We've homeschooled our 14yo daughter, Blossom, for the last 9 1/2 years, and I have to tell you that it has been an amazing experience. Through her I've been able to wind back the clock and read again the classic novels of my childhood, discover the world through eyes that are not tarnished and cynical, and be brave enough to learn new skills even when I was on the downward slope to 50.
I started sewing about 3 1/2 years ago, and I thought it was me who encouraged her to follow suit, but today I picked up my favourite pincushion and realised she had made it for me almost 5 years ago when she was just 9 and experimenting with needle and thread for the first time.
Since then she has been turning her hand to so many things, all of them creative, and all of them she does extremely well.
She knits, cross-stitches, crochets, quilts, beads, makes cards, embroiders, scrapbooks, makes bobbin lace...well, I think she can do just about anything crafty if she finds a book and has a notion to learn.
At the weekend she finished a trauma teddy to be sent to the bushfire appeal through Mrs Martin's Quilt Shop, along with two baby quilts I'd made.
The she decided she'd like to make a gift for a friend who has lifted her spirits daily through some difficult times these past months. Her friend lives on a farm so she used our vegetable fabrics and designed and made this journal cover - all in day!
Her goal is to do something productive every day, and it seems a lot of her productivity is about giving. I'm so proud to be her mum and to have her in my life. I'm blessed to call her my friend as well as my daughter.
I love you, Blossom.
Mum xxx
I started sewing about 3 1/2 years ago, and I thought it was me who encouraged her to follow suit, but today I picked up my favourite pincushion and realised she had made it for me almost 5 years ago when she was just 9 and experimenting with needle and thread for the first time.
She knits, cross-stitches, crochets, quilts, beads, makes cards, embroiders, scrapbooks, makes bobbin lace...well, I think she can do just about anything crafty if she finds a book and has a notion to learn.
At the weekend she finished a trauma teddy to be sent to the bushfire appeal through Mrs Martin's Quilt Shop, along with two baby quilts I'd made.

I love you, Blossom.
Mum xxx
Your daughter is very talented! My daughter is 10 and is just starting to get into stitching. My son does some sewing too. I've just found your wonky house and hope to stitch on it yet this week! I love it! Thanks so much!
You have a beautiful and very talented daughter. I have 2 daughters who are older than yours, but they do not share my love of sewing and crafting. xxxx
You have a talented daughter there, but then she comes to it honestly, through you! 8-)
Wonderful giving gifts! I especially like the veggie book cover! Really eye catching! 8-)
Happy stitchings to you both!
What a talented daughter you have in many different ways, including the emotional one! Her projects are beautiful.
It is very good to have a daughter who likes the same as the mother. The cover of the book is beautiful.
Your girl has a gifted eye and what talent! It's kinda fun to learn these things on one's own. Good for her, she's going to go far!
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