Monday, August 9, 2010

Whiling away the time....

That's what it feels like.
If I was wanting to be a lady of leisure I'd be in 7th heaven, but alas I am a doer not a watcher, so being idle is not fun.
Over the weekend Blossom and I played countless games of...
...and watched numerous episodes of -
- and -
...whilst Mr Elefantz hovered close by to be of assistance in any way he could. I was very well cared for. 
A wonderful new book arrived for me to gush over, and as I slowly took in every wonderful photograph a list of things to do in our new home once I am recovered began to grow...
Today Mr Elefantz, Blossom and Slicer are all at work, and a call to the surgeon was made to find out 'what' next with my post-surgery dressings. I was not given any information on leaving the hospital. The news was good - I was at last able to remove the cumbersome dressings of HERE, and have a look at the wound site...
It's very swollen and quite sore, but I redressed it with a clear wound cover, and then a smaller bandage. I still cannot use the recovering finger, but now my other fingers can be used to grip things (and type a bit easier)..
Finally the 'tattoo' is removed as well - I laughed so hard at some of your comments with regards to the permanent marker the surgeon left on my arm. Bless you for all the lovely comments, wishes, prayers, and hugs. You are all angels!!
The mailman brought me a gorgeous parcel of fabrics today, and while I'm unable to stitch I am thinking of projects to use them in over the months ahead. They are fat eighths from Australian Lynette Anderson's 'Stitches' fabric line - I love them!
These two are my favourites.
You can purchase the fabrics HERE, or go HERE to Lynette's blog for more information.
The new Homespun issue is out and this gorgeous birdcage captured my eye immediately.
Can't you see this hanging from my ornate pressed tin ceiling and white walls?
The designer is Sarah Saliba and you can see more of her creativity HERE.
Don't forget that Homespun can be purchased through Borders in the US now, or go to the Homespun website for information on subscriptions. 
I can whisper to you that I'll have two projects in Homespun early next year...
If you haven't already done so, take advantage of the beautiful free 'Stitch-a-long" on the Homespun website HERE. All the blocks are up now, with the final quilt assembly instructions due up on the 11th. The quilt was designed by another talented Aussie, Sam MacKenzie. You can visit Sam's blog HERE.
Time to boil the kettle as Mr Elefantz is on his way home from work. My favourite time of the day!


Anonymous said...

Glad you are on the way to recovery Jenny!
You must be all DVD'd out!!!
I feel my Brain begine to go to "mush" when I watch too many DVD's!!
Looking forward to seeing you up and about and creating again.

Penny said...

Ouch.. Glad you are healing fast.I hear vitamin C helps to heal fast! Hugs,Penny

Sew Useful Designs said...

Hi there Jenny!!!
So happy you are healing, the wound looks so sore. x
The book looks wonderful - I must check it out!!!
As for Homespun - I haven't picked up my copy yet - but I'm obviously not the only lover of Rouenneries for birdies!!! LOL

Big hugs sweetie!!! Vikki xoxo

Alice said...

Glad you are mending a bit. And you are being so helpful too--pointing out all the cute things that we need to add to our "to do" lists. I should we will see your version of them soon enough.
Try to go at the doctor's pace--not the it feels better pace.

Allie said...

Oh my dear girl it's so good to hear from you, to see that your hand didn't make me faint, and that it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I could never work in the medical profession.....
You have some lovely new fabric to pet, and a lovely new book to peruse - I think you'll do just fine while you wait to stitch. Oh all those dvd's are making me jealous, lol! Geraldine McEwan is the perfect Miss Marple - I don't like the new one so much. I watched a new Poirot the other day, and was appalled at how it differed from the book, they're usually so good at that!
Get some rest dear girl, and enjoy being a lady of leisure a little longer....

Susan said...

Glad to hear you still have a wonderful sense of humour - and thanks for the gruesome pics - not as bad as Molly's bit of finger on the floor she showed us a while back! Love those Lynette Anderson fabrics - must get a hold of some of them!
take Care - glad to hear everyone is looking after you

Elisabeth said...

Glad you are going better, and have sense of humour. Nice fabrics too. Take care.
Hugs Elisabeth

Maria said...

So pleased your hand is healing. Looks yuk though!!!!

Oh what lovely fabrics will go check them out.

Anonymous said...

Jenny, thanks for letting us know about Sam's free stitch-a-long from Homespun. Dear oh dear, I hope your hand improves daily!!

Those "Stitches" fabrics look lovely. Lynette is talented to design fabric too.


Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

Ouch, your hand looks painful, but I am glad you are on the mend!
The Lynette Anderson fabric looks gorgeous, I am going to check out the Quilted Kitty website you linked to!
Cheers, Jess

Pam said...

Glad your hand is on the mend Jenny. At least you have lots of lovely stuff to look at while you're out of action.

SandyN said...

Wow and Ouch.... Glad to hear your family are looking after you....

I brought some of Lynette's fabric too.. way to cute... Can't wait to see what you make.

Sandy N

KaHolly said...

Delightful post to wake to this morning. Am so glad you are doing well. I know it's difficult to be idle, but you have such a good attitude! Will have to check out that free stitch-along from Homespun. I need another project like a hole in the head, but they are always so irresistible! Traveling for the next 2 weeks and have prepared a few of your delights to work on while I am on the road!! Stay sweet, karen

Abby and Stephanie said...

So good you're on the road to recovery. I love playing games. For some reason we always laugh while playing Scrabble...I think it's because we want to make up words in orders to use some of the tiles. That book looks very inviting.

Graciela said...

Hi Yenny!!!!
and I'm glad you are better, I hope the time will soon pass you can not sew, I imagine the impatience, hehehe kisses and hugs for you

Carrie P. said...

Oh, Jenny, that looks pretty bad. I am praying for a speedy recovery. I am glad to see you are taking it easy and that is what you need to do to get better quicker. It is tough when you are a doer like so many of us are. Hugs, carrie p.

chris, milatos said...

Glad you are feeling ok. To much TV does your brain in, never mind you will soon be making something with the lovely material you received. Loved the bird cage

Shakerwood said...

Dear Hubby and I just love watching Poirot and Miss Marple (and Sherlock Holmes). We have it here on tv every Saturday and Sunday night on PBS. Haven't come off the wallet yet to buy the DVDs. Maybe for Christmas. Glad you are able to keep yourself busy even if it isn't doing what you really want. Patience is a virture.....just keep repeating that!

MissesStitches said...

Jenny, reading of your recovery reminds me of when I broke my wrist. Granted, it was my non-dominant hand, but I still couldn't do much. I did a lot of movie watching, too. I also surfed the web a lot and ordered lots of fabrics online! Keep up the good recovery!

Maggey and Jim said...

Oh, Jenny that looks so painful..I am hoping for a speedy healing. I know how hard it must be, you are always so busy and this down time can be ugly.. Just try to breathe and dream..

Beth Lea said...

Gosh, I'm wishing your hand gets better super pronto - Vit C a must..

Cyndi loves to stitch said...

still looks pretty swollen, are you keeping up?? Your surgeon looks he could use some stitching lessons, his stitchin 'tisn't' as pretty as your stitching, lol! At least you have loving attentive people who want to help keep you entertained and fed!!!

Marcia W. said...

Congratulations on this milestone. Your hand is looking good. When it starts itching you know it is healing.

Unknown said...

Goodness, bet when you were a little girl you didn't sit still for a minute! Well, it must feel good though to feel your fingers, so to speak. On the other hand, reading books can be a wonderful the Marple books.


Fleurette said...

Jenny, I am so glad that your hand is healing but it looks so sore.
Enjoy whiling away the time catching up with all your reading and DVD's (I love Miss Marple)

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I just love an enforced 'quiet time'. I hope you are able to enjoy your time out Jenny. We've had lots of rain here lately and the thought of playing games, reading and watching dvd's sounds blissful. :o)

Aren't Lynette's fabrics gorgeous!?

(couldn't look at your hand. OUCH!) Praying for fast healing. :o)

PS: no need to respond. Really! (grin)

DIAN said...

Glad to hear you are recovering.

Wendyb said...

Oh Jenny, It looks like your hand is healing really well! Such good news! Must feel wonderful to finally be able to 'release' it from all those bandages!
You know, my eye was drawn to that birdcage in the latest Homespun too...I was wondering where I would put it once I'd made it!!!???
Take care my dear friend and enjoy the spoiling!
XXX sugary healing hugs
Wendy :O)

Kim D. said...

It looks like your hand is healing nicely Jenny.. I hate to look at the stitches, I once fainted after taking off a bandage. LOL I haven't been over to visit in awhile and didn't know you had surgery. I hope you have a speedy recovery and can get back to sewing in no time.

Aunty said...

I'm glad you are on the mend. It is so good to have famly around to look after you when you need them.

manda said...

Ooh, ouch!
At least you had Blossom at home to keep you company.
Love that fabric with the kitties on it!
The love nest would look beautiful done in blues in your house!!