I came across the About Me ABC's on Tiff's 'Folded Gingham' blog, and it seemed like a bit of fun, so I'm sharing my own here....
Age: 52
Bed Size: Queen
Chore You Hate: Mopping floors
Dogs: a white shitzu-chihuaha called Bob-the-dog, or Robert if he’s been naughty
Essential Start of Your Day: the voice of my beloved whispering ‘wonderful wife’ as we wake together
Favorite Color: pastels, red, white – can’t choose!
Gold or Silver: Silver in summer, spring and autumn – gold in winter
Height: 5'1"
Height: 5'1"
Instruments You Play: LOL!!! You have to be kidding…but I can sing! Does that count??
Job Title: Wife first and foremost, Mother, teacher’s aide and freelance designer
Kids: 7
Live: Charters Towers, Australia
Mom's Name: Beverly Anne
Nicknames: Persephone
Overnight Hospital Stays: 7 baby deliveries and appendix
Pet Peeve(s): People who ramble on and on instead of giving a simple answer. Talking on the phone.
Quote From a Movie: "Don’t you think daisies are the friendliest flowers?”
Right- or Left-Handed: Right
Siblings: 0
Time You Wake Up: Anywhere between 5am - 6.30am….
Underwear: Cotton
Veggie You Dislike: Okra (erky perky!!)
What Makes You Run Late: my youngest daughter or baking
X-Rays You Have Had: Head, head, head…get the picture? And you always thought there was something weird about me…
Yummy Food You Make: Cinnamon Scrolls and Scones
Zoo Animal You Like Best: Don’t like zoos. Don’t like circuses either. Love most animals, though.
Now, how about you share yours? Let Tiff know as she'd like to come visit. :-)
PS: Trip to Brisbane postponed till summer...looks like we're back to our original plan of riding north to Port Douglas as the roads will be okay. Mr E is very happy. :-)
Always fun learning more about you sweetie - sorry your trip to Brisbane has been delayed, but hope you have a wonderful time!
Love it, here is mine : http://16muddyfeet.blogspot.com/2011/04/abcs-of-ann-marie.html
Love it! Thanks for sharing :)
Interesting post, Jenny!
Great post very interesting now we all know you very well.
Hugs Mary.
The thing that surprised me most, is that you have 7 children! You really revealed some secrets here.
What a fun post! I'm with Katrin.. I had no idea you have 7 kids.. that part blew me away. thanks for sharing Jenny. Have been seeing your name a lot today lol!!! (received the latest Homespun in the mail he he)
Love the post. Remember, it is the journey that counts, not the destination. Especially on a bike!!
Have fun and stay safe.
Maybe a shorter trip is a better way to start your bike holidays. Seven children - WOW - like some of the others that really stopped me in my tracks! I will have to go do mine now - interesting info that you put in.
You have 7 kiddo's! Wow oh wow! I was thinking you had 3.
So much fun to learn more about you Jenny. You are such a great lady. Made me laugh about the okra! hee,hee,hee.
xx, shell
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