Saturday, November 25, 2017

The courage in ordinary lives...

Writing for each blog post, whether to share a pattern idea or a message from my life and heart is not always as easy as it may appear to those reading my thoughts.
Sometimes I have to dig down into my reserves of courage because sharing what I believe to be true in my own life may not be what you believe or even what you want to hear about so I may need to remind myself that those particular readers can easily skim past the sections they don’t like or choose to not read a particular post at all.
After all this is my blog so it should always be a reflection of who I am and what I stand for, whether that be my design style or the things that matter most personally. 
Having said that, continuing in authenticity can sometimes require courage to keep going when outsiders try to rattle my cage and threaten to stop reading Elefantz if I don’t change it to something they’d feel more comfortable with (this usually happens during periods of illness, fatigue or depression) but God gave me this blog, this gift to design and the ability to write, so removing Him from Elefantz just isn’t going to happen.
I want to assure you today that whether we stand together as ‘sisters-in-Christ’ or ‘sisters-in-sewing’ (or both) I appreciate *you* and want you to know it.
When you leave a comment you are also being brave if you’re opening up your heart or sharing a belief, and this in turn will make yourself vulnerable to my own judgement and that of those who read each comment.
I pray I am always gracious and kind to you, respecting you have the right to your own view and that it may be different to mine but trusting you also will be respectful in the words you write.

Novels like The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings abound with acts of courage in the face of opposition, the need for bravery in choosing right from wrong. In such books we read of character strengths (or weaknesses), chivalry, laying down one’s life for another, stepping forward to make a difference, rescuing the maiden (or hobbit) in distress – we can picture this because the author has written the story in such a way that our mind and hearts are carried along as though we were there.  In such movies the orchestral impact to tug at our heartstrings helps too.
Men and women of valour who cause our hearts to surge with pride because of the goodness in their humane acts can summon grateful tears to fall from our eyes at their decision to step forward and take a difficult situation in hand – these are symbolic of a normal understanding of bravery in action. Yes, indeed, this is to be brave, and thank God for those who act with such courage.
But let’s not limit bravery to those extreme examples.  Have you ever done something that took a great deal of courage?

 Consider these examples from ordinary lives…

A woman who is agoraphobic steps outside her door to help an animal who has been hit and left to suffer alone in front of her house. Brave.
A child stands beside a friend who is being bullied, puts his arm around the other fellow’s shoulder and leads him past the bully. Courage.
The child next door has new bruises on her legs again, and her screams of fear and pain from the night before still ring in your ears. You pick up the phone. Brave.
Your husband is still without work. You’ve sold all you can spare, and now there’s not much left. The children need to have their bellies filled. You pull on your coat and with head held high you walk through the doors of the Salvation Army to ask for help. Courage.
You can argue the point one more time with your husband and tear him down again with your clever words and finger pointing. But you decide to step back, hold your tongue, and hug him fiercely. As your tears fall against his shoulder you tell him how proud you are of him, and that you’re fine with his decision. Brave.

Courage comes in many forms, and many measures. But it’s always about stepping away from fear and putting another’s feelings and needs forward instead of your own.
I believe we have all been brave at times and we’ve each acted with courage when fear has threatened to cripple us. We are stronger than we think and braver than we realise, but if someone does not remind us we easily forget.
I wasn’t sure why I needed to write this post about being brave today, but when the good Lord taps on my heart and directs my words I hope to always listen and trust His lead.
Jesus is my hero, the One whose life inspires mine to (eventually) become one of good and honest measure. He encourages me to be brave through His own example and even when I sink so deep into depression or grief or fear that there seems no way up He will gather me close and carry me gently back to shore so I can start over when I am stronger.
He reminds me to always be of good courage because He will never leave me nor forsake me and in this I take comfort and hope. 

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go."  Joshua 1:9

May you find your courage if it’s lately been lost, and I pray the good Lord does more with your ounce of courage than you ever believed possible. The same God who fed 5,000 with a few loaves and fishes can increase all our insufficiencies if we ask Him to.
How do I know? He did it for me.


Leeanne said...

Lovely thought provoking post on YOUR blog........well done you!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you stay true to yourself Jenny. I really do appreciate the honesty and bravery that you approach your blog with.
We as sisters in sewing, craft or religion have a need to stand up for one another at times and that is what I'm doing now.
I will continue you look forward to your posts, whatever subject they are always give me something to ponder over and that is a good thing; as at times we become stuck and fresh input could be all we need to open our eyes and hearts.

Big hugs

Ruth B said...

It is hard for me to comprehend anyone criticizing you Jenny! You are a shining example to all of love and kindness, generosity and goodness. I guess that must be threatening to some but such a comfort to those of us who read your blogs with gratitude for the pause in an otherwise chaotic day. I hope you never change because the world needs more people like you! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and love with the world. You are a treasure!

Alicia Mae said...

Absolutely beautiful, Jenny. Thank you/your blog for being a such a bright spot on the Internet.

Anonymous said...

Awesome heart felt post Jenny,don't change for anyone,you are a beautiful person,inside and out and I am proud to call you a friend,hope you have a lovely weekend 💋

Glenise said...

Beautiful words Jenny. Thank you. Your blog readers are blessed by your heartfelt words and kindness you gjve to us all.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to read that God isn't going anywhere. We need such comfort in these trying times. Grandma Rita

Maria McCabe said...

As always a beautiful post from a beautiful soul. Thank you Jenny, your words always speak to my heart.

Linda said...

Jenny, thank you for this post. I'm lying in bed tonight next to my mother who is suffering from dementia. I'm staying with her tonight to give my dad a much needed break and so he can get a full night of sleep. My mother is getting worse very quickly and occasionally forgets who I am now. I can't begin to describe the pain and that dementia causes for everyone. Thank you for this reminder that Jesus tells us to be strong. I needed that. Love you Jenny.

Kim said...

This is a similar verse that came to mind today as my encouragement: Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jenny l cannot believe the thoughts of some people.lf they don’t like your writing no one makes them read it. I for one just love your words they feed my soul as well as my fingers and it would be a sad day if they weren’t there to read. God has given you a gift that you share with us all.Thank you very much. God bless you Joy Richards xxx

Ondrea said...

Wow! An absolutely amazing post girl! I am saddened to hear that you have received negative comments about your blog content. As you have said, it is YOUR blog. I see no reason why bloggers should change their own blogs to suit others sensibilities. One can choose to read or not to read a blog and noone is twisting their arm. Personal responsibility and respect for others are important life skills. Keep on doing what you are doing. You have such a beautiful way with words and I can see how much thought , time and energy goes into each blog post. Stay true to yourself. You have no need to explain yourself to anyone. Many angel hugs my lovely.

Anonymous said...

Dearest Jenny your words were meant for me today thank you! I have been in the pit of depression the past couple of weeks and feel so weak and defiantly not brave yet your words speak to my heart. I went out today with my hubby and bought all my Christmas presents so a victory for today! Thank you Jesus and thank you Jenny. I always read your blog but I don’t always reply, I do appreciate you though and thank God that I can look at your page and have my heart lifted. You inspire me to keep looking forward. Much love my dear sister in Christ xxx

Anonymous said...

Jenni do you mind if I pinch your saying that you have here today - I have 8 bags ready for share the dignity and that saying is just perfect for the note that I am putting in them.


Lin said...

Thank you Jenny. And please don't change a thing! xx

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Of course, Lynette. xx

Michelle Ridgway said...

Being Jenny is perfect! It's your blog and yours to share as you choose.....folks don't have to read or visit....their choice.
Keep on your own path xxx

Janice said...

Dear Jenny, keep doing exactly as you have. Your blog is about you, just the way you are and that is why we like it. Today’s post is very thoughtful.

Dorian said...

Thank you Jenny, for your words of encouragement. I hope those nay-sayers don't let you leave your blog and you continue to write what you feel you need to. As your words are often very helpful to others, as they are to me, today. My family and I are going thru some trying medical issues, and your words today are just what I needed. Thank you, and my God continue to bless you.

psv said...

You are an inspiration to many, many of us, Jenny, and so very often say just what we need to hear in the right way, at the right time. Please continue to let the Good Lord speak thru you. Those who don't want to read what you have to say won't. You were given your gifts for a reason. Peace, friend. -p.

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

Yur blog posts are the ones I look most forward to. Your kindness and graciousness always shine through!! Thank you for sharing your heart...

Nancy S. said...

Sending you hugs filled with thankfulness and gratitude! Again a post so honest and relevant to who you are, and I for one am again so blessed by your words. Inspired and blessed!

Maureen said...

Linda, I, too, walked the long goodby of dementia with my mother. While there are no words for the pain and anguish of today, you will never regret this time with her. These hours will, in time, become precious memories to you. He is your strength!

Maureen said...

Jenny, there is nothing more I can add to what has already been said. You, my friend, are a gift to each of us. Bless you and Mr E.

Edie said...

Be true to yourself. It "is" your blog and we are still following. I enjoy your posts. Thank you for sharing your innermost self.

Slrw said...

Well said! I try to read you every day, it gives me courage and confidence as well as inspiration to stand up for my faith.

May said...

Hi Dear Jenny, I have not been around for a few weeks Grandma duties, I want to Thank you for my Amazing November stitchery Gorgeous as ever... Do not change on thing about you or your posts are my inspiration, you are one of the most beautiful souls I have ever had the good fortune to meet... Bless you Love May x

Anonymous said...

Jenny, Your excellent post today was a God sent message to many of us. I just got out of the hospital and worry set in my mind of how would I pay the bills, that will come in, on a low fixed income. I know that the Lord will provide but my fear overcame that. Thank you from my heart for your message. It put me back on the right track. The Lord will walk me through everything and hold my hand and direct my footsteps. Keep up your posts of telling us about your walk with the Lord. It is my Bible lesson for the day. Thank you Jenny and the Lord Bless you. SE

sillyheart said...

Jenny, you have no idea how much I needed to hear those words. God is good and so are you dear lady!!!

Unknown said...

Jenny, A public blog is a beautiful thing! Thank you so much for your ability to articulate what we in our hearts know to be truth! Your conviction to follow truth, a foundation upon which you firmly stand, leads us all to be better in our own private battles! Thank you for sharing your beautiful self, and accompanying us in our lonely corners, and our public weaknesses well-known by many of us, since we belong to this human family!Your words and scripture reference on courage was very timely for my husband and I, for this very morning we conversed over the Gospel principle of Fear vs Faith, and the courage it takes to follow the example that our Savior Jesus Christ gave.

Anonymous said...

Keep right on being you, Jenny. You remind me not to fear, especially the things I cannot control. You inspire me to be a better Susan. You encourage me in my journey with Christ. You let me know I am not alone. You get me looking outside myself. Thank you for the the things you share, the words you write, and the life you live. Your friendship is so precious to me.

Remembrances said...

You are an inspiration to me! I use your wonderful Christian oriented designs on gifts to uplift women who are hurting. As for the naysayers, they need to be reminded that you are blessing many, many others with the gift that God has given you! My life verse is Phi. 4:13 - stay strong my dear Sister-in-Christ! Karin

Grandma Shell said...

Is anyone being forced to read your posts? Not that I know of. One thing I appreciate about Elefantz is because you are a Christian woman and not afraid to let the rest of the world know it. I'm sure we could find embroidery patterns elsewhere but I so enjoy reading about your day-to-day life "down under". Just skimming through the other comments I didn't notice any that want you to stop being YOU! Praying for you dear Christian sister!

Janet said...

Jenny, Honey, I came to your site because of your Embroidery, I've stayed because of YOU!! I LOVE YOUR POSTS! They are Very Uplifting to me. I too suffer from depression, twenty-five years worth, Non-Stop from chronic pain and fatigue. I look forward to your posts! The embroidery is just icing on the cake. It is your life! You live your life as you see fit! YOU have chosen to live your life as you think God wishes you to! And Honey, THAT IS YOUR Choice! We as God's children are NOT TO JUDGE! God has made you this way for a reason. God has given YOU this GIFT to make beautiful things with your hands and to write beautiful messages to those that follow you!! This is His Plan to have you reach out and spread the Gospel to those who wish to listen!! And, WE WISH TO LISTEN!! THOSE who don't want to be here, MAY LEAVE AT ANY TIME!! That is out of your control! God sends that away to give you comfort in your work! That is God's Plan. Enjoy your life as it is! Dismiss any guilt or doubt that comes your way. Guilt and Doubt is the devil at work. BE HAPPY, ENJOY what you are doing! God gives you these Gifts for a reason and YOU ARE THE REASON! I don't think God would give you these abilities for you NOT to use them as you do. He has chosen YOU to be his disciple to spread His word in your own way. I think God is pleased with what you are doing. I KNOW, WE ARE VERY PLEASED! May God Bless you during your times of distress. He will give you comfort as best He can. He did not bring you to it, not to bring you through it. You ARE a child of God! Janet White Tidwell, jwt 11/25/17

Anonymous said...

Restez vous même , c'est très important ..
Françoise de France

Anonymous said...

Jenny...I don’t comment very often, but I feel led to send words of encouragement today to you, the one who is always lifting us up and encouraging us. Your designs are beautiful and you are gifted with that talent that so many of us wish we had. It’s always lovely to see Blossom and Cully May, and the happiness they surely bring into your life. It’s also encouraging to hear how you are able to trudge on, even with your migraines and other health issues. For those of us with the same types of issues, it helps to know we can lead somewhat normal lives if we watch our diet and rest. God should never be taken out of the equation for a happy, healthy, successful life. He is the reason we are here and continue to be here. Thank you for your blog, Jenny, and for speaking honestly. You have the right to do so, and you do it very eloquently. It is truly a pleasure to receive your post in my inbox!!

Valerie said...

Jenny, God has used you to minister to so many through your unique blend of beautiful words, stitched creations and delicious looking food. You have opened your beautiful heart, home and family life to readers. I have been reading your blog for years, and can't count the number of times God has used it to bring comfort and inspiration to my soul. I am sure that for each one of us who has commented, there are many more who would agree. I thank God for you and your blog. You are using the unique blend of gifts He has given you for the benefit of others, and it doesn't get any better than that! Thank you for the creativity, courage and integrity you have shown! Keep shining that light!

sophietucker said...

After reading this post I am thinking some of your readers must not be able to find their delete button! It should never matter what your views, beliefs, opinions, etc., we all need to respect your right to give voice to whatever you write. If I don't agree with something someone says or writes, I simply delete or skip that part of a post. To be rude to you or anyone else is just not right.

Darla Mae said...

With years in my eyes, Amen!!

Love and hugs,

Farm Quilter said...

Speaking for myself (as well as probably a huge number of your blog readers), I love reading about your life, your trials, your successes, your joy, your sorrow and your love for your Lord, family and friends (as well as loving yourself!!). Through your blog posts and occasional emails, you have become a friend, as well as my sister in Christ. Your blog is yours and therefore can contain anything your heart desires it to have! While I admire your lovely embroidery and patterns, hand work is not something I endeavor to do (I'll admit it, I loathe hand work!)...but I certainly have a huge appreciation for your creative work and the time/effort required to achieve your beautiful results. I am much more into crazy custom quilting on my longarm - different worlds, but still complementary and beautiful to behold. I hope you don't let anyone discourage you in any are doing exactly what the Lord wants you to be doing and your faith reaches way more people than will ever comment here!! Love and appreciate you, sis!!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Yes, it is your blog, thus, write what you want to write. If someone doesn't want to read it, then they don't have to read it. I skim over the parts of a blog that I'm not interested in (lots of different blogs). Yes, presenting our ideas and faith on our blogs, or anywhere else does take courage sometimes, since we open ourselves up to others. No one is ever going to agree with you all the time. That isn't a bad thing, but, people need to remember what my mother taught me: "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Keep your blog 'yours' in all ways.

Guida said...

Such a beautiful post Jenny, you always know just what to say at the right moments. Thank you sweetheart, have a wonderful weekend. Guida

Carol sferra said...

Wonderful Jenny! Your posts are always an encouragement...because they are real about real life. And your love for our Lord is priceless.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful. I always pray for Courage, Strength and Wisdom!!!

Natureluvr57 said...

I didn't read all the other comments but the ones I did said to "be true to yourself". I agree. If someone doesn't like your blog, they should unsubscribe and pass it on by. If they want to post and criticize how you're doing it....well, they need to start their own blog their way. Why people feel they have the right to bully someone is beyond me. It doesn't shock me anymore though and that's actually sad. The U.S. is full of bullying and I just want to disengage and go to my crafty area of my life to escape. I have unsubscribed from many bloggers because they went from talking about crafts to spouting off about politics and Facebook is horrible too- not inspiring at all. I didn't comment, I just unsubscribed because it's their blog and if that's the direction they want to take it, that's their right. I didn't feel like I should belittle that person-why so many people do will remain a mystery to me. I hope God has brightened and blessed your day.

Jacqueline said...

Great post.

T Unsinn said...

Thank you for the inspiring words. Always invite Christ in and remain true

Unknown said...

Jenny. I have nothing but respect for you. God has blessed you in so many ways. I LOVE seeing the things that you have created & reading how God is such a part of your life. It's unfortunate that hurt people hurt people, but I think that you understand that. I love that you are my sister in Christ. HUGS!

Judy1522 said...

Your words are always encouraging and good. Life is full of those that are negative to drag us down. I always feel that when people find faith offensive it is because in their hearts they know what is right but are not ready to believe it for themselves. Please don't be discouraged about what others say you may never know what they will remember about your posts that will bear fruit in their lives.

Sherry said...

The way you share your heart and the way you share how the Lord works in your life brings me back to read your blog. I have a blog but do not have your gift for writing. I am encouraged to stretch myself and share a little more, thank you for what you do. I love your needlework too.

judith said...

Jenny, I look forward to your blog everyday. I love you and feel deep inside that we have kindred hearts. Lives that are very similar and even parallel in many ways. So blessed to hear and watch you in your strength from the Lord, and as Joshua 1:9 says,"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; Do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."
Stand strong in the power of His might, you are not alone.
Huggs and Blessings, Judith

Kaye said...

Jenny, we are here because of who you are and what you do. If someone happens upon your blog and they disagree with anything you say or do they don't belong. I don't understand people anymore. I don't understand this "all about me" attitude. Those people think the world revolves around them. If they would let God in their hearts they would no longer see only themselves. Don't ever change, Jenny. God made you who you are and He guides you. Nothing else matters. Your friends love you just the way God made you. Hugs, Kaye

Nancy Page said...

Super great post! Your posts have been a good and great help for me over the years that I have followed you. I appreciate all that you share with us. It has given me great hope, made me a stronger and better person. Continue to be who you are, now and always. Those who do not like or appreciate what you post should quietly move on to other places without looking back. God put us on this earth, each of us with different and individual thoughts and talents, to gravitate towards those with similar thoughts and talents. That is what we should do while quietly leaving behind those who do not match our thoughts and talents to do the same. Wishing you the very best, Nancy in the U.S.

Dorothy Matheson said...

I am grateful today that you have reminded me that I have had times in my life I had to be brave for myself or for my family. Also for my patients when I was working as a nurse.

Thank you.

Dondi M said...

So very well said! If you are not true to ourselves, then what is truth? Who are we good for? You remind me of Queen Esther in the Old Testament. I'm so glad all the comments were positive! We live in a time when it is important for us to speak up for our rights to be able to worship and speak out for what we believe. Religious rights are at a crossroads now. I'm not saying one needs to be religious. I believe anyone can be religious or not be religious. I'm saying we must have the right to be able to practice our beliefs no matter what they are, unless, of course, they harm others. I cannot use the right of religion to take another's life, for instance. The rights of religion formed Western Civilization and all the innovation that came from those freedoms. We cannot let anyone shut our rights down.

I love how gentle you are. We must be voices for being gentle, too. We see all around us how kindness has eroded in many places. It is so sad. Hopefully now that we are in the Christmas Season, kindness and thoughtfulness will increase and perhaps, last into the new year!

Anonymous said...

It’s all beautiful. This little blog is where you are letting your light shine and that is what we are told to do in His Word.
Keep being courageous Jenny. It’s so encouraging.
Blessings Gail.🙋🏼

Unknown said...

Hi Jenny
Thanks you so much for your words. We all get so much into our inboxes but yours is one I do read. You are a real blessing and I pray that God will continually bless you and your family. it does hurt so much when we open ourselves up and are honest with what we truly believe especially in this time of post moderism. We must always stay true to our Lord and saviour and be strong and of good courage. Thank you so much for this post it was very timely.
many blessing Chris xxx

Little Penpen said...

I can't imagine anyone criticizing you or your sweet spirit! Your work is lovely and you are so generous to share so much with us. Keep being you, Jenny... I wouldn't want you any other way! We love you!

Skye B said...

Thank you Jenny, I really needed to read this today xxx

Cindy M said...

Oh, Jenny, you are such an inspiration to so many and your words are so encouraging and God-filled........I look every day to see what you have written, as I being my day or even in the middle of the day for a loving break. There is not much love in this world today, or care, but your posts are so loving, kind and encouraging to so many, you help me keep my week going as I read and remember each word you write. I am sorry some folks are so insensitive but as you said this is YOUR blog that you felt lead to write in the way you wish, and I and many others are inspired by your words. If there are those that don't care for it, as another person said, they are free to unsubscribe and go someplace else. Do not change one thing about you, about what you write, or what you are doing. I, personally am a better person for each word you put in writing. You are such a blessing to so many. God reminds us, to look up, and not to those in our earthly lives but to our heavenly Father up above. He takes care of us and of those that are not so nice, in His own way. Earthlings are often times jealous of how eloquent and sincere you are, and your kindness radiates in everything you compose. Ignore those other thoughts that some folks write, and know there are more of us that love you and what and how you write, than there are "others" - keep doing what you are doing, you shed light and love in an often times dark place.

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

Thank you, Jenny for a beautiful from-the-heart post. I found much needed encouragement in your words. Yes, be true to yourself, be real. For those who aren't interested in the real you, they can move on to another blog. I always think that people who do a lot of criticising are actually frustrated about something else but they take out their frustrations on someone that has nothing to do with the original frustration. You know, like someone who has a bad day driving to work, then takes it out on his/her employees or when the car breaks down or the dishwasher overflows, whatever, these things are often the catalyst for a lot of misplaced anger and criticism. I always feel that I don't care how many folks like what I write or say but if what I write, say or do helps even one person, then it is all for the good. Keep on doing what you are meant to do. You are listening to the "still small voice". Keep it up. Thank you again for your post and sharing.

Baa. xxx said...

Hey Jenny - just to let you know you are the best!! You never need to be what anyone else wants you to be - be you. You only play for an audience of One. And He loves you more than to the moon and back! Love and blessings.

Tania said...

I have just caught up with this post Jenny and just wanted to express my appreciation for your blog. Coming here is like a breath of fresh air in this troubled world.

You don't have to impress anybody except for our creator God. I know my visits here with you have strengthened my faith in God, so a big thank you for all you do. You have been, and still are such an encouragement for me.

God bless you sweet lady,

Love and hugs,
Tania xoxo

Tammy said...

Jenny I love you. I love your blog. I love your Culley Mae and your other family members you talk about. I have never met you. Yet I know we are sisters in embroidery and sewing. We are sisters in Christ. You and your writings lift me up. You encourage me to spend more time with God. Do not let the disenchanted u[set you with their ramblings. You are a wonderful person. You have the soul of an angel. Hugs to you. I look forward to seeing and hearing what you post on the group and on the blog. Don't ever change for someone else Jenny. You are a blessing in my life and I am so thankful for you. I wish I was a wealthy person so I could come to Australia to meet you.....Your blog is a place I can escape to from the harsh realities of this crazy world. Keep on being you and please don't ever change. Hugs and Love Tammy USA

Anita said...

Good on ya! Your words are always an inspiration to me. The way to Heaven is through His son, Jesus. You warm my heart and I devour every word you write. I will follow you as long as you write and stitch. Love ya.

Jackie Heath said...

Oh, Jenny! You are such a treasure and inspiration to me and I am sure, to many other women. We may or may not have walked in some of your shoes, but I often feel your struggles with your health. I too, have those struggles, in fact, it is only by God's grace that I am still alive today. Yes, there are days to only rest, but there are more days that I can sew and cook for my family. Bravery comes in many forms, knowing when to share our thoughts and feeling, when to encourage others, and when to say, I need time to step back, rest and take stock of my life and decided which way to go. I have seen you do all these things. And God continues to speak to you, and Jenny listens!!! Thank you !!

Cassie Schlais said...

Jenny, you are such a shining light for so many. I am honored to be able to connect with one as brave, true to themselves and their faith. I am a sister in stitchery and faith and count you among my blessings. Thank you for your strength and inspiration.

LyndaTreen said...

Dear Jenny, your post about bravery has hit home with me today. This is my first Christmas without my husband of 47 years and friend of 57 years. I lost him in March and it has been a year of transition, fear, pain, and fright. But I have been a reader of your blog for a couple of years now and this post was very timely to me as yesterday I did something I had not done without my husband being there. While the step itself is unimportant non-the-less, the fact that I took the step is what has given me the courage to take another. I am a true believer in God and His love and I find His love and His arms around me daily. Your blog also helps, knowing there are others out there who need this love and support. Thank you for this courage!!

Suze said...


Thank you for being obedient to the call of God. You are a strong woman. It is not easy to be strong when others are critical. Hold your head high and know you are doing the work of the Lord. You posted this because many needed to hear this. I am one. I am in the process of making the decision to publicly name by childhood sexual abuser. He is a family member. Since I told his children and wife of his actions in an attempt to protect his grandchildren, I have lost all contact with all those family members. It is as if I am the bad person again. I did nothing wrong and am being persecuted. I was going to testify in the state senate to try to get a law changed in this state (not the state where my abuse occured), and the chariman of the senate committee allowed no testimonies. I was going to post my speech. So, I am considering posting the speech on his birthay - very soon. I have been keeping his secret for over 50 years and the damage that it has done to me physically, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually is huge. The truth will set you free. It's note just I who needs courage that only God can supply. Again, thank you for your courage to obey. Look at the others who responded; they needed this message and I'm sure many more. May the Lord bless and keep you.