Today was my first official day as a Teacher's Aide in the Home Ec Dept here at the school where we live, and I loved it! You know I love to cook, but it was so much fun to help teenage girls cook - and they made some yummy meals. Beef Stroganoff, Apricot Chicken, Chicken & Kumara Bake, Chicken& Broccoli your mouth watering yet? Mine was.
I'm doing well with my Churn Dash blocks...I stitched the pink ones last night. I'm putting aside an hour each night to stitch them, and it's becoming my 'soothing' hour. I wish I had words to express just how stress-relieving these blocks are for me.
The set of mug mats I showed you the other day photographed very peachy, so I've taken a better shot this time. They are really this gorgeous pink...
...and what are these? Can't tell you yet, but the patterns have now been written up, I've added my label, and tomorrow they'll be posted to the magazines for photographing.
And I had to show you these!
Look what arrived in my post box today all the way from the US of A!
A fat quarter bundle of "Birdie", by Me and My Sister Designs for Moda. They are not available in Australia yet, but I have them in my hot little hands now. I can't wait for some time to play with these darlings! I also bought a layer cake of Snippets for a quilt...and I ordered more fabrics but I think they will arrive tomorrow in separate parcels.
Do you think my new look blog has a party atmosphere about it?
I wonder why I did that?
Secrets, secrets....not long now.
I'm doing well with my Churn Dash blocks...I stitched the pink ones last night. I'm putting aside an hour each night to stitch them, and it's becoming my 'soothing' hour. I wish I had words to express just how stress-relieving these blocks are for me.
Look what arrived in my post box today all the way from the US of A!
A fat quarter bundle of "Birdie", by Me and My Sister Designs for Moda. They are not available in Australia yet, but I have them in my hot little hands now. I can't wait for some time to play with these darlings! I also bought a layer cake of Snippets for a quilt...and I ordered more fabrics but I think they will arrive tomorrow in separate parcels.
I wonder why I did that?
Secrets, secrets....not long now.
Dear Jenny, Congratulations on your first day in the Home Ec Dept, I no that you had a great time and how lucky are those girls there to have you. I just love those Mug mats and they look even more lovely in the pink. Love the look of your Blog and can not wait to see what is going to happern in 4 days and so many hours and minutes. I will be checking in.
Hugs Narelle.
I love the new look you funny little jester you!! I'd like to book in next week for some Beef Stroganoff thanks.
Hugs P xxx
Hi Jenny,
I love the new look , of your blog
Congratulations what a lucky girl you are always working in something you love to do,and teaching young girls to cook, fantastic, I also love cooking.
The suspense is killing me you are a master of suspense (lol)
oh your new frock is outstanding,
oh wow I so love the pink they are gorgeous....hmm wonder what the newness is hmmmm,cheers Vickie
p.s. so wish i coulda been in your class-great to hear you enjoyed it.
Congrats on your first day, those girls are so lucky to have you. And the new clothes, wow, lovely and so you...
Oh the suspense.... I'm tying myself up in knots waiting!!!!
hugs xxx
Congratulations on your first day Jenny sounds yummy, like everybody else I cant wait for this surprise.
You all have us on the edge of our seats, waiting until Tuesday. I'm so pleased your first day went well and your churn dash blocks are coming together very nicely.
Mug mats are so much prettier in pink. Love the blog dress. It's so festive and creative looking. What should we wear to this 'event'. Party clothes to celebrate or jeans and tee to go shopping or comfy sweats or flannel pj to start working right away.
I love the look of the blog! Congrats on your new job and working with the kids.
Setting aside that hour is the best therapy and relaxation! Good for YOU.
Boy! I'm just back from hollidays and I've come to visit and what have I found? .... that you've been VERY busy sewing, baking, shopping.... I'll go make myself some tea and sit down to see all the last posts.
Biquiños :)
How cool that you can help teach what you love! I am so intrigued by your tip on a surprise. I absolutely love your new background! What's not to love? It's festive and best of all it's PINK!!!
Oooh Jenny your blog is looking so pretty!!! You've inspired me ... now I've given mine a new look too!!
I bet those girls just love having you help out in their home-ec class ... I reckon you'd be fabulous at it :o)!!!
Oh ... and your Birdie fabrics are gorgeous!! Might have to hunt some of those down ;o).
Big quilty hugs,
Joy :o)
Love your Churn Dash blocks. That's one of my favorite traditional blocks. It's a fun one to change up and add to other blocks.
So lovely! Yor blog is very fun and bunch of nice ideas. Thank you for sharing!
Hi Jenny, love your new look! I am relativly new to your blog but am finding it SO inspirational!
You are working!?! Wow! You are a busy bee aren't you! Good for you! 8-)
Darling coasters Jenny, and intriguing secrets!!!
New blog look is great! 8-)
Happy stitchings on those Churn Dash blocks!
I'm SO glad your day went well, I gained a few pounds just reading about it! I need to come be a student, lol.
Your churn dash blocks are so darling. I put that on my list - a few things to finish first!
I love the name of your projects for the magazine, can't wait to see them. And your design for the mug mats is darling!
Wow Jenny, all that fabric! How lovely! Love the party look to the blog too. One of my favorite sayings is "life is short, wear your party pants!"
What a fun job! I've never heard of Birdie! looks real cute. I'm watching for the mug mat pattern, BUT not pressure!:)
OOOOh I love secrets.....I will be back.....Paulette
Oh Jenny. Your mug mats are far too pretty to put mugs on...I'd use them as mini, mini quilts. I think I'd have a heart attack if someone put a mug on one!!!! Enjoy your day.
What a blessing you are to the girls in the Home Ec have such a beautiful Godly woman sharing her love! Bless You, Jenny! the party look and can hardly wait to hear the secret!
Jenny, your new look is great. Love the new fabrics. I am sure that your churn dash is going to turn out terrific. The colors are wonderful. I live in the USA, so if you ever need something that you cannot find there just let me know.
I keep admiring your Church Durn blocks. I have wanted to make a quilt for my bed for some time now but I always feel so overwhelmed when I start thinking about patterns and fabrics so I never start. I think I could handle blocks like those. They seem quite simple and yet are so beautiful when they're all put together. I also like that you're using muslin, something so easy to come by...I'm thinking more about starting that quilt now :)
Of course I should get caught up on the Shabby Roses blocks...I took a break and caught up my 'A Christmas Wish' blocks so now I'm behind on yours. That's how it goes. I always have to have something to work on :)
Can't wait to see what the secret is :)
Have a great day!
Did someone say party??
hmmm! those dishes are making my moth water! Its lunchtime, too! Glad you're first day was a good one. Love those mug mats you made, and your churn dash is coming along nicely. Sometimes it just takes a few minutes of soothing to get us balanced again! Still waiting to find out your secret!
p.s. -your new layout is party like! Fun!
Hi Jenny,
Oh, you have such a busy life, cooking, sewing, mummy and now Teachers Aide in the Home Ec Dept.
It sounds like you are enjoying life after your major move.
That's wonderful.
Always interesting to read your blog.
Thanks for sharing.
Love your blocks...and sounds like a fab job....and the coaster Jen now they are just so cute.....Ok so what are you guys up to I have been over to Judith's blog and she is also talking secrets..????? !!!!! ?????
Congratulations on your first day! Isn't it nice when you get to use your talents AND get paid for it? :o)
Peace and Laughter,
Churn Dash blocks are fun to make for sure! Congrats too! OH...the mug mats...darling!!!
Congrats on the first day in the Home Ec! That is great and I am sure that you will do wonderful. Love the squares!
Congrats on the new job, sounds like it is fun, but do you come away hungry from seeing all those gorgeous dishes prepared?
Love the new look to the blog and am looking forward to finding out your secret in 4 days!
now we're getting hints about this 'secret'...a party you say???? It's like waiting for your birthday when your 5 years old!!!!! The suspense is killing me!$#@%@!!
;o) Wendy B
Congratulations on your first day,
those girls are so lucky to have you.
I love the look of the blog!
I am so intrigued by your tip on a surprise;0)
Hi Jenny, I have just been gone for a week and I can´t believe what I have missed. You have been so busy next to your teaching classes! I love your rug mugs and your quilt blocks are coming along nicely.
Hi Jenny,
Congrats on your first day at school Home EC! Your blog is gorgeous and fresh looking! I really enjoy the changes! hmmmmmm, what are you cooking up, eh?
I thought the mug mat was larger...eek, gonna have to re-do!
Congrats on working as an aide in the Home Ec Dept.! I would imagine that are right in your element, there, and what an opportunity to pour into these young ladies' lives. Very, very happy for you on *all* fronts, my Aussie friend!
With Love,
Kim in TX
You have been so busy. Love your new blog look.
What fun job to have. All that cooking and sewing you get to help young people learn to do.
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