Did you enjoy the Royal Wedding? We loved every minute...and no wondering if they were really in love. They were quite obviously besotted with each other. Long live the future King and Queen! \o/
(...and may they be blessed with a large brood of children!)
The winner of my 1400 Followers giveaway is Mareille in Belgium!!
Congratulations Mareille!!
Please email me your home address and I will send the apron and tea towel off to you this week.
Thank you also to everyone who entered, and all those who are followers of my blog. You always bless me!
Today Mr E and I will head off for a short ride down to Mingela for lunch, then it is back to work on the piecing of my new quilt design. It is looking lovely so far, and of course that excites me because a new design at completion is like a new member of the family you want to show off!
I'm also having a play with some exquisite vintage lace I have been collecting...
It will be used in some very special projects later in the year, and I'm pretty sure you are going to want to make them as well. It's all tied up with the new direction of Elefantz later in 2011. Be prepared.... :-)
Lots of lovely things on my sewing table and in my sketch book - I'm sure the cool autumn mornings have reignited my creative side, but with lace like this you cannot help being inspired to design.
Do you remember last month when I won Lisa's giveaway? The gift was a $50 voucher to spend in Sarah Flood's Etsy Shop where she sells some truly lovely pieces of silver jewellery she has designed and made. I chose two pieces from the voucher value, and purchased a third jewellery item because I had such a hard time choosing!
They have arrived and I love them! So fine in detail, and lovely to wear.
Thank you Lisa and Sarah!
It is May 1st...my dear grandmother's favourite month of the year. Today I am thinking about her, my dear departed Phyllis May Matchett, who raised me from a 3yo and always made me feel as though I was the most wonderful child. You are missed, nana.
Have a lovely Sunday,
Hi Jenny Congratulations to the lucky winner!
Your new quilt design looks beautiful- I think I see a little birdie there! :)
Today is one of remembrance as well, My DH's lovely Aunty would have been 88 years old today. Audrey May!- I hope they have birthday cakes in Heaven!:)
Have a lovely Sunday, enjoy your lunch! Hugs, Sandy.
Jenny the wedding was beautiful. They do seem to be well matched and genuinely in love.. Hope the media leave them alone! I love your old lace, have a basket (big one) of them too! Your new design looks lovely. Enjoy your weekend..
I loved the wedding. It was just so nice to see something beautiful for hours on TV.
Your new project is looking very pretty and what lovely lace too.
Have a nice ride and lunch while enjoying loving memories of your dear Nan.
What a lovely post. I thought the wedding was wonderful. Have a great day.
Congrats to the lucky winner! And congrats to you Jenny, on your win - what lovely jewelry! Your new design looks lovely, do I spy a wee birdie? You know I love birdies!
I'd love to meet your nana in heaven and thank her for raising up such a beautiful woman of God.
Oh yeah, I really liked the wedding! Indeed, it is evident that they love each other. Thank you for the giveaway. I wish more followers.
The wedding ceremony was filled with the message of love that we all should be offering one to another. You do this so well in your profile that allows us to see the woman that you are. Congratulations on your win and your new project.
Congratulations to the winner of your giveaway and congratulations to you on your win of lovely jewellery. I can't wait to see more of your latest creations, the sneak peeks are intriguing.
Congratulations to both lucky winners - you've both got beautiful 'prizes'!
Jenny - your new sneaky peek denotes another Elefantz purchase in my future! It is ADORABLE!!!!
Oh firstly I must jumpt ot the new project ooh ahh looks like wee birdie in there hmmm...I am sure you will have fun with the lace,Congrats to Marielle on the win.Hope oyu enjoyed your lunch, the items you got with your win vouvcher are beautiful,cheers Vickie
Congratulations to Marielle!
The wedding was beautiful, and so wonderful to watch those 2 smiling faces as they start their married life together. I wish them a long and happy life.
Looking forward to seeing these new projects and the direction Elefantz is taking. Intriguing!
Sounds like your nana was a very special lady and a great influence on you.
You and Mr. E have a wonderful day out their on the highways and byways!
Congratulations to the winner! And congratulations and best wishes to William and Kate. I missed the wedding but from what I saw on the news reports all was as beautiful as could be. They make a wonderful couple and appear to be well suited for each other.
Have a super great sewing and stitching day.
I loved the wedding! It was so nice! And they look so very much in love, it's just wonderful. I'm an incurable romantic, so of course I was up at 5am my time to catch it live. :o)
Peace and Laughter,
The wedding was so lovely. I like that lace that you have got so very nice.
Hi Jenny,
Thanks for you lovely comment on my blog
Thanky you very much Jenny.
I am so happy. Sorry for answering now but i haven't opened my laptop since Friday morning because I have a bronchitis and i am very ill of that. I am looking forward to receive the towel and apron in my mailbox.
Thanks you.
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