Wednesday, March 17, 2021

The next postcard and a trip to the thrift store...

 I really love the Scripture verses which inspired this "Postcard From Heaven" design because they deeply console my heart in the twists and turns of life's circumstances. 

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father." (Matthew 10:29)

"Therefore you should not fear; you are worth more than many sparrows." (Matthew 10:31)

"Look at the birds of the air; They do not sow or reap or gather in to barns - and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" (Matthew 6:26)

God values us beyond comprehension. Never will He leave you or forsake you. He knows the exact number of hairs on your head and every thought you have before you speak it.

You are PRECIOUS to Him, my sweet friend!

As you embroider this postcard, imagine the words were written by our Father directly to you, His child, and let them be gently stitched across your mind and upon your heart for always.

Use the link below to download the free pattern.


It's even hotter today than when I wrote earlier in the week. Normally February is our hottest month  but this year it's transferred to March and we are surely feeling the sting of the sun's deeply burning rays amidst the humid air. 

But when you have errands to run the weather must be overlooked - thank the Lord for air conditioning in the car, I say!

First stop was Bunnings for some 'S' hooks and new plants to display in the two macrame hangers Rosie made me for my birthday. Thank you to everyone who identified the Pothos cuttings from Blossom which I am patiently waiting to sprout roots because I like it so much that I bought one for the cream macrame hanger and one for the blue. One will become a feature in our bedroom as its a wonderful air purifier, whilst the Pothos in the blue macrame hanger looks lovely in the living room hanging between our two recliners.

Next stop was Spotlight for another ball of yarn to finish Charlie David's wrap cardigan. It's coming along nicely; the back is finished and most of the left front so it shall surely be ready for him when the weather cools.

While at Spotlight I also purchased some linen on sale, a beautiful green and a musky pink. I got just enough for two new aprons, and instead of making my usual full aprons these will be mid-calf length half-aprons with a bit of gathered frill edging. As I am wearing aprons all the time now it occurred to me that I'd like them to be made of hardier fabric and be pretty as well. 

From Spotlight (which is like Joans for my US friends) I headed across the highway to rummage through a couple of op-shops for good glass jars, 100% cotton sheets to make dresses from, and long scarves. I had success and came home with these lovely fringed scarves...

...a navy blue gingham sheet which has barely been used and will easily yield enough fabric for a dress or pinafore, a skein of chenille yarn (which was such a bonus because Rosie is making a cushion with chenille yarn and calico, which inspired me to try one too - now I can!)...

...a set of three floral curtains for the sewing room and which I've now washed and hung on the line to dry...

...and this fully lined and pocketed elephant bag which I shall use on library days with Cully May and Rafaella, and on Sunday market days with my husband.

And I did find some lovely glass jars but I popped them straight in the dishwasher when I got home and forgot to take a photo. They are clip fastening and have pretty lids too. 

I achieved a lot in just over two hours this morning, even dropping in to the supermarket to stock up on fresh fruit and veg, but the best thing was I hardly spent any money from the allowance I'd given myself. What I purchased was on sale or marked down on the reduced rack - even the op-shop purchases were half-price at just a dollar or two. 

Whilst I do enjoy thrift shopping, I don't do it very often, only going if I have a few things on my list to look for. For too many years I went all the time and came home with things because they were cheap and not because I actually needed them - it was more of a want, than a need back then. Today I'm very mindful that my husband and I work hard for what we earn and even shopping at thrift stores can eat into the budget because all those little things add up to big dollars spent over time. Today's purchases will all be used immediately, but I won't be revisiting the op-shops for a while now. 

Bob-the-dog has come to stay for a week while Blossom gives her house a deep autumn clean. He's more than happy to come here on 'holiday' every so often but it was very funny when he followed me into the chicken coop yesterday afternoon because the hens scattered, unsure if he was friend or foe. He's quite fascinated with them and once I'd shooed him out and they settled down, he just stood at the door of the coop and watched them...much like Sophie Cat does each morning. 

I'd love some chicken advice from those in the know, please? We have five raised garden beds and now that we have young chickens that can jump, they have decided it's fun to dig up the beds! I have all these herbs and kale ready to plant out in the two beds my husband just made over for our autumn planting (remembering that we grow summer crops in winter here in tropics) but I am holding back now because of the hens. 

It's important that they free-range for a few hours every afternoon as it's good for their physical and mental health...but. If you have ideas I'd love to hear them. The raised beds are only about 18 inches high, which we know is a problem with chickens. Sigh.

Okay I'm off to water the garden and take corn cobs to the hens because they follow me straight back in to the coop when they see a cob in my hand - it's their most favourite treat beside porridge and peas with yoghurt. 

May you mid-week be lovely, productive and blessed.



Beth said...

I love Op Shopping, but it has been a while since I have been. I generally head for the craft section, books and enjoy looking through the crockery. Next time I go I'll be on the lookout for some books to turn into book art. I got hooked on that last year during our lockdowns and created some display pieces for work (I work in a school library). It can be very easy to buy things because they are there and are pretty.

Gill said...

You will need to cover the beds to keep the hens out. If there is enough depth, you can make a cover with a simple wooden frame and chicken wire, otherwise you can use metal hoops and netting/fleece. If you want a diy hoop system you can use old watering hose pipe lengths, cut to size and inserted into wooden doweling rods that stick down into the soil to make the arches. My mother did this in England and it worked well. I’m not sure if your tropical heat would make the hose pipe too soft / floppy, but it’s worth a try if you have an old one or can thrift one! I am in total agreement about the temptation of thrift shops by the way! All too easy to pick up things you really don’t need.

Lin said...

I have just read through your two latest posts Jenny - lots to take in there, thank you. Great op shop purchases and Iknow just what you mean bout visiting them too often. Normally here we are off to car boot sales in the summer and end up buying nice things that we dont really need. So much as we missed our morning wanderings last year it has meant a little less stuff around! xx

Joanne said...

Hi Jenny,
Shopping ! To do that at this moment, due to Covid 19, one has to book an appointment with the shop. Only so many people allowed in at one time depending on the size of the shop. And time/appointment should be booked four hours in advance. Not a lot of impulse buying going on right now !
Love all your new treasures today ! Fun Elefantz bag :) Very cool blue gigham !
hugs, take care and enjoy the week !

Viviankay said...

Thank you so much for this post cord. It is a great reminder of just how much our great God loves and cares for us. It was just what I needed to re reminded of today. May God bless you for your kindness.

A housewife writes said...

Enjoy your summer days for me! Just when it seemed like spring was officially here, we have a fresh layer of snow that doesn't seem anxious to leave. I don't let myself go often these days, either, but thrift shopping is the most fun of all shopping. You found some beautiful things-- especially those curtains!!

Tricia said...

Thank you for your posts, Jenny. I don't comment often, but your posts always rest my heart.

Kristy said...

It is so nice to have you blogging again more regularly! About those lovely chickens of yours. So we have ferns in our hen yard and my husband made cages to put over them. If you made lightweight mesh cages that you could lift on and off to access your herbs that might help. The trick is getting something tight enough that they can't get those beaks in to help! It is a dilemma. We are down to one and she seems way more content by herself than we ever thought she would be. She is over 10 years old now. Have a lovely day. K-

Elle said...

You either cover the garden beds or I've seen folks who made a chicken tunnel that is easily set up and moved. Generally 7-10 metres is enough run space and 1/3 metre wide. Netting is lightweight on the frame .

Tammy said...

Hello Dear Friend. Love your new macramé plant hangers and the green plants within them. I love to go to thrift shops, when I go to the city...Their is only 2 that I can go to. Glass jars/ canisters as well. And pick up the occasional book, clothing or fabric scrap bag...But I must be careful of my spending...I only get an occasional bit to spend...SO I make it last as long as I can...Have a wonderful day/ evening Dear.

matty said...

We use 1/2” PVC pipe cut to a length that will creat a bow over the bed. We install them over a piece of short pipe pushed in the ground. Then, add an op shop gauzy curtain and bugs and be a will stay out! ❤️

matty said...

And hens... silly auto correct!!!

Donna P. said...

Thank you for the postcard stitching. It's beautiful.
Sorry I can't help with chickens. ;-)
If I might ask, do you use a pattern to make your dresses and if so, what is it? I've been wanting to make some nice dresses for every day wear but haven't really found anything I like.
Our thrift shops in our area are pretty hit and miss but occasionally we do find a few things we need.
Blessings, Donna

Becki said...

Love your posts, always, but the biggest kick I got today was that Bob likes coming over to your house for "holiday". That just makes me smile. :)

Susan said...

So lovely to see what's going on in your house and how you are being domestic. =) Such pretty things you found at the thrift store. I don't go often for the same reason you mentioned - spending money I didn't actually need to spend on "good buys". LOL

Jenny of Elefantz said...

I'm going to cut a pattern from an old shift I have worn for years. It's quite threadbare but fits perfectly.

Janice said...

Such pretty plants in the hangers Rosie made. I bought one of those same pots for a plant in Mum's nursing home room. I agree about op shopping. We have just been travelling and popping into op shops on the search to find a mug that matches Mick's favourite that has a chip. No luck there, but quite a few things came home with me. Most will be used fairly soon. I found two 70s purple floral sheets for $2.50 each, which I will use for scrappy quilt backings.