You girls are amazing!!! Today I discovered I now have FIVE HUNDRED followers!!!
Well, I cannot let that go un-celebrated!!!
What can I do...hmm...let me see....???
I know! A giveaway!!
You have 24 hours from right now (6pm Sydney, Australia time!) to leave ONE comment to go in the 500th post draw!
If you are the 1st name I draw at this time tomorrow you will win one of my favourite books - Tone Finnanger's "Sew Pretty Homestyle" (or you can choose Tone's Christmas book if you prefer) ....
- and because I'm SO excited I'll email a pattern pack of my new IN MY GARDEN designs to the next 3 names I draw!
Good luck everyone, and THANK YOU so much for your support of me this year!!!
You are a huge part of what inspires me to design!
PS: Sylvia asked -'after the 5 days of making "The Mother" to start bread you are required sour dough starter is this "the mother" as I do not want to get it wrong. '
Yes, Sylvia, that is the 'mother'. Let me know how you're loaf turns out, ok!?
Well, I cannot let that go un-celebrated!!!
What can I do...hmm...let me see....???
I know! A giveaway!!
You have 24 hours from right now (6pm Sydney, Australia time!) to leave ONE comment to go in the 500th post draw!
If you are the 1st name I draw at this time tomorrow you will win one of my favourite books - Tone Finnanger's "Sew Pretty Homestyle" (or you can choose Tone's Christmas book if you prefer) ....

You are a huge part of what inspires me to design!
PS: Sylvia asked -'after the 5 days of making "The Mother" to start bread you are required sour dough starter is this "the mother" as I do not want to get it wrong. '
Yes, Sylvia, that is the 'mother'. Let me know how you're loaf turns out, ok!?
1 – 200 of 235 Newer› Newest»Hey I'm first in!! Maybe I should have waited a while? Count me in please jenny.
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers.
wow! so many followers! I know your patterns are so pretty and blessing our souls. I wish you neverending creativity and many many nice comments on your blog. Hugs. Jana
Hi Jenny
That's great you have so many followers now! Good for you!
pick me pick me pick me...oh yeah a goddess such as yourself has many many followers, all wanting the next bit of eye hand co-ordination action that you have created...cheers Vickie
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers.WOW,you are one popular gal.
I'd love to go into your giveaway but I'm hoping I'm not picked first as I already have both of Tone's books :) Barb.
oh wow Jenny. I thought reaching 100 was a milestone but this is phenomenal.
Congratulations on 500 followers.
Hello from sunny california - well, it is the middle of the night, cool and quiet.
500 followers - well, yes, I am one of them and enjoy every post I read.
Thank you for the fun opportunity to win something special from you!
I was going to write pick me! pick me! but someone got it earlier... but here goes anyway. Pick me! Pikc me! Please!
That's great you have so many followers now!Congratulations on 500 followers!
Congrats on reaching 500 folowers. I tried to download a photo of myslef but have given up. I am now a follower, I think!
Hey this is fun
All these great giveaways are fun, I would love to win
Here I am!!! Congrat Jenny: you deserve all this love because you're fantastic!!!!
Congratulations Jenny! Just keep going - I love your stuff :)
Hi Jenny
500 is a big number. Congratulations. I'll try my luck.
I already start my Garden...
Hey, managed to make it into the first 20! How exciting! I absolutly LOVE your blog, SO SO SO inspirational. Keep going and congrads on your 500 followers.
Love Shirley
Congratulations to the 500 followers it´s lots of bloggers who loves you blog and pattern..I´m one of them :)
Congratulations on 500 followers! Very deserving for such and amazing and creative blog!! Good luck to all who enter and congrats to the winner! :)
OMG, how exciting. Congrats, Jean, 500 followers. Goes to show how wonderful your designs are and how many people's lives you are touching. Thanks for all you do.
Wow! I am also one of 500 and have my birthday today - this should be a lucky day for me %-)))
WOW 500 followers... I am so new to blogging and I only have 3 followers... congratulations on reaching such a huge milestone :)
Hi Jenny
Congratulations!!! I am not surprise that you have some many followers, with such a great blog, I am sure that you will have many more now that the word is out!!
I love your new design!!!!
Hi Jenny,
yes I looked before and thought WOW, that list grew overnight!! Well done,
WOOT! 500! Oh I feel so small and tiny now with my measly 30. :D
I love Tone Finnanger - and I would LOVE to win. Thanks for this awesome giveway.
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers! Well done!
Congratulations!!! I am not surprise that you have some many followers, with such a great blog, I love your new design!!!!
I'm reading every day but not reg. as follower but comming. Have a nice day. Hugs.
happy 500--you should feel very loved!! A-
Your blog is the first one on my daily reading list and I enjoy in it every day. Not to forget thank you for all the inspiration you gave us.
Congratulations x 503
I found you from another follower and became one. So the word is getting out. One very nice blog. Thanks
Congratulations on your many followers. Bloggers are very effective to spread the word of interesting places to vistit in blogland.
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers! Your blog and your crativity is amazing!
Please, please count in!
Hugs from Denmark ;-)
OMG, how exciting!
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers - you and your creations deserve it to reach much more and more and.......more.
Many greetings from Germany
Of Course I have to enter Jen...Congrats on 500!! Thats great but you do have a fabulous blog :) hugs
I have only just found your blog and its been interesting reading your posts.... to find a giveaway as well... I will get back to my reading.
Your patterns are so cute. Just love them.And always interesting to follow your posts. Thanks for the give away!
Congratulations!!! Quite an accomplishment, but then of course! I love visiting your blog & your FREE treats! Thank you for your inspiration!
I love reading your blog. I very much enjoy your ideas and that you are so willing to offer free patterns now and again. Thanks.
Hi Jenny, how was your day down the coast. Hope you restocked all you needed to.
Lucky you - but then you are always so generous sharing all your good stuff with others. Thanks for the inspiration you provide.
Wow!! Congratulations on reaching 500 followers!! Your blog is very inspirational and I am sure the next 500 will come just as quickly!!
Congrats on your success - it is a great idea
Wow! 500 followers is so cool! Go Jenny! :0)
And thanks for the giveaway!
Wowee - 500 followers, very exciting! Am eating chocolate cake with Smarties to celebrate (and my DH's birthday)!!
I can't believe you already have 500 followers, congratulations. I just love your blog. You are the best.
Jenny, congratulations...we love you!!!!
Congratulations on 500 followers, it is a fantastic achievement!
It's wonderful! Congratulations :)
Tatyana from Russia
500 followers is incredible! How exciting!
Hi Jenny,
Congratulations !!!
Oh my God - 500 Followers - It will go many many time until I get so far :)
And you deserve it.
Your Blog is Phantastic.
Please count me in
Five HUNDRED!? Awesome!!!!-Karmen
Hi Jenny!!!!! I´m in. Congrats to you
I hope you can visit my blog, you can read it also in english now. Hugs & kisses
Congratulations, you deserve it!
I don't mind if I'm drawn 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th ... I'll be tickled pink!
Hi Jenny, Congratulations, ... an you sure deserve much more than 500 followers, ... and you see, give it time they'll become much more! Hugs and have a nice week! Renata.
I'm a follower. I love reading your blog. I looked, and I only have 3 followers, so I have a long way to catch you.
Congrats Jenny, 500 followers. WOW. But you give us all so much in return as we all wait eagerly for every lovely post you make, each and every wonderful design you share. You have a great talent that touches all our lives and a fantastic ability to make each one of us feel "special":):)
Hugs my friend. xxx
Please enter me in your drawing.
congrats on having 500 followers Jenny. I'd love to be in your giveaway. Hugs, Jeanette
Hi Jenny, it doesn't surprise me at all that you have 500 have a wonderful blog and I enjoy checking up on you and seeing what you are up to ....Congratulations and ...... I hope I win! ha ha
Hi Jenny wow congrats on 500 followers
I would love to go in the draw hugs Beth
I'd love to be in the draw. Thanks and congratulations on having so many followers.
OMG 500 Followers! That's ginormous!! Do you think you can reply to 500 comments?
500 followers is not so surprising. Your blog is always a pleasure to read.
Congratulations on reaching this milestone.
Hi Jenny,
Congratulations on your 500 followers. Would love to be included in the draw for the giveaway. Many thanks xx
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers
And more fun giveaways! Wow! Count me in! :)
Here's my one comment......
well done...shows what a popular and talented girl you are!!!
X ;o) Wendy B
500 followers, that is crazy! 500 people are reading what you write every time! I love reading what you blog and look forward to heaps more.
How on earth do you do it? 500+ followers. You are a very popular lady. Please include me into you lovely giveaway.
Congratulations on 500 followers! You have a great site and I am always excited to see when you update it! Thanks for all the wonderful patterns you have given us!
Wow Jenny.....500 follower!!
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers.
Five hundred followers!!! That is a lot!
Your patterns are lovely. The book looks perfect for someone like me! Congrats on 500 followers :)
Wow 500 - that's awesome!!! Please count me in♥x
Congratulations Jenny. 500 is amazing.
500 folowers How fantastic Shows what a great blog you have
Wow! What a popular girl you are Jenny! Thanks for the opportunity to win and for all the lovely patterns you have given us in the past.
Congratulations to a wonderful blog! I follow you through Google Reader and read all your posts. I'd love to have a chance to win,
Lotta in Sweden
congratulations Jenny!
Your 500 does not surprise are sooooooo talented! Love all you share and do. And you do it with such kindness! Hope I get to be the winner of this draw! Hugs...
Wow congrats on the 500 followers. I'd love to have a chance at your giveaway. Thanks so much.
I love being one of your followers!
You, girl, are amazing! To achieve 500 followers and 500 posts is wonderful. You must be doing something right. Congratulations.
Amazing......500 followers!!! They all have great taste to follow awesome Jenny!
Congratulations, BARB
Congrats, Jenny! You totally deserve to have 500 followers. You are so creative and oh so sweet :)
And of course enter me in your :)drawing...
best wishes to the many followers. it is allways fun to see your blog.
hope your creativity will go on for a very long timme :-)))
much greetings elfriede
500 followers, I can't believe it. I will never reach that goal, I am afraid. But no, I am not jealous, I really like it for you! Enjoy it.
congratulations Jenny for reaching 500 followers!
I love so much what you do!it's so fabulous
Hello from rainy France and congrats again !!!!!!!!!!
How exciting! I'm so glad that I am one of your followers. I simply love you designs. Congrats!
congratulations Jenny for having 500 followers but your blog is just so fabulous
Congratulations Jenny! You have a wonderful blog and it is no surprise that we all are FOLLOWING you with bated breath waiting for your next design or project! Count me in the drawing!
hugz, Pam
Congatulations Jenny Dont pick me though I have had soo much from both you and Blossom allready and I love my beads thanks again Blossom.
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers.
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers. I wish you and the other under the gum tree designers a lot of succes.
From Holland
Congratulations with 500 followers, I 'm one of them. Please add my name to your list.
WOW - 500, huh....gee, I've only got 4 but I aspire to have 1/10 of what you've got someday!
Thank you!!!
500 followers means 500 comments....if you reply to everyone your little fingers won't have much energy to stitch....
Congratulations to the 500 followers!I love visiting your blog & your FREE treats! Thank you for your inspiration!
~blessings from Italy~
Congratulations on reaching the 500. Count me in your giveaway. Love reading your blog.
Well Jenny, a huge congratulations! Well done. You deserve all the good things that life brings your way. It is truly amazing how word of mouth (or blog) spreads. Many blessings,
Congratulations on your many followers. I bet you didn't know you were so popular!!!!! Thanks for including me in your giveaway.
Congratulations! That is awesome news! I wish you 500 more followers :)
WOW! Great Jenny. I am happy coz
I am among those five hundred people.
Blessings for you!
Hugs, Nina.
Congratulations on 500! I just started blogging and I'm excited I have one! LOL. Please enter my name. :-)
Wow, Jenny. How nice. I know it has been phenomenal the comments and justly so. I would love that pattern and I have been seeing those books and wondered about them.They look so good.
Enter me in the drawing for sure,
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers. That's amasing. Hugs from Norway.
Thank You Jenny! Congrats and keep on going! would love to win!
Amazing! Congratulations on 500 followers!
Well, yes, I am one of them and enjoy every post I read.
Thank you for the fun opportunity to win something special from you!
Hi Jenny,
all you do ist so georgous. It looks so fine, and I love it.
Congratulationes for 500 followers.
Greetings from Germany
Congrads!!! I can understand why you reached that amount---You have a wonderful blog and I enjoy reading every time you post. Keep up the good work!!
Jenny..congrats!! That number will only grow, you are just awesome!
I would love a chance to win that book!
Congrats on 500 followers! That shows what a great blog you have!
Congratulations on 500! Hope I'm as lucky!!
Awesome! Congrats and I would also love a to be in your drawing.
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway!
Wow, congrats on the 500... have a good day.
Wow congrats Jenny on your 500 followers!! I love your blog. Thanks for sharing about your creations, your family and your heart. Great giveaway :-)
How exiciting to have 500 followers! I just joined and love your patterns. Thanks for hosting a giveaway.
Love your blog Jenny...reading it is the best way to start my day. I love your new pattern and the book looks yummy too.
Oooh, pick me. That book looks gorgeous, and your patterns of course would be fantastic.
Fee x
Hi Jenny,
Congratulations on your 500 followers, and I am one of them :)Would love to be included in the draw for the giveaway. Enjoy yhour day.
Hi Jenny!
Wow 500!! Congratulations! I can understand why-your blog is fantastic! AND I would LOVE my name to go into the hat!! Love your patterns and the book looks fantastic!
Take care!
Oh Jenny your designs are so wonderful and fun loving and you are just so generous! It's no wonder you have such a huge following and you deserve every one of those 500 followers! When do you think you will reach 1000?!?! I imagine sooner than you think ;)
Hugs and blessings,
Congratulations on your 500 followers your designs are always so cute and lovely
WOW !!! How amazing is that to have 500 followers... Please add my name to the list... I just love readding you blog.... Thanks and Congratulations.... :)
Your so generous congrats on the 500 followers .
Congratulations on 500 followers - that's amazing!! According to bloglines you also have 103 subscribers (of which I'm one :D) !
Thank you for such a fun giveaway - I'd love to enter (I'm in Canada) :)
Jenny-friend! I'm thrilled for you to have so many followers! Of course, I always knew you are special!
Deb N.(Lily)
Congratulations from one of your "newbees". Joyce
Congrats on 500 followers! Oh, I love the book and those patterns are wonderful....count me in.
So many comments. I would love to win one of your patterns so pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase pick me :)
Please put my name in the pile, and congratulations on all of the new followers.
Congratulations, that's great. But your patterns and site are lovely, so I'm not that amazed LOL The new pattern in the Garden looks gorgious.
Please count me in, I love your designs
Hello Jenny! I am a follower of you, you can see it in my blog but I'm afraid I haven't put anything in "followers". Anyway, here in Spain,let me tell you, you have a lot of followers. Congratulations for your 500, you worth it.
(sorry if my english is not perfect). Kisses.
Hi Jenny just bought the new pattern in my gardern and can't wait to start the quilt. Thanks for all your beautiful designs. You're an inspiration to us all. Congratulations on the 500 followers. "Blessed are those who dwell in your house" Psalms 84.4Love Anneke Potgieter Klerksdorp South Africa
Hi Jenny just bought the new pattern in my gardern and can't wait to start the quilt. Thanks for all your beautiful designs. You're an inspiration to us all. Congratulations on the 500 followers. "Blessed are those who dwell in your house" Psalms 84.4Love Anneke Potgieter Klerksdorp South Africa
Congratulations Jenny! I am not suprised. Love your blog.
Congratulations! Love your designs!
Congratulations! Your blog is very nice so i understand you can get many followers.
Hi Jenny, congrats to you... love being one of your followers. Hope I win....
Congrats on the 500 followers. I've enjoyed having a "cuppa" as you call it and following along. Lots of inspiration has come of it.
Congrats on 500 followers. That is an awesome feat. Thank you for all of the wonderful patterns you design and share with us. Take care and God bless, Cory
500 is surely something to celebrate.
congratulations, jenny! 500 followers, wow! please count me in the draw. thanks much,
Oh! Congratulations Jenny! I´m one of the 500 :) I`m lucky I`ve find you :)
I´d love to be in your giveway.
Thank you for this opportunity!
509 now, lol! I think you're the most popular girl in school! Congratulations dear girl, but may I say I'm not're a dear sweet soul and filled with talent!
Congratulations on 500 followers , that is great .Love to win !!
Congratulations on 5oo. It is always a joy to read your blog, you always make my day better. Keep up the excellent post.
Thank you
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers,you are very popural.
goddess such as yourself has many many followers.
500 followers - congratulations! That looks like a wonderful book - please add me to your draw.
A well deserved 500! Wishing you 500 more to enjoy all the wonderful creativity you share.
Congrats on 500 followers! I will have my fingers crossed!
500 followers??? hard to fathom...not at all, your blog is just beautiful!!! Please count me in, I'd love to win!
I'm all about contests and giveaways. Love all you Australian designers. Such neat ideas and beautiful work
Robin in Virginia, USA
Wow 500 followers! Your patterns are amazing. The colours, the designs, and the imagination. Thank you for inspiring so many people with your ideas.
Wow, 500 shows that we really like what you say and show... ;-)
Hugs, dear.
Hi Jenny, love reading about your life on the other side of the world. I have many of your designs and would love to win your garden one, since I garden along with stitching. I'm not supprised you have so many followers, your fun, creative and a good writer. Jackie
500 followers! What's a nice number! Congratulations on reaching it! I'd love to be one of the winners, so please, count me in. Aniko
congratulations! i'm in!
It does not surprise me that you have so many followers, your work is refreshing and original, as are your postings. No doubt Among the Gum Trees will be just as popular. Congratulations.
Wow 500 followers. Congratulations are in order. Please include me in your give a way.
I like to give this a try too! Thanks for organizing this give away
Congratulations on reaching 500 followers. I have been a follower of your blog for awhile and enjoy every word. Keep up the good work
Well I don't think I made the deadline, but I will try anyway - here is hoping that another sleepless night will have a favourable outcome [:o (yawn)
Congratulations on the 500! And on the great blog you have, I love to stop by every day....
I love to join this give away, I am a follower of the gum trees and it is in my blog too. What a great initiatif!
500 is a great number, compliments!!!
If my name will come out, I hope to will not the first :) because i love your works!
I actually stopped by for a coasters pattern, but hey, I'm always interested in a giveaway. 500 followers, huh? Wow!
Who could pass up on winning a Tilda book ???...Not me !! LOL
I love Tilda!
Hi Jenny! Wow 500 followers! Congratulations! I cross my fingers and hope that you pick me. Hugs Ullis in Sweden
Congratulations on the 500 followers!
It's no have a fantastic blog!
Congratulations! Wow what a lot of followers, but I totally understand it (and I`m one of them). Your blog is wonderful.
Please count me in, I`d love to win
Please put my name into the draw and I am so excited!!
Well, Jenny I am so happy for you. Please add my name to the drawing and thank you for celebrating with a giveaway.
Low chance to get picked among all these.. but I'm a follower.. please count me in..
Congratulations on the 500 followers! I'm one of them. Count me in!
What wonderful things you have selected for this give away Jenny!!No wonder you have a boatload of followers!!
Congratulations and hello from Washington State.
congratulations on being such an inspiration
Hullo! Who wouldn't want to follow you???? Love to take a chance and win something from you. Good luck to everyone else!!
Hola!!! Me gusta mucho tu Blog!!! PodrÃas poner el Traductor de Google? Porque no sé cómo se puede traducir de otra manera!!! un abrazo
Wow, isn't the internet something!! Love your style and so do ALOT of others apparently! Also, love your helpfulness. Congrats!
Congratulations on 500 followers! I am at 12--hey everyone come over to visit me and follow me too!!! I know I don't have as much to offer, but I hope you enjoy my blog too--let me know......Thanks for everything you do and Among the Gum Trees are doing--you are all fantastic!
Doesn't surprise me that you have 500 followers, love your designs, besides following your shabby roses bom, I am also making a bag for my granddaughter using the shabby roses bucket pattern. Thanks for yet another giveaway!
Barb in WNC (
I have discovered your block through your Shabby Roses BOM and I love stopping by. Please please please, could I win your In My Garden pattern... Fingers crossed!
Congratulations and keep going!
halllo jenny,
oh thats great that you have so much followers!!
much greetins elfriede
what a fun way to celebrate! a great big congratulations!
love your creative blog!
I'm in! I would love to win one of your wonderful prizes.
You are such a wonderfully kind person Jenny, and I cannot wait for the first Gum Tree Designs.
Love in piecing
Rachelle x
That's awesome! You have a great blog that I really enjoy so it's wonderful to see it successful :)
Jenny J here -- Spokane WA -- I am not a quilter but I have many memories of my grandmother making handmade quilts some 60 years ago. She did it all by hand. In the winter it was not uncommon for her to have her quilting frames up all winter. She rolled them to the ceiling at night or when we had company. She put them down when she was quilting. I hope my name is in for the drawing....thanks so much for listening to my memory.
Conga-rats on 500 followers!!
Congratulations on the 500 followers. You shouldn't be surprised though. I love reading your blog and apparently so do many other people! I follow your blog through bloglines and wonder if that counts as a follower.
Wow that is a great milestone. Please count me in :o)
You have a great blog and I enjoy reading about your life and projects.
500!!! How wonderful!! To think that there are many more people that read you and aren't actual "followers" but like me are on google-reader...or maybe that counts?
Oh how word verification is Craftem....
Congratulations,and your blog is terrific.
Please count me in for the drawing.
Diane in rainy Alabama
How fantastic is that Jen...500 followers...goodness, congratulions so pleased that I am one of the 500.
WOW congratulations 500 followers (makes my 17 look very dismal).
Jenny Congratulations on 500 wow followers. I would love the chance to win.
Does this mean I'm comment number 200!! That's a good solid number. I'd like to win, but really all the freebies you've given and the inspiration you offer is a good freebie for me. Thanks for continuing to share your creativity with blogland.
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