Friday, September 4, 2009

A photo shoot, that shop, and my churn dash blocks...

Yesterday Blossom had the afternoon off school so we took my finished Shabby Roses quilt down the Lissner Park so I could photograph it hanging over the beautiful wrought iron railings of the rotunda. Blossom loves this rotunda and is already planning to have her wedding photos taken here when that time arrives. Here she is taking photos of her own...

I can only show you a side of the quilt because I haven't shared the last 3 blocks with you yet, but I hope you can see just how pretty it looks against the iron-work? I am making up pattern packs of the quilt for Fiona. She'll have them for sale in October on her stall at the Royal Hobart Show - she'll also have fabric packs to make the quilt too. :-)

On the way home from the photo shoot (doesn't that sound so professional!) we took a detour and stopped by "that shop" again...this time I had my camera on hand so I took a small snap for you to see why we keep going back - all those delights calling our names as we wander amongst them!
I bought a couple of gorgeous things once more, but I'll have to share them later as I forgot to photograph them.

We came home and had High Tea with our special tea cups and tea pot, Blossom indulging in store bought Chocolate Mud Cake, and I enjoying a sumptuous slice of Raspberry Cheesecake. After our girl time she headed off to her room to do assignments and I began on my Churn Dash quilt!

I have decided not to make the pattern I linked to yesterday as those blocks are only 6 in, and I wanted blocks slightly larger, so I am making 8 in blocks. My background will be white quilters muslin and I hope to hand-quilt with Perle threads. I love my first three blocks!

These are the remaining fabrics I'll be using...a mix of reproduction and modern, but all blending beautifully together.

As of next week I'll be working part-time as a Teacher's Aide here at the school - helping out in the Home Ec dept - so I won't get the amount of sewing done that I'm used to. This means I'll be a bit more selective about the projects I choose to make, and which designs of my own I want to 'run with'. And I'll certainly need to be more organised in the kitchen so later today I'm going to work on my 6-week rotating menu plan.
I may need a prayer or two (or three!) to get my life scheduled for these changes, so if you're thinking of me please send a request heavenward on my behalf would you? Ta muchly.

Only a few hours left to sign on for the Hug Swap! For those participating Vicki or I will email you tomorrow with your partner's details.

Have a wonderful day!!!


Vicki ♥ said...

Ooh...Jen you have got me rather keen to do a Churn Dash block quilt now. I love it too. I especially love your choice of fabrics...they are sooooo pretty :) I can see why you keep going back to that shop...Ohh..its lovely!!
hugs Vicki
Saying a prayer for you too :)

Gari in AL said...

I have thought of getting a part-time job but the thought of having even a little of my time scheduled by someone else is so difficult. So, I will send a little prayer for you. ;-)

Janice said...

Another visit to your world with lots of lovelies. I'll be thinking of you your new busier life. I'd love to join in your Hugs Swap, but unfortunately, I have a few deadlines coming up, so don't think I'd better. I'll follow the progress with interest and look forward to joining in any future small swaps.

Fee said...

I'm sure you will really enjoy being Teacher Aide in Home Ec Jen. I've loved the few days I've done at school with the high schoolers in that role. They are a lot of fun, and it's quite hilarious watching some of their antics!
I'm sure you'll be fine with routines etc. It's all about being prepared (were you a Girl Guide at all?). LOL.
Fee x

Allie said...

Photo shoot - yes you sound professional! What fun! The quilt looks wonderful from what I can see.
I'm drooling over that shop - I have one here like it that I could spend days in.
Jenny, your churn dash blocks are making me want to do them. LOVE them. LOVE the fabrics.
I used to have a 30-day menu, I knew each week what we would be having for dinner. Oh did it simplify my life. I always knew what to buy at the grocery store, and didn't have to stand in front of the fridge every night wondering what I could fix. I'll be sending up prayers on your behalf, sweetie.

Sarah - Kala said...

You always have my prayers.

I would have to pray hard to keep from buying out that shop. SO glad you have the strength!

Loralynn said...

I can't wait to see your churn dash quilt! I love the green of the blocks you have finished so far! Good luck on the changes coming up, I wish I could be half as organized as you are already! I'm sure you will do wonderfully!

Isabella said...

Wow Jenny your Shabby Roses quilt is lovely, congrats on your new job,
Love that shop just as well we dont have one near here, have fun working out your menues.
will pray for you of course.

paulette said...

Jenny, your quilt is a work of art!! Gorgeous! I can't wait to see those last few stitcheries! You must be so proud of yourself! And don't worry....about juggling can do anything!

Fee said...

Wow the photo's are going to turn out great. I am looking forward to seeing your purchases from that shop. The churn dash blocks are pretty and will all look great together..... Looks like you decided to take the position at the school? You will be wonderful at it.


Narelle said...

I'd love a copy of your menu plan, lol.

The rotunda is a lovely place for photography, lucky girls ... and that shop is set out so sweetly ... so inviting!

Teacher Aide job sounds very interesting too.

Cattinka said...

What a lovely post, I always enjoy reading them. I love the antique rail you took a picture of, and the store is really great. Much luck on your new job, I hope you will enjoy working with the kids.

Joy said...

Ooooh, Jenny I love that clock in the top left of the piccy in your fave shop!!! Isn't it gorgeous!!?! Reckon I'd bend the Visa card in there for sure ;o).
Your quilt is looking fabulous, and I love your churn dash blocks, they're one of my favourites to do :o).
Joy :o)

Anonymous said...

Congrats with your new job, sending you loads of love and I shall be thinking of you, Thank you for posting such wonderful pictures, especially the inside of "That Shop"..... oh I wish I could visit it, but your photo is almost as good as being there in person.
The shabby Rose quilt looks beautiful, Hugs xxx

Sew Useful Designs said...

Hello sweetness!

What a lovely post Jen, and so gorgeous to get an idea of where you live. The rotunda is stunning, lots of old world charm. And the shop has plenty of chic charm too!

Praying for you sweetie!

Hugs! Vikki xx

Maggey and Jim said...

That shop looks divine. I really like your choice of colors for the churn dash, it is going to be a real treasure.. I live in the midwest but my Mother and I have our tea time almost every day. She drinks the chamomile at first for her indigestion but now for the love of it. Good luck with the teaching

Crispy said...

What a pretty little shop, no wonder you keep finding new things to bring home :o)

Love your fabrics to be used in your churn dash quilt.


Robin in New Jersey said...

Have a blast working with the kids in the home-ec department!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the Teachers' Aide job. I do the same thing plus admin. work at our local primary school. I just love working with children. You will have a lot more to spend on your hobby, but alas if you are working full time, you will certainly not have enough time to sew. I will keep you in my prayers that all works out OK. I hope your migraines will not interfere too much with your new job.