Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Anyone for a challenge??

Yesterday I showed you the sad and sorry plastic cover that houses my sewing machine.

I thought it was just me who neglected to dress my constant companion in deserved finery, but no! Quite a few bloggers have 'fessed up to not having a cover for their own machine.

So my brain began to tick over with something other than swirly designs (hey, that is a miracle!) and I wondered if perhaps some of you would like to join me in a challenge to dress our beloved sewing machines before the end of August?

I saw Peg's cover a little while back and loved it because it was just what I was wanting myself - simple, pretty, and do-able in a short space of time. It's really nice don't you think?! Her colours are gorgeous.

She had gotten the idea from a tutorial at Sew, Mama, Sew - the tutorial is fantastic if you need help or are new to sewing and need step-by-step helps along the way.

So....are you up for a challenge??



Jo in TAS said...

Excellent challenge, I'll be in it. My poor machine is covered with a fat quarter that I love and have been meaning to turn it into something for ages!

Allie said...

Well um.....I already have a cover I made. Not a great one, but it does the trick. When I get my machine back I'll take a pic of it. The only thing I'd do different is quilt it to make it stand up, instead of just drape.

Deb said...

Um ... help, help, help (coming from my sewing room, save us from dustmites)
Okay then, looks like I'm in too Jenny, my last sewing machine cover now sits over the overlocker to stop the cat getting the threads so a new one is definitely on the cards.

Isabella said...

My machine does not have a cover yet however it looks like one is going to be made really soon

Crispy said...

I use my sewing machine so seldom, it mostly lives in it's case. I'll enjoy seeing what other come up with.


Paula Jane said...

I haven't made a cover yet because I always have my quilting table on the machine and I couldn't find, or think of a way to make one that would fit with the table left on. That one is fantastic I could just leave the ties on that side off! Fantastic! I will try and make the august deadline, Hopfully I'll be out of hospital in the next few days!! Yeahhhh.
Hugs Paula

Lurline said...

A great tutorial and I really should, but oh, too many others things I wants to do!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Abby and Stephanie said...

End of August huh? I'll try. Definitely a motivation.

The Quilt Shoppe said...

What a wonderful challenge!

I'm game :)

Unknown said...

Both of my machines have no cover...just fabric stacked on it! So that would be a good challenge to make them each a cover! I'm in!

Sew Useful Designs said...

Count me in sweetie! :-)

My head is swimming with ideas now!

Hugs! Vikki x

Bec said...

I think I had better join in, esp as seeing I was one of the bloggers who admitted to not having a nice cover (don't think hard plastic counts!).

Debbie said...

I think it sounds like fun! Count me in!

soggybottomflats said...

Great idea Jenny! I just bought a new machine, totally in love with it and do not plan on putting her away anytime soon. So I guess I need a decent cover since she will be sitting in my living room, between the TV and the PC, lol. Hmm, I'll need to think on this one for a day or two.
Thanks Jenny, hugs, Elaine

Anonymous said...

Great idea Jenny, but I have a cover for my sewing machine. Bernie ( my sewing machine) is very happy with it. I will put a pitcure on my blog.

Grethe said...

Great idea Jenny! End of August?
I'll try. Definitely a motivation.

Anonymous said...

I will make a cover for my mr. machine, but it wont be until the kids go back to school in september. I have a super pattern for a nice girlie one!! when I can find it somewhere stashed on my computer.... so poor mr machine will have to stay covered in dust for a few weeks longer. Oh I do miss having time to sew during the holidays. hugz xxx

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

Hi Jenny,
just the "encouragement" I need, I have been sitting on a pattern for ages now, and even have the fabric in mind... so YES I take up your challenge! It will be fun to see what others are doing too, guaranteed to have fun!!

rockgranny said...
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rockgranny said...
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rockgranny said...

What a chalenge! I'll start today, seems to be pretty easy

Anonymous said...

Me too, me too!

Nanci said...

I'm in also; I would love to have a soft cover for mine that smiled at me when I turn on the light to my sewing room. This is the perfect chance to find some awesome fabric in my stash I never seemed willing to cut.

Phyllis said...

Hi Jenny,

I just made this same cover for my machine last month and love it, or would be very happy to participate.

Crafty Girls Workshop said...

I already have a cover for my machine, but I am sure it could use a change every once in awhile. I mean, who wants to wear the same dress everyday, right? I'll join in, but I can't guarantee anything. I just love those charisma charms that your friend used and I think that pattern is perfect for charms! Yippee, an excuse to use them up!


Leslie said...

Sounds like fun but I don't know if it's necessary for me, since my sewing machine has it's own carrying case and it's underneath the bench at the foot of my bed where no one sees it but the members of this

You really do deserve your sewing room :) It's great that you finally got one and I'm sure you appreciate it as much as I will mine when I get one some day :) I had to chuckle about the fact that you have a craft room but your washer and dryer are outside...something we could never do here. If it's 85° in the winter, what's the summers like???


La Delfina said...

I am charmed with Jenny your blog and your works... I leave regards You fondly from Argentina...( Sorry my english is very bad )

Peg Shuffstall said...

I do have a cover for my machine (sits open in our family room) BUT I could always use a better one. I'm in for the challenge

CottageBliss said...

I have covered Pinkie (my little Mini Ultra) in Yo-Yos. She loves her new dress! She lives on the table between the dining room.

I'll post a photo soon.


Loralynn said...

I too am one of those sad, neglectful sewing machine owners. It would be nice to have a pretty one to "dress" up my machine and sewing area with...count me in...

Sarah - Kala said...

That tutorial is awesome. I think I can manage straight machine stitches and I have plenty of fabric. Now, if I can get my house unpacked and arranged before the end of August then I'll make one and post it. Of course, I have to remember to do it once we unpack! Maybe I'll make a note of it and this post of yours to refer back to. Wish me luck!

el taller de sonia said...

yo quiero participar me encantan tus diseños un beso

Anonymous said...

Count me in!

Cattinka said...

Hi Jenny,
I already have a sewing machine cover, but it will be very nice to see what the ladies will come up with.

SewAmy said...

Love the challenge. I have a cute sewing machine already, so a passed your challenge and link on... on my blog. :o)

Anonymous said...

Nice idea, especially for those of us who don't have our own sewing room!

Anonymous said...

That's a great challenge! I've seen a different cover (which I now can't find!) that I want to make.... great idea!!!!

Donnelly said...

I hate to say that I don't even have a sewing machine cover, let alone a plastic one. How neglectful am I? Count me in, I just bought a Moda Neptune Charm pack. I could definately see this as my cover. Thanks for the challenge!
Have a great day.

Carlie said...

Count me in! I need to put some umph into my sewing room. Challenges are great for getting us going!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Thank you so much Jen...glad you liked my little cover....maybe I should make another just so I can join in on the challenge...I have a little idea running around in my head as I type this comment....this is a fantastic idea....xx

Fee said...

Wow - What a great challenge - Of course I love a challenge - Count me in Jenny.

Sonia said...

WOW - so many of us on the same challenge...awesome...LOL - i posted pics on my blog today of the little quilted mat, and the cover in progress, I am now at the quilting stage and then it will be complete
I am looking forward to seeing some variations on a theme here

Marit Johanne said...

Great challenge! I have some fabric I bought last fall that I had plans to use for a machine cover. It is with sewing items on. Now I will try to get it done!

Csigi said...

Hi Jenny! I want to make a cover since 1 year or longer. So here is the time for it. :) I try to finish it in August :)

MaksiTaksi said...
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Cathie said...

Count me in, Jenny. My sewing machine sits part way down inside a cabinet and therefore I need to make a shorter cover. My original cover is way to long and looks awful!!!

lindas said...

Ah, what a great idea!! I have a machine that _really_ needs a cover. ;)

I'm in fer shure!

:) Linda

Ullis said...

Sounds like fun. The end of august... is soon, I'll try!

Shirley--Knot-y Embroidery Lady said...

I want to be part of the sewing machine cover challenge. I might as well - I need one instead of the towels I use.

Unknown said...

Is it too late to join this challenge, my machine lives in it's plastic case when I am not using it, and I have just acquired an inspiration which I can use to make the cover. So if it is not too late, I would love to join

Betty said...

I will take on your challenge. I have had a cover on my "to do" list for quite some time so this is the month...thanks, Jenny!

crazypatch said...

what a wonderfull challenge! Ok, I'llbe in it

Kiwifruit-Shiree said...

just got in in the nick of time???