Friday, April 8, 2011

the A-Z of Jenny....

I came across the About Me ABC's on Tiff's 'Folded Gingham' blog, and it seemed like a bit of fun, so I'm sharing my own here....

Age: 52
Bed Size: Queen
 Chore You Hate: Mopping floors
 Dogs: a white shitzu-chihuaha called Bob-the-dog, or Robert if he’s been naughty
Essential Start of Your Day: the voice of my beloved whispering ‘wonderful wife’ as we wake together
Favorite Color: pastels, red, white – can’t choose!
Gold or Silver: Silver in summer, spring and autumn – gold in winter  
Height: 5'1"
Instruments You Play: LOL!!! You have to be kidding…but I can sing! Does that count??
 Job Title: Wife first and foremost, Mother, teacher’s aide and freelance designer
Kids: 7
Live: Charters Towers, Australia
Mom's Name: Beverly Anne
Nicknames: Persephone
Overnight Hospital Stays: 7 baby deliveries and appendix
Pet Peeve(s): People who ramble on and on instead of giving a simple answer. Talking on the phone.
Quote From a Movie: "Don’t you think daisies are the friendliest flowers?”
 Right- or Left-Handed: Right
Siblings: 0
Time You Wake Up: Anywhere between 5am - 6.30am….
Underwear: Cotton
Veggie You Dislike: Okra (erky perky!!)
What Makes You Run Late: my youngest daughter or baking
X-Rays You Have Had: Head, head, head…get the picture? And you always thought there was something weird about me…
Yummy Food You Make: Cinnamon Scrolls and Scones
Zoo Animal You Like Best: Don’t like zoos. Don’t like circuses either. Love most animals, though.

Now, how about you share yours? Let Tiff know as she'd like to come visit. :-)

PS: Trip to Brisbane postponed till summer...looks like we're back to our original plan of riding north to Port Douglas as the roads will be okay. Mr E is very happy. :-)


Allie said...

Always fun learning more about you sweetie - sorry your trip to Brisbane has been delayed, but hope you have a wonderful time!

Ann Marie @ 16 Muddy Feet said...

Love it, here is mine :

Penny said...

Love it! Thanks for sharing :)

MissesStitches said...

Interesting post, Jenny!

Scottish Nanna said...

Great post very interesting now we all know you very well.
Hugs Mary.

Cattinka said...

The thing that surprised me most, is that you have 7 children! You really revealed some secrets here.

Teresa said...

What a fun post! I'm with Katrin.. I had no idea you have 7 kids.. that part blew me away. thanks for sharing Jenny. Have been seeing your name a lot today lol!!! (received the latest Homespun in the mail he he)

vernagrace said...

Love the post. Remember, it is the journey that counts, not the destination. Especially on a bike!!

Have fun and stay safe.

Susan said...

Maybe a shorter trip is a better way to start your bike holidays. Seven children - WOW - like some of the others that really stopped me in my tracks! I will have to go do mine now - interesting info that you put in.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

You have 7 kiddo's! Wow oh wow! I was thinking you had 3.
So much fun to learn more about you Jenny. You are such a great lady. Made me laugh about the okra! hee,hee,hee.
xx, shell