Our autumn cleaning has been quite ruthless, and with the first carload of 'stuff' delivered to the local Red Cross store this morning I decided to take a 1/4 hour break and browse the linen section of the shop. I'm so glad I did! Hiding beneath piles of weathered poly-cotton serviettes and doilies I found these delicate beauties.
They are the softest of linen, aged and delectible, just the way I love them. The embroidery is exquisite, all hand made, the work of gifted fingers. I always wonder why such valuable pieces find their way to an op-shop, don't you?
I like to think about the story behind their relinquishment to strangers. Today my story was this: I decided a lonely old spinster, nearing her 90th birthday, had passed away. In her will she had left all her belongings to the Red Cross, and after they sent her furniture and a few (what they would call) 'useful' items off to the Victorian fire victims they tossed these beautiful linen pieces in the op-shop box because 'no-one would want them'. And now I am the grateful owner of some little things she cherished and I should make sure they are displayed beautifully. I wonder how close that is to the real story? :-)
They were only 40c and $1 each (I bought 5 pieces), and as soon as I came home I knew how I would begin to make use of them.
As I've mentioned I am re-doing a large part of the house in a very relaxed, vintage, shabby style. I used one of the embroidered linens in this cushion cover for our bed - it's so pretty!
Another was used as part of a pillow sham, also for our bed. With this one I was also able to use some vintage cotton lace I've been holding onto for a couple of years. Honestly, I am so happy with my work today! These pillows already bless me with peace in my soul as I look at them. I find the whole vintage shabby style to be incredibly stress-relieving on the eyes and thence the mind and heart. Do you?
I had no patterns, just kept making things up as I went along. I'll do more in the days ahead and see how else I can use the linens.
And a parcel arrived! Dear Maree sent me my last two fat 1/4's from the birthday swap! Thank you so much Maree! The pink is already claimed for a cushion, and the spots...I already know how they'll be used but it's a secret.
What have you been making?
I like to think about the story behind their relinquishment to strangers. Today my story was this: I decided a lonely old spinster, nearing her 90th birthday, had passed away. In her will she had left all her belongings to the Red Cross, and after they sent her furniture and a few (what they would call) 'useful' items off to the Victorian fire victims they tossed these beautiful linen pieces in the op-shop box because 'no-one would want them'. And now I am the grateful owner of some little things she cherished and I should make sure they are displayed beautifully. I wonder how close that is to the real story? :-)
They were only 40c and $1 each (I bought 5 pieces), and as soon as I came home I knew how I would begin to make use of them.
I too have several lovely pieces of linen inherited from my grandmother - there's no way they're going to the charity shop! Thank you for some ideas on how to use them, it seems such a shame to leave them languishing in a cupboard. Can you tell me - what is an op shop? I assume it's what we call a charity shop, but why 'op'?
Great pillow cases! Your work is so inspiring, thanks for sharing your ideas.
Katrin W.
Beautiful way to use your op shop finds Jenny..
I love what you made with them..how could anyone part with them.
I have a pair of vintage pillow shams from my Mum, must get them out..
The pillows are so pretty. What a great idea.
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