Thursday, April 21, 2011

Can you believe we're off AGAIN!?

My husband has been bitten by the touring bug. It's a big bite and might be years (many years he tells me!) before it eases it's hold on him!
The day began slow with some recipe planning in bed, a relaxed coffee with a new cook book to peruse, and THEN, Mr E announces that we are leaving at 5am tomorrow morning for Cooktown! This will be an 800 klm ride tomorrow - four days and three nights at the very top of the state, even more tropic than we are already. That's my life with Mr E - unpredictable, exciting, taking life by the seat of your pants!
I have done the supermarket run to feed the kids while we're gone, ("Again! You two are going away AGAIN??!" - can you hear my Blossom in her incredulous tone??), caught up on every skeric of washing I can find, organised the menu for the teens, and am now about to start packing. 
This time we're travelling (hopefully) with the Townsville Ulysses Club. Mr E joined up on line this morning, but until he has a membership number I, as his pillion-riding spouse, cannot join. Prayers being sent urgently for them to make contact before long with that very important number. If not, then we'll still ride 'by' them but have to amuse ourseles whilst in Cooktown till Monday. 
While we wait for news Mr E has been polishing our two Honda cousins....and photographing them for the family tree. ;-)
Now, it is 30C here today but Mr E is SO acclimatised to the tropics that he's decided jeans and a long sleeve shirt are needed in these 'cooler' days. Oh pleeeeease???!!!
In the meantime, here I am sitting under 2 fans on full, and wanting to show you all the goodies the mailman brought me!
My very sweet and beautiful friend Synnoeve sent me these gorgeous heart mug rugs and a Tilda stitchery pack as a belated birthday gift (perfect timing because I'll take the Tilda stitchery away with me tomorrow)...
It should look something like this when it's cute!
Another special friend also sent me a parcel, and this one is very dear to me because I was the highest bidder in Allie's auction to raise funds for Japan. I have loved this wallhanging of Allie's from the moment I laid eyes on it, but never made it myself because I thought it was 'perfect as is'. Now it hangs here in my dining room, signed by my dear Allie-friend...
Allie also popped in some extra cuteness. These super retro buttons, and a little elephant charm!
I know what you're thinking...I am spoiled indeed to have friends like Allie and Synnoeve. :-)
Now the last parcel from the mailman was something of my own being returned - from STITCH Magazine in the USA! 
I love STITCH, so was tickled pink that they wanted to publish one of my designs for their Summer Issue! 
The pattern set makes an apron and matching set of tea towels - very bright and summery indeed! 
STITCH is not easy to come across in Australia, so I am going to have a little giveaway for my Aussie friends only.  Just leave a comment on this blog post and when I get back from Cooktown I'll have Mr Random Generator draw a winner for a copy of this magazine! 

( My talented Aussie friend Lisa also graces the pages of this issue with a number of wonderful projects, so it's definitely exciting for Australian design! She is a regular contributor who always manages to make such clever projects!)

I'm sorry to those who are international, but just this once I'd like to keep it in Australia.
However, if you look over at my followers widget at the moment you will see it sitting on 1,394. Once it hits 1400 I will have another giveaway, and this one will be open to everyone! Keep watching that total....

Have a Blessed and Holy Easter! See you next week!


Dolores said...

I won't be in the giveaway but I wanted to congratulate you on being published in Stitch and also to wish you and your hubby a wonderful, wonderful trip. Great gifts from special friends.
Take care.

Jess @ Scrappy n Happy said...

I would love the win a copy of the Stitch mag, I have been drooling over it for some time!
Have a great trip to the top end!

BubzRugz said...

Congratulations on being published in Stitch.... have a wonderful biking weekend....

Allie said...

You two are incorrigible, lol! I can just see the faces on the kids. I'm praying your number comes in and you can ride in the group!
What a lovely sweet gift from Synnoeve! Great project to take with you.
Yay, your project came home - love it so much - congrats on getting into Stitch! But honestly Jen, how could they not want you! I'll be looking for it!

Larissa said...

Oooh! Aren't those mug rugs just precious!!!! I am officially jealous right this minute! *heart*
I am also just LOVING that apron and tea towel set you designed - congratulations on having them published in Stitch! I would love a copy if I am so lucky.
Have a fantastic trip over this easter break!
God Bless.

Maria said...

Congratulations on being published in "Stitch"
Enjoy your ride and the teens will be fine.
Have a wonderful Easter.

brunella said...

Happy Easter from Italy....A big Kiss

Christine M said...

I haven't seen STITCH before. It looks like a lovely magazine. But of course it would be if it has your design in it! lol Have a safe trip. Happy Easter. Hugs, Christine

Mrs. Sew and Sew - Karen said...

I already have the Stitch magazine. I love it. Beautiful gifts from your friends. Have a very safe trip and lots of fun. Happy and blessed Easter to you and your family!

Sharyn said...

Have a great ride. My husband is so jealous! Thanks Sharyn

Susan said...

Congratulations on being publlished! How exciting! Enjoy the trip!

Jodi said...

Yay for being an Aussie. Have a wonderful Easter/ANZAC extra long weekend. Ride safely.

Anonymous said...

OO OO I am an Aussie and am desperate for something to stitch. Please add me the hat.

Congrats for publication. Saw your stuff in the homespun mag too, awesome!!

Lindi said...

Ooh I'd love to win a copy of Stitch. Congratulations on your project being included. :)
Have a lovely Easter road trip!

Fee said...

Glad you're enjoying the touring Jen and getting to go again so soon. Love the Stitch mag project - you clever chick!
Luv ya, Fee :-)

Susan said...

Jenny, have a wonderfaul safe trip! I cant believe the jeans & long sleeve shirt - it was still very warm here as well today and the shops seems as if they are heated - sigh. I still adore your alli-oops tree quilt!
Take care whilst away and remember is good training for those at home. AND a huge congratulatons that you are published overseas - YAY!!!

Joy said...

Oh Cooktown is gawjus Jen, you'll love it!!! Congrats on being in "Stitches" too ;o).
Take care...
Joy :o)

Janelle said...

Hi Jenny
Congratulations on being published in Stitch with your lovely project! I would love to win a copy of the magazine. Happy Easter and hope you have a great and safe trip!

Cheryl said...

Love to win a copy, love your project too! Have great fun on your ride lucky you wish it was me!! Thanks Cheryl

Jan said...

Have a ton of fun, Jenny and Mr E! And congrats on being published in Stitch.

Unknown said...

Congrats on being Published Jenny your Apron Set look pretty Swish in the mag...
Enjoy your go getter YOU!
cheers for a Lovely Easter..

Quilt Kitty said...

Life doesn't stand still with Mr E around Jenny - it roars by. Sounds like you make a great team. Congratulations on being published in Stitch, great project, love it. Tracee xx

vernagrace said...

Congratulations on the Stitch publication and have a safe and wonderful trip. Tip, have a cotton handkerchief to go around your neck, and wet it before you put it on. It helps. When it dries out, you can always wet it again.

My husband's comment - "What there are still people who ride?!!" (Wink) He thinks the bikes are pretty sharp, too.

Happy Easter!

Unknown said...

Have a great time, Jenny! And congratulations from the USA!

Marilyn said...

Hope you have a wonderful trip to Cooktown.
So exciting to be published in Stitch Magazine, such lovely colourful projects. It sounds like a great Mag.

Val Laird said...

Jenny, congratulations on being published in Stitch magazine. Have a wonderful holiday - so glad you are able to go off again on a trip with your beloved.

RobynLouise said...

Congratulations on being published in Stitch. Gosh, you'll have to start a travel log, like a ship's log, to keep track of all the wonderful places you bike to, especially so you can make notes of the ones you want to revisit! Wishing you happy and safe travels :D.

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Have a safe and wonderful Easter trip! Your projects in Stitch are gorgeous as always!

Janice said...

It's not a bad bug to be bitten by. Have a wonderful trip. You'll find the Ulyssians very friendly. I can't believe that you are now internationally published. How very exciting. Congratulations.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jenny, have a fantastic and safe trip and congrats on being published in an overseas craft magazine.

I would like to win a copy of Stitch. Thanks for the draw.

Kelly Rachel said...

So jealous of all your gallivanting around!!! I guess my time will come too - when my kids are older.

Congrats on being in Stitch! And even though I already subscribe through Google Reader I now 'follow' you as well, just to push to numbers up! I'm number 1398. :D

barb's creations said...

You're going away again!! hehehhe....hope you have lots of fun :) Barb.

Sew Useful Designs said...

Hi Jenny!

Wow, what beautiful gifts! I love those pieced heart shaped mug rugs! Congrats on being published in Stitch, it's such a lovely magazine and I'd love to enter your giveaway!

I hope you got that 'number' and have (had?) a wonderful weekend away!

Love and hugs!
Vikki xoxo

SandyN said...

Sounds like fun... riding around.

I would LOVE to win... thanks for the giveaway...


CherylAnn said...

Congratulations on your lovely sewing being published. I have never seen Stitch magazine before. Thanks for the opportunity to have a look at it though. Hope you have a safe and blessed Easter.

Rachel Bates said...

Dear Jenny,

I think you might like this link since you are traveling so much.

Carrie P. said...

Just stopping in to say hi and see all that is going on in your part of the world. Lots of fun stuff. hugs, carrie p.