For the first day in a while I have not stitched. It was hard, but with Blossom's birthday just hours away I had a secret plan that needed all day to execute.
She is 15 tomorrow, and what a wonderful 15 years it has been. She is such a beautiful soul, so loving and open, so honest and caring, always a joy and never a burden. We are blessed to call her 'daughter'.
So my plan is to give her 15 special gifts for 15 special years. She knows what a few of the gifts are, but has no idea about the rest. She is in for many surprises in the morning! Some of them were only a couple of dollars, but they mean something, and that's what the "15 for 15" is all about. I made tiny little cards, numbered 1 - 15 so she opens then in order, all with a special message for her relating to the gift and why I chose it. Tomorrow I'll take photos of her with them all so you can see. :-)
If you are a praying woman please offer a pray of blessing on her for the year ahead. This last year has been a hard one for our family and she has borne a lot, but come through with hope and faith, inspiring me always.
Debbie in Jerusalem has stitched two of my free designs in reverse redwork and I just love them!
If you go to her blog you'll see more reverse redwork embroideries, all of them so lovely.
If you would like to stitch my Camelzz design for yourself you will find the download HERE.
Have you signed up for the Advent Swap yet? Go and visit Fiona's blog and see what it's all about.
Lots of fun to be had if you join in!

Now I must off and begin the dough for Blossom's traditional birthday breakfast - Cinnamon Scrolls. MMMM, YUM!
She is 15 tomorrow, and what a wonderful 15 years it has been. She is such a beautiful soul, so loving and open, so honest and caring, always a joy and never a burden. We are blessed to call her 'daughter'.
So my plan is to give her 15 special gifts for 15 special years. She knows what a few of the gifts are, but has no idea about the rest. She is in for many surprises in the morning! Some of them were only a couple of dollars, but they mean something, and that's what the "15 for 15" is all about. I made tiny little cards, numbered 1 - 15 so she opens then in order, all with a special message for her relating to the gift and why I chose it. Tomorrow I'll take photos of her with them all so you can see. :-)
If you are a praying woman please offer a pray of blessing on her for the year ahead. This last year has been a hard one for our family and she has borne a lot, but come through with hope and faith, inspiring me always.
Debbie in Jerusalem has stitched two of my free designs in reverse redwork and I just love them!
If you go to her blog you'll see more reverse redwork embroideries, all of them so lovely.

Have you signed up for the Advent Swap yet? Go and visit Fiona's blog and see what it's all about.
Lots of fun to be had if you join in!

Now I must off and begin the dough for Blossom's traditional birthday breakfast - Cinnamon Scrolls. MMMM, YUM!
I hope Blossom has a truely memorable 15th birthday.What a lovely mum to make it such an extra special day for her and your family.I also can't wait to see the photo's you take of her wonderful day full of gorgeous suprises :) Barb.
How special! I hope the best for both of you for all the years to come.
Oh Jenny, you're such a wonderful mummy. You'r daughter is so lucky to have a mummy like you. I Know why she is so special: she is your daughter and It couldn'te be different because you're a very special person.
God bless you, Blossom and all your family.
With Love,
Ah Jenny, you must be so excited about seeing Blossom's face tomorrow when she opens her gifts! You are both truly blessed, and of course I will pray for Blossom! Bless her darling heart! Bless yours too, you wonderful mother!
Hugs, Vikki xx :-)
Oh that's so lovely Jen. I hope Blossom has a truly special and wonderful birthday tomorrow - I know she will. Give her a BIG hug from me!
Fee x
p.s. Please tell her that Bella is LOVING the bridal doll she gave her when you were here. I hid it away for a while because I didn't think she as quite old enough to look after it properly - but I got it out today and she had such fun carrying her around, and putting her to bed, and lovingly dressing and undressing her. I must get a picture to put on my blog. So gorgeous. :-)
Hey, Happy Birthday, Blossom - may the year ahead be the best year yet!
Hugs - Lurline♥
You are such a wonderful mother, and I hope Blossoms day is just beautiful. I cant wait to see the photos. xxx
What a wonderful way to celebrate a birthday. Such a special daughter. (I'm blessed with three and I just love them wildly.)
Happy Birthday Blossom!!
what a wonderful wonderful birthday that will be. please post the photo of her opening them. I can't wait.
Happy Birthday to you, Blossom! You are so lucky have such a wonderful mother.
Jenny what a wonderful day ahead for Blossom and you. It is such a joy to be able to celebrate such an important milestone for such a deserving young lady. Congratulations on doing an outstanding job on raising her. Happy birth day Jenny and Happy Birthday Blossom~~Elaine from Texas
Thanks for this great post. And 15 happy birthday wishes are on their way. :D
Happy Birthday Blossom!!! May the Lord continue to bless you every day of your life. Enjoy your special day!
The 15 for 15 is such a fantastic idea. I may have to consider that idea for my DD next year! I pray that Bloosom has a wonderful next year and that the Lord just allows her to received blessing after blessing!
Happy Birthday Blossom!! You have a wonderful mother...15 gifts!! Remind her of this when you turn 30 LOL.
Happy birthday to Blossom. Can't wait to see the pics of her opening her presents all 15 of them. What a lucky girl she is.
I hope Blossom has a wonderful day , her birthday is one day before mine plus many, many years!!! Jenny there is an award waiting for you on my blog, please pop by when you have time.
I think blossom is in for a very lovely day.
A very special Happy Birthday to Blossom!!!
It's true, the apple falls always near the tree :)
Oh!! This is a very special gift!!! 15 details that i'm sure get his heart full of happines!!! I hope you have a wonderfull day in her birthday... toghether... is the most special gift in the world!!! Enjoy it!!!
That is such a wonderful idea! I may have to "steal" it next March when my daughter turns 21.
I have prayed for Blossom today and am asking for the Lord to bless her and your entire family in the coming year.
Love the reverse redwork! Beautiful.
Sending prayers of blessings for your sweet girl.
Have a lovely day.
Blessings Gail
I love that in the Blog world we are all family..Sending along my wishes for a wonderful birthday. May the Lord bless her path, make her strong, bless her way so that she wil continue to be a blessing.
Have a wonderful 15 for 15 adventure..what a specal mom....
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