Thursday, August 5, 2021

Even in the darkness...

I do not know all of you, and I have no special knowledge of your life circumstances, but this little message has been sitting on my heart all afternoon.

Sweet friends, I shall be praying for you in the next few days, praying that you hold tightly to the only Hand which will lead you through the darkness and never, ever, let you go. 

So often it is we who let go, and if that's what you have done, do not fear...reach out and you will find the Father's hand waiting to grasp your own, His heart turned towards you, and His strength able to carry you through.

Some valleys are shallow and some are deep; some are short and others long. Whatever valley your weary feet are treading along right now, you are not are never alone when you call on Jesus.

Your praying friend,


gail said...

Amen to that Jennifer and thank you.
Blessings Gail.

Allie said...

Love you my precious friend...joining you in prayer.

Robin in New Jersey said...

Thank you, Jennifer. You are a blessing.

Meadowcreek said...

Thank you! A good reminder.

ellen said...

Thank you, Jennifer. Our world needs prayer more than ever these days. I will pray for you, your family and your country. Bless you!

nancy n. said...

Thank you for the beautiful message. I do think people need to turn to Jesus especially now. God Bless You !!!

sam said...

Thank you for these lovely words today. There is so much turmoil and angst in our corner of the world today, this reminder is very helpful and so calming. Gods continued Blessings for you and your family

Cat Lady said...

Your message at this time amazed me, although I know that God does many amazing things, so why am I surprised. My husband completed the final leg of his earthly journey and returned to his eternal home this past Tuesday. Thank you. A reminder that we may not know for whom or why we lift our prayers, but God does.

elsa said...

today I needed this, thank you xo

Farm Quilter said...

Amen!! He will never leave us or forsake us!! Humans will fail us but God is steadfast and always there, loving us!

theresa said...

I so needed this message right now going through some things thank you for reminding me of what is important.

Winifred said...

Thank you Jennifer that's a beautiful message of hope for people.

Amazing that you are saying exactly what aa priest said to me today that when you are sitting in the darkness and think you're alone, you aren't. Jesus is there sitting quietly with you.

Hope you are keeping well and Blossom is recovering.

God bless xxx

MaureenHP said...

Thank you for responding to the Holy Spirit's speaking to your heart and writing this message. You are such a blessing to so many. P

MaureenHP said...

Dear Cat Lady,
I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. I know that your pain is fresh, but I pray that you will be extra aware of the Father's love and care.
Blessings, Maureen

Susan said...

Thank you, Jennifer. My valley had a rocky bottom, but He was there all the way, and you and your prayers were, too. I appreciate that and love you. I'm pretty sure I'm approaching a nice meadow, but if I'm wrong, it's okay. He'll still be there and so will you.

Lori said...

Thank you so much, dear Jennifer! So timely and so, so appreciated. We all need that nudge, especially in dark or stressful times, that God has never left us! He is always there, ready and willing to take our burdens and cares. Bless you, dear sister.

Margaret B said...

Thank you, Jenny.🙏

Joanne said...

Thank you Jennifer.

Jennifer said...

Thank you Jennifer for this....I needed this today!

Sherry said...

Thank you, Jennifer. I also needed this today. God is sending his love and message to many of us through you. I hope he gives you and your family many blessings. Prayers going out for all.

Lin said...

Thank you. xx

Unknown said...

Thank you Jennifer, for your wise and encouraging words.

wendy said...

Thank you so much for your encouraging words! My family has been going through some really hard times this past year. Hubby diagnosed with Parkinsons disease, daughter passed away in March, youngest GS diagnosed with leukemia at only 18 months old, thats just part of it. With everything going on I feel empty and at times confused. I look forward to your posts because they always lift me up. Thank you!

Annabel said...

How good it is to have a praying friend. Quite a few times lately I have really had to stop and think ok... one day at a time, pray, pray and pray more. There seems to be worry on every front. So thank you for this

MY MUSINGS said...

Thank you Jenny...that was timely! Hugs~

Unknown said...

Me inspiras Jenny

Sherry Ellison said...

Thank you Jennifer Dear. I read my daily Jesus Calling by Sarah Young and it keeps me close with Jesus holding my hand. Blessings.

gail said...

Jennifer, your words are special and are inspired by The Holy Spirit. The more we listen to His wisdom, the clearer His messages wil be. Have a blessed week end.
Keep safe and God’s blessings to all who visit this beautiful little space on the web,

Donna said...

Jennifer...your words are balm to my spirit and soul. I am in another season of having to learn to rest and body is suffering, yet I know that Jesus has a purpose for this season of my life. Thank you for listening to the Lord and encouraging each of us!

Unknown said...

Thank you for that reminder! I am definitely walking in a valley right now, but I know He is with me. It was wonderful to be drawn to your newsletter today and see this. Many blessings to you!!!

mamashops said...

So true! I just finished studying the book of Job. It is so easy to see God working in your life when things are going well, but how quickly we feel abandoned during the hard times. Thank you, Jenny, for allowing God to use you to speak to His people through your talents and your words. You inspire me so much!

Frances said...

Praying for you and your family! 💜

vicki Bucknall said...

You are such a blessing, thank you. xxx

Annie said...

I wanted to let you know you are a blessing to me this week! 4 years ago on Aug 9, I was diagnosed out of the blue with stage 4 cancer. I've gone through 2 years of chemo, 2 years of "clear" scans, and now suddenly I need a biopsy this week. As I face scans & try to focus my heart on Jesus rather than fear, I am stitching your scripture verses about PEACE. Thank you SO much for your blog which often encourages me! xxx

David said...

What a wonderful reminder to come across tonight. My cousin is in critical condition from covid complications, and today has been particularly rough. I was searching out a new embroidery design to work on, to keep my hands busy and my mind quiet. I came across your site, then this post. It turns out you posted it a few hours before my cousin went into ICU. And on top of that, her name is Jennifer. Thank you a series of coincidences that brought a smile to my face on a difficult day. Many blessings to you.

Susan said...

So true and huge hugs to all. The Lord will carry us through this too! Blessings to you and family!