Saturday, June 20, 2009

And so it begins....

....all the goodbyes.

This morning we put Blossom and Slicer on the plane to Melbourne. They have had a very emotional last few days saying goodbye to friends and workmates, visiting favourite places one more time, squeezing every extra hug from me they possibly could (hundreds! - I wish there had been more), and packing up their rooms for the packers on Monday.
Blossom bought a canvas so she could get people to sign it for her, a visual memory of the people here she loved. She only thought of it yesterday so it's my job to get more signatures over the next 12 days her dad and I are here.

I cried and cried at the airport, felt as though my heart was ripping in two. We've never been apart like this. One night sleepovers at a friends, but not 'apart' for weeks, not on opposite sides of this huge country. I miss them so much already and they have not even landed in Melbourne yet.

But they are going to stay with my beautiful eldest daughter Karen, and my wonderful son-in-love Bert. I know Karen and Bert will spoil them - and that makes me happy. In 15 days we'll all be reunited and I'll be surrounded by my children and grandsons... that day cannot come soon enough.

Here we are just before we left for the airport this morning.

Yesterday was my farewell visit to the sewing group I've been a part of for the last 2 years. They are a lovely bunch of ladies and I will miss them dearly. They gave me a beautiful parcel of fabrics and I'm already planning a quilt to remind me of all those Fridays we sat and stitched together sharing joys, tears, hopes, and dreams.
My friend Barb dyes her own laces and she gave me this sweet piece that I'll use on a pillow when I get my sewing room up and running in the new house late-July.

Blossom was a part of the same group for 18 months before she began working Fridays, so they had a little package of bright and bubbly purple prints for her to remember them by.

So what has been happening in the sewing room before I pack it up this weekend?

I finished my Christmas in July Swap items, and also my Paper Bag Swap challenge....

I stitched my Shabby Roses "LOVE" block into a Missal cover for a dear friend I'll be leaving behind here...

...and the country table-runner for daughter Karen has all the machine stitching finished, it just needs the binding sewn down and the quilting of the inner blocks by hand. Hopefully I'll get that done tonight.

I have also traced, ironed, and Whisperweft(ed) about 30 blocks to hand embroider over the next 3 weeks. I have them all stacked in a plastic pastry container ready for my empty days once the furniture is gone. On Monday while the packers are here I will go buy some cotton for knitting dishcloths as I think that will be a nice change from sewing - I loved the look of Stephanie's!

And I bought roses.
I just had to buy a few last ones as they give me such joy of heart and always bring to mind my Patron Saint, St Therese of Lisieux (the Little Flower).


Have you seen that Vicki of Tozz's Corner has just had another beautiful bag published - this time in Down Under Quilts! It's chenilled, and so pretty! Go and have a look on her blog. :-)

Another lovely friend is Cheryl, of Willowberry Designs, and she has the cutest bunch of farm animals published in Country Threads this month! If you go to her blog you can see them - and while you are there go visit her brand new Etsy shop for lots of beautiful patterns!!


And last of all, some happy news. :-)
I am to be published 3 times this year in Country Threads magazine, beginning with the September issue (due out late August), AND I will be published 2 times in Patchwork & Stitching magazine as well! This is a dream come true and I feel incredibly blessed.
This is also why I cannot show you full photos of some of the things I've made, just sneak peeks. :-)

So, for now, I need to go pack up the sewing room, do last minute washing, clean out the pantry...and perhaps take a breather to sew a few quiet stitches.

Thanks for listening, and for caring. You make this blog such a source of JOY for me!


GeeGee said...

Congratulations on being published. Your baby quilt is lovely and what a sweet ending to a sad story. Again, thanks for sharing your lovely designs. Wishing you all the best on your upcoming move and God Bless!

Deb said...

Offering you a tissue from afar Jenny. The time will go quickly till you are together with all the family again. A whole new adventure for all of you. Love the fabrics you sewing group gave you. The canvas is a great idea for Blossom, I remember Beth got all her friends to sign a calico teddybear like that when she finished school. Congrats on all of your upcoming publishing, clever girl.

Unknown said...

All the Very Best for the Big Move...Nice that you have gotten yourself Organized with some Stitching on hand...15days will go in no time you'll see...Congrats on the Publications...Well Done.!!

Vicki ♥ said...

Oh Jen what wonderful things you have done and got from lovely friends. I like Blossoms idea of the canvas and you are like me and love bunches of flowers. They make the whole room different dont they?
Congrats big time on getting published...of course your projects will be the best and I cant wait to see them. Hugs and like everyone says the days will go so quick and you will all be together again. You also will get to see your darling grandson and older daughter too :) Take care my dear friend :)

Orcsmom said...

Best wishes in your move, and congrats on being published. I can't wait to read and see them in Country Threads. We pretty much fight over the Country Threads and Country Patchwork magazines here in the States, and we have even started to share subscriptions to them. Great idea on the canvas, what a great thing to look over and remember all of those wonderful friendships that have been made. Regarding the kids, they sound like they will be in good hands, think of it as an adventure for them and for you. And one last thing, think of the great stories you both will have to tell each other when you are reunited! Best of everything to you and yours!


Shari said...

Hope all goes well with the big move. You sound well-prepared. And congratulations on being published! Very exciting and well-deserved! Enjoy your time with family in Melbourne before it all gets crazy again setting up the new house...
Hugs - Shari

Country Nanny said...

Dear Jenny, first of all congratulations on being bublished!You deserve this because you're a very talented're my favourite one!!!!
As far as concerning the big move, I can only imagine how it could be so sad leaving familiar places, people yuo love and with whom you shared a lot af happy (and even sad) momenti, your favourite shops. My granny used to say "living is a little bit like dying" and I, in part, agree with her. I think, also, tha living is a new begging too. New places to visit and to love, new people to meet,...
Wishing you all the best, hugs Elisa :)

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Wow....that was a great post, my heat goes out to you Jen, won't be long and you will picking up the kids, lovely fabrics tht you received from your quilting friends..and the lace, lovely...I was looking deep into that paper bag...LOL....take care Jen...Peg

-girl from the bush said...

hi jenny, condradulations on being published! You deserve it as you are so clever, very talented. I have just finished your book mark. I might put it on my blog later. I will look forward to the next country threads mag, I do love that one. Blossoms canvas is such an excellent idea!! good luck. sue~n.z.

Narelle said...

I feel for you sending your chickens on their way.
Wishing all safe journeys.
Congratulations on your upcoming publications, I'll keep an eye out.

Anonymous said...

Share the tissues, I was almost in tears, parting is so sad, but 15 days will go by very quickly. And a whole new life is about to begin for you and your family. Beautiful gifts from your sewing group, and congrats on being published, you are one very talented designer. xxx

Sew Useful Designs said...

Hello darling Jenny xx

I have been thinking about you all day today. (Hugs) xx That is a beautiful photo of you all, and what a gorgeous family you have! So where does the name Slicer, come from?! :-)

Thank you for the links sweetie, and for the eye candy! I am SO looking forward to seeing you smiling at me from the pages of those top Aussie mags! Oh - and looking forward to your projects too! LOL...

Hugs, Hugs, Hugs! And an abundance of love,
Vikki xoxoxoxoxo

Abby and Stephanie said...

A new venture ahead...I understand the goodbyes. I've done it way too many times. You'll get settled in your new place and lots of people will be lucky to get to know you. Looking forward to seeing what you create with the lovely fabrics from your friends.

Jeanette said...

Congratulations on being published Jenny. I've enjoyed making your Wonky Houses & now your lovely Shabby Roses. Good luck with your move. Take care & bless you, hugs, Jeanette

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

Good luck with your move. What an adventure!

RG said...

Congratulations to you Jenny!
Being published is a dream and yo deserve it all!!
All the best with your big move.
Robyn xx

Crispy said...

Wow how wonderful to be published, a quilters dream come true, congradulations!! Ok, so your furniture is leaving on Monday but you will be there for another 12-15 days, are you pitching a tent in the living room and using a camp stove and sleeping bags? LOL


Jocelyn said...

Oh my Jen, I was weeping with you right there at the airport :-( It is so hard to be separated from our loved ones. And congratulations on being published. I do not think we get those publications in our area of the US, but I am sure they are wonderful. Take care and enjoy your stitching.

Anonymous said...

Such a rollercoaster of emotions Jenny. I know what it's like to say goodbye to everyone, especially your kids, luckily you won't have such a long wait as I before you see them again. I'm on year 5. I'm sure your next chapter will be just as enjoyable and exciting as the one that's closing, with new memories and new friendships. Congratulations on the magazine publications.

Lurline said...

Oh, Jenny - looking forward to your story in 6 months time - that's the minimum a big move takes! The folks in my birthplace surely haven't changed - they will love you and vice versa - best wishes!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Robin in New Jersey said...

I love this post. I will be thinking about you as you are away from your children. They will be fine and how special for them to be spending time with their nephews and older sister.

I am starting the Shabby Roses quilt today! So excited...

Myra said...

Wow! The moving wheels are really in motion now... God bless you all with the stress that that all brings...

Wonderful fabricy gifts for you and Blossom... That lace is gorgeous!!!

Nice sneaks and peeks... and congrats with your soon to be published! Good for you! 8-)

Seems I have soooo much to catch up with on your blog... I am soooo behind...

Robin in New Jersey said...

BIG congrats on being published. So very happy for you!

Anonymous said...

Oh Jen....I know how you must feel sending the kids off....Sending hugs for that....Now congrats for the exciting!
I just started my bookmark stitchery last night and had to make myself put it down to go to bed at 2am. Reminded me how I loved to do stitcheries when I was younger. Allie has been laughing at me because I've been pouring over my fabrics for my Shabby Rose quilt. I finially sent her pics of my choices.
So glad you got some prep work done for your trip. Sending you hugs...

Anonymous said...

Hi Jenny, thanks for the promo!! I'm sharing your tears but your little lovelies will be with you again before you know it :-) You've got some busy days ahead and the time will fly....
Looking forward to seeing your projects in the magazines - how totally exciting for you! Get those big boots ready.....
here's a hug xoox

Allie said...

Oh sweetie - you'll be back together before you know it - my goodness you have lovely children. I'm finding it really hard to believe you're old enough to have must've been a child bride. I LOVE Blossom's idea for the signatures. What a treasure that will be for her!
Your sewing ladies are so sweet and thoughtful. I noticed in the picture of the fabric they gave you, the swirls in the card match the swirls in the fabric next to it. Neato. How lovely they sent some to Blossom as well. That lace is incredible, how very Jenny it is!
I love the missal cover. I must stitch that up. And the table runner is wonderful! Your roses are so pretty, dear one. I miss our rosebushes something awful. My grandpa used to grow roses just for my grandma, she loved them so much and he surrounded her with them.
I'm not a bit surprised to see you getting so published. You are amazing, my friend. Just amazing.

DAWNIE said...

Great work on having your work published. I have just discovered your blog - you are very talented.

Noelia said...

Hello Jenny,
Best wishes in your move !!


Cattinka said...

Congratulations on your publishing success! And don´t be sad, 15 days will go by so fast, because you will have so much to do. Goodbyes are always hard.

zetor said...

Congrats on your publications and hurry back into blogland. Saint Christopher prayers for safe journeys for you all.

sewtakeahike said...

Aww, you are such a sweet Mom! Good luck with your move Jenny!

Elizabeth said...

Hey mummy,

I miss you sooo much! Were going shopping (again) soon. Doesn't seem like there's much else to do in Melbourne. Lol.
Time will pass quickly. I hope things went well with the removalists.

God bless,

CindyMae said...

Congrats on the publishing!! That is just awesome news!! Everything looks lovely! I am sure that you will all be very glad to be back together soon! I pray that everything goes smoothly for you all!

Debbie said...

Good luck with the move, Jenny. It's great that you are still getting to relax with the ultimate therapy of handwork. Congratulations on being published in multiple publications!

Check out the latest entry to my blog. I was given the Kreativ Blogger award last week and you are one of the seven that I chose to pass it on to. Have fun!