Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Blossom is 15!

It's May 26th here in Australia and the youngest of my brood has awoken as a fresh and beautiful 15 year old!
~~~ Happy Birthday Blossom!! ~~~

She woke this morning to a table of 15 gifts surrounded by 15 pearly balloons....

....as she worked her way through the numbered 15 presents she laughed, cried, and was altogether more joyous than I can remember - she has been beaming non-stop since 5.30am! :-)

This is a sweet belcher bracelet from her big bro', and today she buys the first charm for it. She has been waiting for this phone since we her dad bought it a month ago, and the beautiful amber ring as well. She loves jewellery, and the phone is all gold scrolled - very her.

She has been praying for many years about her future husband and her wedding, so the Bridal magazine is a symbol of hope in our prayers and dreams.
A beautiful glass Lily is a reminder of her favourite flower, and a group of adopted aunties that have prayed for her since she was 6. (bless you all, Auntie Lilies!)

There were English sweets to remember her British roots, Mango licorice as a fun gift because she loves mangoes and in 6 weeks we'll be moving north to Queensland where she will be surrounded by mango trees.
A Spanish course for her longed-for trip to Spain in 2011 for World Youth Day was another reminder to hold on to her dreams.

And this statue...we always look at it in the store window and think about *us*. She cried with this gift.

Her birthday breakfast - Cinnamon Scrolls.
This is a very old tradition!

And the cushion! You were right, she loved it!
Dear friend Vikki posted her a special package too, filled with more things she just loved. Thank you Vikki!
Here she is on the phone to her bestest friend in the whole world, Frances, who lives on the opposite side of the country. Blossom is wearing the cammo pants Frances sent her for her birthday - this was so funny because Blossom wears pink, and is VERY girly. I think there will be some serious payback come Frances next birthday! :-)

Thank you ALL of you for your birthday wishes and prayers. Blossom was overwhelmed with the beautiful comments you left, and so happy.
Now I'd better get out of my Pj's and start MY day with a serious coffee before her birthday Mass.

May your own day be totally wonderful and full of all good things!


Joy said...

Happy Birthday beautiful Blossom!!! I hope it's everything you could dream of :o)!!!
Joy :o)

Jocelyn said...

What a sweet and wonderful day. Blossom is wished the happiest of Birthday's from around the world :-)

Anonymous said...

A very happy birthday to your blossom. Such an exciting time, turning 15, all sorts of wonderful things ahead for you. I hope your day is filled with love, laughter and a ton of joy.

Sew Useful Designs said...

To Blossom: Happy birthday to a truly beautiful young lady! You look so gorgeous and radiant! Enjoy your special day sweetheart, you are loved beyond measure and have a wonderful future to look forward to! How exciting!!! :-)

HUGS! HUGS! HUGS! Vikki xxxxx

Shabby Raggy Roses said...

Happy Birthday Blossom! What lovely present you've got! Have a wonderful day.
Best wishes,

Myra said...

How sweet... what a lucky girl... 8-)

Narelle said...

A truly memorable occasion. How thoughtful to recieve a gift with meaning for each year.
Enjoy your day Blossom!
You have a truly wonderful mother.

Loralynn said...

You have a lovely Daughter! Please pass on my birthday wishes to her. I think my favorite of her gifts is the beautiful Mother/Daughter statue. I can see me giving one like that to my Daughter with whom I am enchanted, as you obviously are with your Daughter. You are obviously blessed with a wonderful Daughter, as she is blessed with such a loving Mother.

Nanci said...

Happy Birthday Blossom to a beautiful girl with a beautiful mother, you make her so proud!

We have to have the cinnamon scrolls recipe!

Crispy said...

Oh what a wonderful birthday for Blossom!! I even got a little teary eyed over the statue :o)


Chocolate Cat said...

Sending very special birthday wishes to Blossom! What wonderful and thoughtful gifts and what yummy looking cinnamon scrolls!!

Anonymous said...

Aww...what a sweet post!
Happy Birthday to Blossom!!
Daughters are a such a blessed gift from God { being the mother of a son, too, boys are blessed gifts too!}
Wishing you a most blessed and special day!

Allie said...

What a lovely birthday for a beautiful girl. Blossom, you are certainly well loved! I LOVE the meaning behind each gift, Jenny will you adopt me? *G* You are both incredibly blessed to have each other.
So you ARE moving - I am praying for a painless and organized move for you all!

Anne (aussieannie) said...

Happy Birthday Blossom! May God bless you abundantly, now and always.

Vicki ♥ said...

What a wonderful birthday Blossom had. What a beautiful young lady Blossom is and she deserves to be blessed with all the wonderful things she can ever hope for. She has beautiful parents and what a wonderful cinnamon scroll!!
I am glad Blossom had a wonderful day. :)Hugs hugs.

zigzago said...

Happy birthday Blossom! Renata.

May Kristin said...

A belated happy birthday to you and your beautiful daughter.

Kriza said...

Happy birthday Blossom, what a great age being 15! And how lucky you are to have the family you are blessed with.

Ati said...

Happy birthday Blossom! from the other end of the globe,we just woke up here ;) You have the most wonderful family to give you all those wonderful presents :) Fantastic being 15!

Country Nanny said...

Happy Birthday Blossom!!! I hope all your dreams come true and expecially the one about going to the World Youth Day.
I went to the 2000 World Youth Day! It was a fantastic and unique experience: lots and lots of young people from all over the world, all different but all with the same dream: to be nearer to God.

loulee said...

Happy Birthday to Blossom.

Anonymous said...

What a start to a wonderful birthday,
Happy Birthday Blossom, Hold on to your dreams and follow them with the whole of your heart. Bright Blessings to you. xxx

gail said...

You must be so proud of Blossom. What a wonderful time you seem to be having today.

Blessings Gail

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

Happy birthday to Blossom. And may you all have a lovely day. hugs from

A Bit of the Blarney said...

My heartiest congratulations. My oldest granddaughter turned 15 on the 17th. Life is GOOD girls. God is GOOD!!!! Cathy

zetor said...

Hope you have a wonderful day Blossom!x

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

Sending birthday blessings to Blossom & the special mother God chose for her! What a memorable day for you both!

Yvonne aka sommeke said...

Happy Birthday Blossom!

MyCretanlife said...

Wow Blossom your gifts are just great. You are so lucky to be much loved by your family and friends.

Robin in New Jersey said...

Happy Belated birthday, Blossom! What a lovely young lady you are and how blessed to have such a creative mom! The cushion is lovely! (Here in the states we call them pillows!)

MissyMack said...

What a beautiful post. That was so lovely to read, and share in the joy of her birthday. I'm so thrilled to hear that she is praying for her future husband. That really touched my heart, as I have been doing the same thing since I was a young teenager. And I'm still praying for him now.

Thank you for sharing!