Saturday, November 7, 2009

Some pretties for next year, the Challenge, and some tea anyone?

Some gorgeous fabrics arrived in the mail this week. I took advantage of Fiona's sale and bought some Clementine for Blossom (she loves it so we're using it in a new bed quilt for her), and the rest of them will find homes displayed in lovely things for around the house, and in new projects from my 'Secrets" folder.

I also bought lots of gorgeous "Somerset Cottage" by Robyn Pandolph...I am totally in love with this line of fabric, and this is the second parcel of it I have bought in the last month. Of course, I'm in my blue phase right now so I bought the blues pack and some yardage, but Blossom was horrified when the first order arrived in the mail and it didn't contain any green for her... this time I bought a greens fat quarter pack just for her!

The "Somerset Cottage" will be used in one of my Block of the Month designs for 2010. Has that aroused your interest??

Blossom and I had a lovely morning. We went for coffee and cake in a quaint little coffee shop that has wooden farmhouse-style tables and chairs in a breezeway between itself and various book and gift stores. I had Hummingbird Cake and she chose the Ebony and Ivory Cheesecake. We got to sit in the cool setting and catch up on those girl things we love to gush over without the boys at home butting in with guffawing male responses. It was wonderful! :-)

Afterwards we visited *that* shop to choose a gift for whomever wins my 600th follower giveaway on Monday. Now seeing as I tend to love having afternoon teas and Blossom and I only drink tea from a pretty tea cup, we decided on this as one of the prizes in the gift box....

It's beautiful, isn't it!? We thought you'd like it. It looks especially nice resting on some of my Somerset Cottage fabric.

I'll also make a little something to go with it, so if you haven't entered the giveaway yet, you'd best leave a comment quickly on THIS post.

While we were at *that* shop I also found something new for me. I know, I have no self-restraint in that shop!! But I think you'll agree it's just so lovely.


Now, how are you going with the November Trims Challenge!?
I discovered another way to use more of my Moda trim... cute is that? And doesn't Blossom's pretty watch-modeling bring out that beautiful blue in the Somerset Cottage fabric. Sorry - I just really love this fabric!!

Oh dear, I am looking around my sewing room and it needs to be re-organised again! I'd best leave you to your cuppa and go do the right thing so I can play in here again tomorrow. I have bags of buttons in a rainbow of colours waiting to be sorted into little drawers. I think a little girl would enjoy that chore, don't you?

Oops, forgot to mention - ~thank you~ to the men who follow my blog!! I am so sorry I have not acknowledged you before. I am so excited that sewing and quilting is enjoyed not only across the globe, but across genders! If you are a guy who quilts please leave a comment here for me so I can enjoy your blog with my morning cuppa. I'd love to see your own creative works! :-)

Have a wonderful weekend everyone,


bubbachenille said...

Please count me in and a huge big congratulations on 611 followers at time of commenting..Wow what an achievement !

barb's creations said...

Mmmmm a BOM from you in 2010! I say bring on 2010! Can't wait to see what gorgeous creations you've come up for us :) Barb.

Miriam said...

That certainly is a beautiful tea cup and saucer.
I love the Robyn Pandolph fabric.

Micki said...

I love the peach tones in the fabric! I really am looking forward to your BOM.

Narelle said...

Dear Jenny, Would love to have a *That* shop up this way will have to come your way to have a look inside. Love Love the cup and saucer and in Blue my favourite colour. Lovely to see a mother and daughter that love the same things you are very lucky having Blossom.
big Hugs

Graciela said...

HI JENNY!!!!!!!! creo que sabés que soy una fanática de todas tus realizaciones, asi que como no me voy a anotar en tu sorteo de los 600 seguidores, por favor anotame!!!!! y ojalá tenga la suerte de ganarlo jajaja te mando un beso enorme y mi blog es
me encantaría que me visites!!

Abby and Stephanie said...

Sweet teacup! Beautiful fabrics...I'm a blue AND green kind of gal.

Joy said...

Oh I'm in love with your latest treasure from *that shop*!!! That light is fabulous!!!
But you knew I'd love it didn't you ;o)???!!!
Big hugs & love,
Joy :o)

Betsy said...

Jenny you just have the best ideas. I am in the process of making myself a lap pillow from a leftover block I had so I can rest my fabric when I work on stitcheries.

B J Elder said...

I love your new tea cup and saucer. I love Teas as well and having them on beautiful fabrics.... ooooh, how fun.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful teacup...would be wonderful to enjoy afternoon tea with it.
And to dream of the possibilities of a 2010 BOM with the awesome fabrics.
Have a great weekend.
Hugs, Barb

Saule said...

Dear Jenny,
I'm stichering your Shabby Roses now and I'm waiting your Bom 2010 with impatience...
Saule from Lithuania

Lurline said...

Great fabrics, wonderful cup and saucer and love the watchband!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Jane said...

Beautiful tea cup and saucer, and lovely fabrics. Gosh I spend a few days in bed ill and look what I have missed..... hugs xxx

paulette said...

Good morning Jenny! I am enjoying my 'cuppa' coffee as I read today's posting and I must say my coffee would probably be even more delicious if it were in such a pretty cup and saucer instead on this old chipped mug...(thought you might feel sorry for me!)
Love all your new buys!
Whenever you and Blossom go out for tea and go to 'that' shop I get so nostalgic...if I remember correctly you made me quite weepy one day -IN A GOOD WAY! It was the morning that my eldest daughter got married (July 25 Posting) so I thank you for that! Not for the cry but for all the good memories that you always stir up! :o) You must read that someday Blossom will be getting married (and I suspect you may feel the same way...happy and yet sad that you little girl is all grown up...) Anyways, I should go!
Please throw my name in your hat for your give away....I'm still doing the 600 followers!!
Take care! Paulette

Pam said...

That is so pretty. I love my tea and cake too! Your pictures of the pretty material just make my fingers itch to get making something lol.

SheilaC said...

Beautiful cup! And you are right, it looks even prettier on the fabric :-)


shecarita(at)yahoo (dot)com

Unknown said...

Count me in, I not only am a tea drinker, but collect teacups and teapots, grin. Love that fabric collection, hummmmm, feel an urge to go fabric shopping, BarbM

Robin in New Jersey said...

That tea cup is beautiful. So is the fabric! What was in the hummingbird cake you ate?

Hazel said...

I love that new tea cup and saucer please count me in also .2010 BOM now you have my interest , it's always exciting to see what you will come up with next .

Marlene said...

I love collecting cups and saucers. You wonder what their story is-where have they been,who did they belong to?
Love those fabrics -I'm with Blossom and the greens.

Vivien said...


Please count me in. I love your blog and your work. I would love to visit that shop that Blossom and you enjoy. Looks like they have some wonderful items.

Congratulations on all the blog followers.

Viv :)

Sheila said...

cup, nothing more special that drinking tea from a pretty cup , love those fabrics as well so ,,,,, pretty .

Lina said...

That lovely cup and saucer would be perfect for my blueberry tea in the morning!

Allie said...

Can a girl ever have enough pretty fabric? NO! Love the new stuff...can't wait to see Blossom's quilt! If I had a daughter I'd want one just like her.
Yes, you've aroused my interest, c'mon 2010!

The cup and saucer are lovely, dear Jenny. I LOVE what you got - that looks like a vintage botanical print, oh so pretty! The watch band is another fabulous idea. You seem to have a never-ending supply of those!!!

Deb said...

What an absolutely beautiful teacup set Jenny. It is so delicate and soft looking. The colour reminds mo of snuggly flannette pj's.

Sew Useful Designs said...

Darling I absolutely *love* reading your blog... and of course there are way more than the 615 (wow!) that are also following you... there are so many others enjoying you sharing your life and creations with us. We are so blessed!!!!!! I absolutely adore the tea set you chose for your lucky winner, and yes, Blossom is a beautiful arm model! I felt like I was at the cafe with you... mine was the vanilla slice!!! Hugs! Vikki xoxo

Sue said...

I love to visit your blog Jenny, it always feels so elegant and ladylike. Makes me want to get my best translucent cups out and have tea with lemon, joining you in spirit.

Noela said...

Love the cup and saucer. Of course, like you, blue is my favourite colour. I have several fabrics by Robyn Pandolph but none of this line. Cheers for now.....

Julie Dempster said...

Time with your daughter is one of lifes most precious things. They are just babies for a moment and before you know they are young women about to take on the world. All the best.

Carrie P. said...

Love your new watch band. Great way to use the twill tape.
Lovely fabrics too. It is going to make a beautiful quilt.


Wow--now you are up to 613--what are you doing, Jenny girl?????
Count me in--I LOVE BLUE AND I LOVE TEA CUP AND SAUCERS- AND I am a faithful reader and commenter--does that count for any extra points????
Hugs, Di
PS love the picture with the hook--that is also my "kind" of thing!!!!

What Comes Next? said...

aren't you sweet?! That tea cup and saucer is gorgeous, and I love that Somerset fabric - have a few bits and pieces of it lying around here, too. Can't wait to see your 2010 BOM, hugs!

Anonymous said...

I would love to have my afternoon tea with that cup and saucer! I enjoy your every blog, and always look forward to the next. Please continue sharing with us. Kristy

Myra said...

Another BOM in the new year!?! Wonderful! 8-)

Love the fabrics! Beautiful!

Great tea cup and saucer...

Happy stitchings! 8-)

Country Nanny said...

Hi Jenny, the fabrics you bought are gorgeous. May I ask you question? How do you store all your fabrics?
I'm very happy you're going to release another BOM!
Hugs :)

Kim D. said...

Gorgeous Fabrics, I can see why you couldn't resist. Love RP fabrics. Beautiful Tea cup. Looking forward to your BOM. Thanks for sharing your talent.

Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey Jenny! I'm with Bloss - gotta have LOTS of green! :0) And that tea cup and saucer are so darn cute - pick me! Pick me! :0) Hope you're having a great weekend! Bear Hugs! KRIS

Anonymous said...

Well Jenny, looks like you have reach your goal, congrats all round. The I love the fabrics you showed us in this post and the cup and saucer are soooooo pretty to!

Solstitches said...

What gorgeous fabrics. I can't wait to see how you will use them in your 2010 BOM.
The teacup and saucer are very elegant - love them! Tea would taste soooo nice drinking from that cup :)


Chriss said...

OH no!!! Am I too late? Our computer has been broken all weekend and I am scabbing off work for a few minutes to enter this....I hope I get in, I think your designs and work is brilliant, to say the least. Best go, and thank you!

Stitched With Prayer said...

I do believe that Somerset Cottage is THE most beautiful collection I have ever seen. I've been looking for just the right fabrics that lean to the pastel side for a new king size bed quilt for me. I think I just discovered it. This is the first time I have visited your blog and I must say there are so many places to explore!!! I can't wait till I have more time to come back and just wander around for as long as I want. The Moda trim watchband is delightful. I have saved every single Moda trim because I can't bear to throw them away and I have a drawer full. Silly me, I thought I was the odd one out saving them!!! Congratulations on your stupendous number of followers, and now you can add one more. Thanks for a wonderland of treasures to explore.

Ryan said...

Jenny! I always enjoy reading your blog. And, yes, I am a male quilter. Thanks for giving us a "shout out!"