts you inspire me to be a better person. God bless you !!!
Happy Birthday Jenny. You are such a blessing to so many women around the world. Your granddaughters are blessed to have you in their lives too. I know you will always share Jesus with them too. Love in Jesus name.
Happy Birthday, Oh Most Sweetest of Deliciously Sweet Stitches Jenny-Lady!
Hola Jenny!!!
Que Dios te siga cubriendo de bendiciones y haciendo su milagro en tí. Tienes lo más importante que es la FÉ en que Él te guía y te protege. Te deseo un excelente día por ser tu cumpleaños, pero por sobre todas las cosas, deseo para ti mucha salud y una larga vida para que sigas disfrutando del amor, el cariño y los momentos gratos que están por venir a tu vida.
Te envío un saludo y un fuerte abrazo desde el otro lado del planeta!!!
Happy 61st birthday, Jenny. May God give you many, many more on this earth. I love your story. Not because it was easy or hard, but because it is real living and beautiful. All walk a path here, that is strewn with failures, pain, sufferings, tis true. And we all make some bad choices that trouble us with regrets, and repentance. But, then there are many good things that pop up like daisies in our years! Those sunny, happy times with a mixture of many precious memories. We all are blessed with the goodness of the Father.
Praying for you still. As you are in faith trusting to the Lord with all your heart. His plans are good ones for you. His word declares that to be so. I support you in whatever you decide about your health. I know the Lord will help you in every way. Could we be any safer than in His hands? He shall direct your paths. Be well, Jenny.
Happy Birthday!! Rest in the Lord, his ways are always perfect!
Happy, happy birthday! As always, your words are a blessing. Thank you! I, too, will continue to pray, and I know God heals. He has healed me several times, out of his goodness and mercy and love! Thank you for sharing your heart, always. Hugs to you (and Mr E!) from sunny north Idaho.
Feliz cumpleaños!!! Me alegra mucho que tu salud haya mejorado mucho. ¡Qué alegria! Un abrazo muy fuerte
Happy Birthday Blessings to you!!! You are such an inspiration to me and I thank God for you. May He bless you with many more years to come. Enjoy your birthday dinner!
Happy birthday wishes!!!! Blessings on you in the year ahead . . . understand your decisions and will be praying for you. Deuteronomy 31:8 is my life verse, chosen over 50 ago now. Love the line of the song you included in your post.
Happy Birthday! I'm so glad you are doing better. I pray you continue to improve and feel even better. I noticed that your dress and your mom's bridesmaid dress & veil have a lot of similarities, so cool to see both side by side. Beautiful wedding dress! Thanks for always putting God first and foremost in your posts.
Hello Jenny, Happy Birthday my friend. Your Mother was indeed beautiful and you can see that that gene was passed on through the female line of your family. Thank you for sharing your story, God bless you and Mr E always. Your decision with regard to your health makes sense to me, I'm so glad you feel so much better. God is good, He is our healer. Because you share your faith so deeply, you have in turn improve my faith situation so much, thank you. But it's not just your faith, it's your heart and I truly wish to emulate you in my home life and as a wife, we've been through a lot in our almost 30 years but it's so worth it. Thank you for sharing your heart and home so openly with us. God bless you always Regards Mandy xx
Happy Birthday Beautiful Lady!! I love, love, love you uplifting blog posts!! Carla
I'm not if I've ever posted a comment here before, but I want to wish you a Happy Birthday! I loved looking at your pictures. What a precious picture of you in the bridesmaid veil your mother wore.
A most happy birthday to you, Jenny. May it be a very happy day where you feel how loved you are. MegXx
Happy Birthday Jenny! Ty for sharing your deeply personal photos and bits of your life with us today. I am glad your strong Faith in the Lord has led you to a decision that has brought you peace and comfort.May God continue to bless you as you give so much to so many. Love and prayers from upstate New York.
A very Happy Birthday to you Miss Jenny! I do hope it was a wonderful day, it sounds like it started off wonderfully! I also wanted to say I hope your diet changes are truly helping you and your heart. You are our inspiration through rough days! I have enjoyed your newsletters but I don’t mind coming to the blog to read them. And I love the pics of the grandchildren, they are beautiful girls!
A question though, if the newsletter doesn’t go out will the stitcheries each month still come via email or will they be on the blog?
Happy birthday Jenny. Gosh, your Mummy does look beautiful and I love the photo of you in the veil. You are a treasure and a blessing to many. I hope you have a wonderful dinner with your precious family. Arohanui
They are ALWAYS on the blog first. Just keep checking around the 1st of the month. :-) If you have signed up to receive my blog posts by email you won't miss any.
So glad to hear that going vegan has helped you feel so much better. I know it sounds funny, but after my daughter went vegan, her menstrual cramps(which at times had been very bad) were gone. As much as I would like to go vegatarian, I could never because my hubby is a TOTAL carnivore!! :-D So you are right, we each need to do what we feel is best for ourselves. I love reading your story of faith. It is beautiful! And I am sorry that you lost your mother when you were so young! I am truly sorry: I lost my mother when I was 34 years old, and I felt her loss over the years, and I can't imagine what it would be like to not know your mother(though my mother knew that loss, her mother having passed away in my Mom's 1st year). And Happy birthday!!!! I just turned 61 in December, so we are babies of the same generation! God bless you!!! Hugs, H
Happy birthday Jenny. May God continue to bless you for many years still to come
Happy Birthday Jenny !
Hi Jenny! I wish you the happiest birthday celebration. I'm subscribed to your blog for years (we've even exchanged a couple of emails) and I've read what you've written about your childhood and early years of your life. Now you deserve all the best (as a coin, two sides, you've gone through the "dark side" now it's bright side turn). Btw you "can't" be 61, you look much younger, what's your "beauty secret"? let us know pleeease. Love!!!
Un bon anniversaire Jenny , malgré toutes les difficultés vous êtes contente de votre vie , c'est l'essentiel .Le bonheur est dans les choses simples .
Bises de la France
Happy belated birthday, Jenny!! I'm sorry I missed "the" day, but you are always in my prayers and thoughts. I'm so glad you are feeling so healthy and pray the ultimate healer will touch you and heal you. Love the pictures of you and your mum! Definitely to be cherished.
Happy Birthday Jenny! Thank you so much for the sale at Etsy! I bought 2 more patterns :) I love reading your blog and seeing the pictures you post. The pictures of your vegan meals has me very interested in learning more about becoming vegan. BTW, I have a rust colored chicken that looks a lot like yours. She's a comet so we named her Haley. I hope your birthday was a great one and that this year will be a happy and healthy one.
I hope you had a lovely birthday. Your life stories are always interesting and heart warming despite the not so good things you have endured. I love your wedding pics. The sheer joy just shines on your face. You have achieved so much, grown spiritually , and have put so much love into your home and family. Xx
Liebe Jenny, nachträglich herzlichen Glückwunsch zu deinem Gebeurtstag.Alles Liebe und Gute, vorallem Gesundheit und Freude mit deiner Familie und deiner Arbeit.Danke für deinen schönen Blog - ich freue mich immer über deine Neuigkeiten.
Freundliche Grüße Gaby aus Germany :o)
Congratulations dear Jenny on being such a brave and candid person, sharing your integrity & your truth. As long as you are being guided by God and not fear/ego - you cannot go wrong - no matter the outcome. It is your journey with Him and we are privileged to have you share it with us. I pray that we may all learn something of value that we may grow in our own faith - and of course each of us have our own different lessons to learn.
As long as God has you with us, we are blessed -and I personally (also being a 1959 girl) pray that we shall be friends with you for many years to come. Bless you and your family for the sharing and caring. You are indeed an Angel in my life.
Happy, happy birthday Jenny. I am so blessed to have found your blog. May you be abundantly blessed by our Father in heaven. 💕
Ms. Jenny! Happiest birthday wishes to you :) I am aware I am a day late, but I pray you had a happy, love filled day. Hello Ms. Jenny. Lovely post and beautiful photos. I am one of those that did recently leave you a comment regarding how I wished my life could appear as yours online.... however, I immediately qualified line with the fact that I hadn't experienced the pain nor the anguish you have gone through achieving such an appearance. I started following you many, many years ago, though I don't often comment. You were kind to tell me that you once followed my personal blog and enjoyed it. For that, you will never know the depths of my gratitude! It shows ... just like footsteps in the sand ... that God was carrying me through those turbulent times since you were enjoying what I posted. I visit your blog, Jenny, because your words are positive and uplifting ... truly touched by Grace in your ability to share such happiness to touch even the saddest and despondent heart. I know my story isn't over yet ... and neither are my trials ... but with the ability to visit sites such as yours, you make my step that much lighter during the day. God bless you and keep you!
A belated happy birthday to you Jenny, here's wishing you many more. What wonderful news about your health, as you say a miracle. So pleased for you all it must be such a relief.
God bless.
I love that you feel so amazing ! And I love your testimony.
Bless you on your birthday and for your decisions. I have chosen very early on not to get wrapped up in the online world and do not regret it. I have been writing my journal/blog for over 10 years and that is enough. It is not a business for me, just a hobby. Your talent and skills are the elements that define you. Go forward in faith and best wishes for your decisions.
Me tooJenny!! Belated Happy Birthday!!I am Blest too ,Olive Him and want to serve Him.I joined a Praise Choir recently called Kerygma.Xx
I thank God for you!!
Happy birthday to you! Your posts are always uplifting and your gift is as an encourager for sure. Thank you so much for keeping your blog!
Happy birthday
Best of hope for your new adventure
You are an inspiration, an example of God's work through all of us who will give Him all of ourselves. I struggle with that. Am retiring this week and want this next chapter of my life (and every chapter) to be about serving Him. Hearing His voice. Speaking His heart.
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