Thursday, August 5, 2010

5th Friday Show and Tell (a day early!)

Are you ready to see some gorgeous Elefantz designs that fellow bloggers have stitched?
Here are the final few 'Little Bird' and 'Little Bird in Tree' photos from my July Challenge.
Janice made a beautiful cushion...
and Penny used hers in the centre of a Dresden Plate block!
Penny also used my free 'Roses' design to make this stitching folder...
Susie had lots of fun teaching a group of girls to stitch. She used my Lavender Fields Forever pattern with them and they are all wonderful!
And last for this week, Cyndi has made her own version of Block 2 from my Daisy-do free BOM!
You will find Lavender Fields Forever HERE, and the free Roses design HERE.
I have news to share!
My darling Blossom has a job! \o/
She started work on Monday at an exquisite gift shop here in town - remember *that* shop? It's even more beautiful!! Here she is ready for another day on her feet...
...and wearing her new heels for the first time.
This is the shop, "Poppet Head"...
Wouldn't you love to stroll amongst all these lovely treasures?
I did, and came home with a sweet shabby chic stand to hang my earrings on...
Bob-the-dog is missing her.
But he sits guard over all her heels while she's away. 
24 hours from now my surgery will be over and I should be enjoying the after effects of pain medication. In the meantime I'm cooking pots of food because as much as I love my family, I will not eat their cooking. Note to self: teach them to cook!!
Love and hugs,


Dawn said...

oH darl, 24 hours and your finger is on its way to healing.... I will be praying its a speedy recovery... Blossom looks so beautiful, all grown up in them there heals... woohoo...and the shop looks fabulous... a reall girly shop... so nice a shabby chic-ish...Thinking of you!
Hugs Dawn x x x

Allie said...

Great projects, Jenny! Love to see how everyone does your designs.

Oh my gosh Blossom got a job at *that* shop. Guess where her paycheck will go??? You'll have the prettiest house in the Southern Hemisphere! She looks like a model, all dressed up ready for work.

Got my knee pads on, praying for your surgery - don't blame you for not wanting to eat the family's cooking, lol!

Cattinka said...

I wish you all the best for your surgery. Hope it will all go well.
Blossom looks so grown up in her shop outfit! I bet she is having a good time working at that shop!

Penny said...

Just came from reading about Blossom's birthday. My daughter has a Bamboo Tablet too..and I made a cozy for it.(read about it here
Isn't it a mother's proud moment..her baby all grown up and getting a job!...and I don't mind getting a job at *that* shop..I spy so much yummy goodies! Hugs, Penny

Penny said...

Thanks for featuring my stitchery....couldn't do it without your beautiful patterns !

Susan said...

Wishing you all the best for the finger op - and minimum pain after! I hope Blossom enjoys her job - a lovely place to work in - but I do wonder if she will last the day in those heels . .

Synnove said...

Congratulations to Blossom with the new job! What a beautiful shop!
Also I wish you good luck on the surgery. I'm sure you will feel much better once it is done and healed.

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

Good luck in your surgery - sending up a prayer and hoping and praying for a speedy recovery, too!

Blossom is darling! Did she last all day in the heels? I used to be able to do it but no more!

Elyte said...

Good luck Jenny, best wishes for a speedy recovery. Please tell Blossom she is a gorgeous young lady and good luck with the new job. And lastly, almost 1000...

Bluebell said...

Hi Jenny, Hope the surgery went well and your finger is well on the way to being good again. Good for Blossom! what a lovely shop to work in but I bet she will spend all her paycheck i there. Did her feet hurt after a day on them in new heels? I loved all the lovely things people had done with your patterns especially the cushion and the Dresden Plate middle. Look after yourself.
Love Jillxx

Pam said...

Hope the surgery goes well Jenny. Congratulations to Blossom on getting her job at *that* shop!

KaHolly said...

Everyone's projects are just wonderful, Jenny. It must fill your heart with delight to see your designs worked in so many different ways, and all so beautiful. Speaking of beautiful, Blossom surely fills your heart! What a lovely girl. Thinking of you as the count down begins. Love how you manage to stay positive, maintain your sense of humor, and continue to create knowing that you are facing a big 'owie'. It's that positive attitude that will speedd up your recovery time, just wait and see!! ~karen

Anonymous said...

First of all congratulations Blossom on your new job!!!! Your new shoes look great and the rest of you does also.

Praying for your surgery Jenny, that God will guide your surgeon's hands as he attempts to fix your finger, and that HE will send his angels in with you during the operation and recovery.


Sew Useful Designs said...

Oh Jenny - what beautiful creations to behold - there are so many wonderfully talented blogging buddies out there! :-)

Blossom really looks the part - and I LOVE those shoes!!! So glad she is enjoying her new job!

Good luck with the op tomorrow - I hope everything runs smoothly and sure it will do!
Hugs!! Vikki xox

Crowing Moon said...

I couldn't work in a shop like that... my pay check would be spent before I got it then I'd still owe them hours of labour before my next one ;)

Colleen's Blog Long Island NY said...

Jenny, I hope Blossom doesn't spend all her salary shopping at that store. She looks so beautiful and that shop looks hard to resist.

Cyndi loves to stitch said...

Good luck with your surgery, and congrats to Blossom, cute girl in a cute store, sales should increase........glad she's wearing those shoes and not me....I'd be in for ankle surgery, lol!!!.

Aunt 'Reen said...

Wishing Blossom lots of fun at her new job! Love the Show & Tell pictures too!
Huge success and a speedy recovery on your hand surgery! (hope it doesn't hurt too much)


Stephanie said...

Praying for a fast recovery for you! Congrats to Blossom - LOVE her heels!

Joy said...

Oh Jen I'm so glad you'll finally be relieved of that awful pain ... well, once you've recovered that is ;o).
Blossom looks absolutely GAWJUS ... those heels are pretty fabulous too :o). Love n hugs coming your way for both of you!!!
Joy :o)

Orcsmom said...

Please tll Blossom that I love her shoes!! She looks beautiful! As for you, young lady, you take care, many thoughts and prayers are heading your way. You and your hand will feel so much better after tomorrow! Hugs!!


ChitterChatterDesigns said...

Stitcheries are georgeous! I especially like the cushion. Your daughter looks beautiful and I would love to visit her at work, I would be taking her lunch,...alot! Best of wishes to you and your finger! Many prayers and hugs are sent across the sea to you this week. Happy Cooking! Hugs, -Cori

Dolores said...

I do hope that all goes well with the surgery.
Blossom looks so very grown up. I could never wear those heels - a bit too high for me.

Cheryll said...

Thinking of you Jenny and so proud of sweet Blossom. Hugs! Cheryll

Sheila said...

Wishing you a very very speedy recovery after your op.
What a fabulous shop Blossom will be working in - just as well it is not near me as it looks like my kinda shop :)
Good wishes for tomorrow.

Wendyb said...

Oh Jen.....many prayers for a very speedy recovery....good luck with the op...was just at the hospital in TSV yesterday!!....and word verification is heedlim......get it... 'heal em'!!!!! Must be something in it!
Maybe I'll send hubby to cook for like Italian???
healing sugary hugs coming your way
XOXOXO Wendy :O)

Alice said...

So glad it will be over soon for you. Yes, enjoy the pain meds while you can. Congrats to Blossom, she looks so professional. I hope her feet survived the first day. I am glad that shop is on the other side of the world--it looks awesome. L,A-

jugglingpaynes said...

Congratulations on your daughter's new job! I would not be good for working in a place like that. My salary would end up back in the coffers. ;o)

Peace and Laughter,

Pepe said...

Hi, Jenny! Hoe I proised you in "Remembering theri childhood", I posted on my blog the sonnet of Shakespere I want to embrodery for a quilt! Come and look at theese georgeous illustration of a student of mine!

Maggey and Jim said...

Good luck,Blossom,
The shop looks fab..Wow,would love to visit that one. Have a great one.

Sandy said...

Congratulations Blossom...have fun and bless your heart for wearing those heels....these old feet wouldn't be able to stand in them for 5 minutes straight! ;o)

Carrie P. said...

Great show and tell. And look at Blossom. She is beautiful but I don't envy her having to wear those heels for hours. But I would definitely like to work in that shop too. Have fun Blossom.

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