It's been five years since I shared this free pattern, but I was prompted today to share it again.
The world today is offering challenges to many of us, challenges we were not facing a few years back, and I believe whenever we face trials of any kind that God is in them with us, and if we hold fast to His Word, and keep hope in our heart, He will grow our faith and character in those particular areas we are probably lacking, or in ways that push us from where we have languished far too long.
I sometimes hear people complain about God not answering their prayers in a way they wanted or expected Him to, and rather than coming back before the Lord and praying His will be done above our own, they will be angry with Him and take offence. I'm saddened by that attitude because we do not see what He sees, for He knows the beginning from the end and all in between. I trust that His way will always be above mine, that His purposes far exceed my own, and if I let go of my own desires and surrender each one in prayer before Him, that His peace will settle over my mind and move me forward again.
This morning I read this excerpt from a Charles Spurgeon sermon and wow, it resonated deep within my heart because it's a precious reminder of Who our God is and how we should respond to Him.
"We must meditate on His attributes and consider His majesty, for He is not only infinitely powerful, wise, all sufficient, and glorious, but He is also supremely good. His character is matchless. He is a pure and Holy God whom we worship. Nothing in God warrants human rebellion. He is our Father, our God, our great Shepherd-King, so no-one can frame an excuse when we for a single moment revolt against Him or lift a finger against His will. It would and should be the greatest pleasure to serve Him. The angels will tell you this. It is total bliss to do His will. " - Charles Haddon Spurgeon
Right now my husband and I have some challenges which will impact our lives and finances going forward, but with God guiding us, opening the right doors and closing ones we should not pursue, we have every confidence we shall be fine if we hand it all into those powerful and loving hands and simply put one foot in front of the other. With big decisions ahead, prayer is our anchor, and the Word of God which shines through Christ is our light.
If you're in the midst of change, struggling or need prayer, feel free to write in the comment section below...I know there's a mighty team of women who will pray for you, including me. xxx
Use the link below to download the pattern, and may it enrich your faith as you stitch from His Word.
Hugs and prayers,
Don't miss out on any Elefantz news or free patterns.
Thank you Jenny. I love the writings of CHS. As an impoverished young woman, my great grandmother found her way from the East End to Mr Spurgeons Bible Class. There she found faith in Jesus, and her life turned around. A century later, my husband trained for ministry at Spurgeons College. Love and blessings to you both - God will guide you in the days ahead.
Dearest Jennifer,
I shall be praying for you and MR. E for all to work out for you all. Sending you a big hug Dear. Love you my friend
This came at a very opportune time, Jenny. Once this RV trip is done, there will be some changes, of which we know nothing about yet. Odd I know but I feel it. I'm not sure where this change will lead but prayers will help from any and all. I really need to learn to put my trust in our Father - fully and completely.
Thank you for sharing your life with us.
Blessings, Donna
Thank you Jennifer for the pattern. I also enjoyed your blog.
Jennifer, I pray for the wisdom of God to lead and guide you and your husband as you move forward with important decisions. Thank you so much for the timely pattern! We, too, are awaiting God's direction as we struggle with finances right now. I know God does not want us to struggle but to just surrender and that is what I am doing.
MELANIE (above in comments) praying God's peace to just envelop you and your family during this difficult time. He has you all right in the palm of His hand.
Many blessings to all of you, Lori in TX
Thanks Jennifer :)
The stitchery looks lovely on that Tilda print bag :)
(((((hugs))))) and prayers to you and family
Takae care,
Thank you for the beautiful pattern, and the reminder. I'm always striving to submit my will to His, and sometimes I actually succeed. I will pray for the two of you to have what you need from our faithful God. I know that all will be well with you, and that you listen when God speaks to you. My ongoing need is for prayer to be exactly what you said, willing to hear and to obey my Father's will. I know every time I go off on my own, it's a mistake. Experience can't be denied. =)
My husband and I are in a similar situation. Change is scary for me. The unknown is even scarier. We do trust God, but often it is hard for me. I do know that God works all things for our good concerning His will for us. We will be praying for you too and the others who have responded with prayer requests.
My prayers are with you and your husband. I love the pattern, and I thank you for it. There are those here in my family who also need this reminder so I will be starting this stitchery right away. Take care and remember - He's got this!
Dear ones, I have prayed for all of you...just hold fast to the Lord, for His arms are strong and mighty and He will not let you go.
(((Melanie))) heart goes out to you.
Love and prayers,
I have been following your work, and WOW what a ministry you have! I am so uplifted everytime I read your comments. I have learned (most of the time the hard way) that God is always in control. I was remined of a scripture while reading your post this evening. It is Jeremiah 32:27. " I am the LORD, the GOD of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me? "
This verse has stayed in my heart since 1989, when GOD reminded me of this. It is so hard sometimes to sit back and Let him Work. But he is faithful always. Even when we doubt and try to fix things ourselves.
You have been such a blessing to me in the last few months since I found your website. It is wonderful to know that he even speaks to us through someone about half way around the world.
God Bless you nad you will be in my prayers
Tennessee, USA
Melanie, May you receive peace and comfort in this difficult time. Prayers for you and your husband!
Thank you so much Aunty Jennifer for this timely reminder. I am praying for you both that you will feel God's peace as you trust Him to continue to sustain and provide for you as He always has in the past. We are so blessed to serve a loving and faithful God who always has our best in mind, even if we can't see it in the moment. Love Em xox
I am praying for you and your husband dear Sister. I love your blog. I haven't stitched anything just yet but I plan to . I may copy your ministry style ( but not your designs lol). God bless you and keep you, make hus face to shine upon you and give you His peace xx
You and your loved ones are in my prayers. Thank you for this lovely opportunity. God bless and keep you close.
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