Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Snapshots, a peek, and my surprise....

Do you have a place in your home where you keep things that inspire you? A place where you can stand back and see the outpouring of love and friendship you have been blessed with?

My place is a cork board in my sewing room. When we first moved here in July this was one of the first things I decided to make in my new little space...somewhere close to my desk and my sewing machine where I could glance over and be reminded that even though I have no friends yet in this little town, I have been blessed with friendships that reach across towns, state borders, and even oceans. Everything on my board has significance...everything has a memory attached that has enriched me.
May I take you on a small tour of my cork board?

Friends and acquaintances always leave something of themselves imprinted on your mind - and I find that the fabrics I use for various projects can have that same effect. At first I began to keep the selvedges of fabrics so I could make a bag or something useful one day, but as the months and weeks roll by I see in that bag remnants of gifts I have made, offcuts from my first published designs, and scraps from fabrics that just made me smile. Now they represent to me the many different faces of people I have met along life's journey and how they have brought joy and love to my life.

This little bag was a gift from Cheryl, one of my Gum Tree sisters. She sent me a very precious little bundle of her most favourite fabrics, Aviary, and they hang on my cork board because when I look at them I feel her love and the extended arms of her friendship and on lonely days that just embraces my heart more than she realises.

These are a trio of gifts from friends far away....the little cookie cutter was a present from Paula, another of my Gum Tree sisters - it's a wonky house! She saw it one day, before she'd ever had any contact with me, and knew she had to post it off to me. How special is that? It reminds me of my first published design (Wonky Houses) and of spontaneous gifts 'just because'. Do you send things to people 'just because'?

"Believe" came from Jacquie in the USA, a present in my Christmas in July parcel...it reminds me every day to believe in myself, something I need. The little crocheted mushroom was a gift from Katrin, and it's my reminder that sometimes when we wish for something it really does come true. I saw this mushroom on her blog one day and fell in love with the quirky little thing, wishing I had the crochet skills to make one for myself. Then a week later it arrived in the mail. :-)

I won these earrings from Amanda's blog...I leave them there because they remind me of her. She has such a gentle spirit, and when I read her blog I immediately feel as though the world has slowed and I can be quiet and rest. There is such peace in her.
The calendar was a gift from my friend Liz, the first homeschool friend I ever had, and someone who prays for me always.
The Birdie tag is from my latest fabric purchase. I bought the fabric because it was so bright and happy and reminds me of my heavenly Father and His instruction to not worry about what today will bring because He is looking after me. Not a sparrow falls from the sky without His assent, so how much more does he care for me. :-)

Blessed Mother Terasa of Calcutta...my heroine. May I remember always to be humble, to love all mankind, to give of myself because it is always a blessing to others, to pray in every circumstance, to live my life in honour of Christ.
Cards from people and places I have purchased from...they work hard, and they offer a service to people like me who need to trust businesses unseen because I shop over the internet. May I also be trustworthy in my business dealings and treat people fairly and with respect.

Jesus, my Hero. Always.
The first wall hanging I ever made...I must remember to love myself. It's silly, but often I forget.

Vintage cards...I love vintage things. They remind me of real beauty, what it means to be a woman, and not to get too caught up in the things of tomorrow; to embrace my femininity and rejoice in it.

Aaah....and one Shabby Roses block that I have never shared with you. It's my wish block...for all those things I have wished and prayed for but haven't yet experienced an answer to. It's a reminder to hope on those wishes.

I'm sorry that was so long. Once I start writing from the heart I forget about the length of my tome. ;-)

Here is a sneak peek of Block 10 of my Shabby Roses BOM!!
It's only two sleeps until you can see all of it and download the pattern - but make sure you have downloaded blocks 7,8 & 9 before then as they will no longer be available free after September 30.

And last..but not least!
This is the surprise my husband bought me!!

I call her "Wild Thing". Isn't she scrummy?
One bit of bad news though - my new sewing machine cover does not fit her! Gasp!
So you know what that means, don't you?

Happy stitching days everyone,


Fee said...

Oooh - LOVE that sewing machine. I've got sewing machine envy!! :-)

What a great idea having a memory board - I'm going to start one next to my desk.

Fee :-)

Wendyb said...

Jenny, Jenny, Jenny......never doubt yourself...there's always plenty of love to be sent via Blogland!!! Your talent and capabilities ooooooze confidence - you're one of the first blogs I ever viewed and it encouraged me to make mine (no, I'm not a blogstalker!!)
Sending you lots of angel hugs to store up for 'those' moments!
XX ;o) Wendy B

cottonreel said...

Love your memory board, better than scraps of paper-cottonreel

Dawn said...

Fabulous way to save those memories...and see them constantly...Love yout new 'Wild Thing'... have fun training that one.. LOL
Hugs and Sweet Blessings
Dawn x x

Jocelyn said...

Jenny, I also have a board that hangs over my sewing area. A funny thing is, I have a keyring that someone sent me from Australia a couple of years ago. It says Kangaroos NEXT 25Km. Nice to have a memory board.

Abby and Stephanie said...

My bulletin board resembles yours--pretty cards--goodies from friends--future purse/bag ideas. Wow on the new machine. That Mr. Elefantz is a keeper! When I saw it I thought of the sewing machine cover then finished reading. Well you'll just create another new fantastic one.

Colleen said...

Oh No!! You have to make a new sewing machine cover. What a lovely machine. You have a wonderful husband.

Janice said...

Thanks for sharing such personal mementos. You will love your new "Wild Thing". I can see a new design on its way.

mbroider said...

That was a great tome to read, Jenny!!

And congratulations on the new sewing machine!! and the chance for another...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing....you are so very special!! Wonder what the new cover will look like.....I couldn't cover up the new machine just yet, I would be looking and pinching myself to make sure I'm not dreaming.
Have a glorious day,

Anonymous said...

Jenny, I hope you get many happy years of use out of your new sewing machine. I can see the machine has a wide sewing bed, all the better for quilting!!!

Vickie said...

oh yes I have a large huge sticky note on my wall in my sewing room..where I keep cards and stuffs and I have an old mug stand where i hang other things I have received from people...hmm another yummy looking block.Oh wow look at the machine way to go..oh so sad the cover don't fit ah well I guess blossom will have a spare for her machine hehehe...goodness your creations are going to be non stop now eh?cheers Vikcie

Sew Useful Designs said...

Ahhh Jenny sweets! I LOVED that tour of your cork board... was totally immersed in your stories...
hmmmm.... feeling quite relaxed and blissfully whoozy myself now!

Oh, and Wild Thing... wow! Sure does "make my heart sing!"

Groovy, baby!!!
Loves ya sweetie!
Vikki xoxoxo

luverlie said...

Lucky, lucky you! I love it when nice things happen to nice people.

The Quilt Shoppe said...

Ooooohhhh, your hubby must have been talking to my hubby, cuz I got one of those about a year ago. I am absolutely in L*U*V with it. And yes, I too understand that it's a rather large-size woman. And trust me when I say, after you've walked 10 steps carrying it, you're ready for a 20-minute nap! Congratulations:)

Jenny ... I cannot tell you how much your post meant to me this morning .. beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing from your heart. YOU are truly a blessing to each of us and definitely a bright spot in my day!


Leslie said...

What a wonderful cork board filled with so many wonderful items! I would love to have a spot for something like that but I just don't have the spot. I guess, instead, I look around my house and see the little touches I have added to it by making and creating. I have signs everywhere with inspiring sayings that I really love and they tend to help me, too (Like the "Life is what we make it, always has been, always will be..." That sits on a shelf above my bedroom window that I literally look at every night before bed and when I wake in the morning. :))

Your wish block is cute. You have so many cute blocks for Shabby Roses. I am trying to get caught up...I just finished up 'Smile' last night and started on the wording for 'Peace', the rest of it is done. I have to work on 'Trust' and the new one is coming already! Eek! I was all caught up and fell behind while trying to catch up the other BOM's I'm working on. In time, right?

Love the machine! So fancy and you so deserve it! Enjoy!

Have a great day :)


Maggey and Jim said...

What wonderful, heartfelt spoken thoughts. Just came to the computer to find such inspiration and to be uplifted. Thanks for that, and it is all so true. We are so blessed by friendships with the people passing through our lives. Also, THAT MACHINE IS AWESOME!!!LOL

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Thanks for the tour of your inspiration board Jenny! Congratulations on your new machine - she looks a beauty!

Anonymous said...

I love your memory board, memories are very precious. Wow just look at "Wild Thing" she looks poised and ready for anything you can offer her. lol. now you will have to make a new sewing mat. hugs xxx

Loralynn said...

Your memory board is very sweet and the way you talk about each thing is very touching. Thank you for allowing us a peek into your heart.

Annie Beez said...

Jenny you are super-cute! I love your cork board and your heros are my heros too!<><
I also have sewing machine envy!!Have fun with it!

Crispy said...

What a lovely posting Jenny, I didn't mind reading the whole thing :0)


Dorothy said...

Your memory board is a wonderful idea, Jenny. Everything is right there for you to see and to inspire you. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Great memory/inspiration board!

Allie said...

Jenny I love your inspiration board. I think I need one too. I love everything you shared on it.

I LOVE Wild Thing!!!!!!! My goodness it's like going from being a Sunday driver to the Daytona 500. Can't wait to see your new cover for her! Yay hubby!

IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Excellent choice of names for your new machine!!!

Tatkis said...

Oh, it is so nice of you to share your treasures with us! Thanks! I also have a presents from my friends and they always warm me! :)

Tatyana from Russia

Anonymous said...

Oh Jenny - I'll be your friend! At least I'm in the same state :)

I loved your blog, what a wonderful idea. Perhaps I should make a memory board as well, as many of my friends are overseas.

Keep smiling and believe....


Lindah said...

Jenny, thank you for sharing your bulletin board and your heart. My heart has been touched by your sweet spirit.
You know, the funny thing is that I have been thinking for some time that I need to re-vamp my BB. It has become covered with layers of "how-to's" that I have printed out or torn out of magazines, things I want to have at my finger tips. I need to organize them in a binder OFF of the BB so I can reclaim it for those meaningful things...the pics of friends and special mementos. It really needs to return to being an inspirational spot in my very crowded sewing corner.
Thank you for inspiring me to DO that.

Joy said...

Oh I loved the tour of your corkboard Jenny!!! I have one too, with similar sorts of memories and prayers on it, but also with LOADS of notes to myself cos my memory is shocking LOL!!! How funny, your first wallhanging is also one that I did but never completed, maybe I will now ;o).
I'm so pleased you have your 'Wild Thing' set up ready to play with ... you're going to LOVE her ... my Bertha is the same and she's FABULOUS!!!!
Loads of love and hugs dear one ...
Joy :o)

patty delia said...

ok so now you have to share the wish block with us after that wonderful and inspirational tour of your corkboard!

Jo in TAS said...

I've got a memory board in my sewing room, it's filled with loveliness from all over the world. I think I'll need a second one or a bigger one as I can't bear to take anything down.
Love your new machine, what a lovely hubby you have :-)

Teresa said...

Loved the tour of your cork board. As I sat at the computer reading it, I looked up at my own cork board and I have done almost the same as you. It is full of inspirational things, memories and things that make me smile. I must remember to look up and SEE it more regularly. Thank you xx

Terri said...

Jenny, Thank you so much for sharing your sweet, sweet heart with us through your tour. I was enthralled the whole time. We all need to slow down and count our blessings. I count you as one of my blessings.
BTW, love that new toy!
hugs, Terri

Lurline said...

Now we can call you 'The Memory Keeper' - lots of spiritual things there to make your memories glow and wow, that new girl sure is a nice addition!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Miriam said...

A beautiful post!

Have lots of hours of fun on your new machine!

......have you made a new cover for her yet???