As much as possible I gave this Christmas a hand-made-with-love theme. Below are some of the gifts I made for loved ones - and mostly all my own designs.
For 10yo Calab, a huge pillow of his own because he always uses the one's I've made Kezzie in the past...
For 4yo Dee a dinosaur bag to carry all his toy dinosaurs around in (it matches the dinosaur quilt I made him last year)...
I also made Dee a dinosaur tail (from THIS tutorial) but Kezzie and Calab had fun with it too!
Using my 'Little Bird' stitcheries, I designed a sewing companion and needlekeeper for Kezzie. She's just learning to embroider and wanted something special to keep all her bits in. I finally cut into my Denyse Schmidt stash for this present!
For SIL Bert I made a sketch book cover because he's discovered how much he enjoys sketching. I also made a pencil case but forgot to take a photo, however, I also put pockets on the front of the sketchbook for pencils.
I made a very special mini pillow for Blossom, but it would be perfect as a large pin cushion if she wanted to use it that way. The beautiful stitchery design is by Candlelight Creations.
I also make sure that every year I make jars of my famous Plum & Cinnamon jam to give away, so Kezzie and Blossom both took one home with their gifts.
Remember my Shabby Bag from Issue 5 of Elefantz HOME? You can see the original HERE.
I made another one as a Christmas gift for my dear friend, Fee, and this time used a romantic colour scheme...
For my swap partner Dale, I chose a stitchery design by Tricia Owen and made it into a table runner with lovely Bliss fabric strips...
Now to something made FOR me.
My sweet Blossom stitched this "Partridge in a Pear Tree" design ( by Julie Lembit) using prim colours and gifted me with it. Isn't it beautiful?
And Kezzie made me a whole bunch of coupons for facials and massages that she is happy to give when I have need...that could be very soon!
Because this was a fairly photo heavy blog post I'll wait until tomorrow to do some show & tell photos of what lovely bloggers have made from my designs.
Right now, I'd best get back to stitching some more of my new free BOM for 2012. More about that soon...
Jenny what lovely gifts you made with love,so special and Blossom is doing so well with her stitching.Love Fee's bag the fabric you made it in is gorgeous.xx
Cara Jenny, purtroppo anche questa volta non ho ricevuto il magazine. Me lo puoi inviare? Grazie e auguri di Buone Feste.
Marina Genovesi
Wow! What an incredible haul of gorgeous gifts you made for family and friends!!! I especially live that tail!!!
The gift you made for Kezzie has the same birds pattern as I used for my stitchery map, it is so lovely to make! All the gifts look fantastic, the tail is great! But also the gifts you received are really nice, what a lovely stitchery she made you! Enjoy the massages! Greetings
Handmade is best! Very thoughtful and special gifts for each recipient.
All very beautiful. You better collect some of those massages while you are still handy!
What fun gifts!!
Everything is lovely
I can't day witch is my favourite
Happy new year!!!
How wonderful your gifts are! Anyone would be very lucky to have one of your beautiful hand made gifts! Tell Kezzie her stitching is beautiful as well. Can't wait for your show and tell. BTW yesterday I went by the store to pick up an issue of Stichery magazine and I did not even notice what was on the cover until I was reading it. Your Shabby Rose House is in there!!!! Congratulations Jenny! It is beautiful!
All Your Gifts are Just Beautiful Jenny..Boy You have been a Busy Girl...
Happy New Year to You & Mr.E
Oh Wow Jenny!!!! These gifts are awesome, every single one is lovely! Every year I promise I wil get organised and do hand made gifts for Christmas, I did manage one but next year I am hoping to make more. Seeing yours has given me inspiration, mmmm I wonder if I will succeed next year! I am looking forward to seeing what wonderful things you stitch in 2012!
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Lynn B
Hi Jenny, Lovely Lovely things as usual, I love Blossoms pincushion, sorry I have'nt been in touch but we are waiting with baited breath for the birth of our first grandchild and I can't seem to concentrate on anything. Hope you and yours have a very Happy New Year.
Love Jillx
Lovely! and such talent.
I do make gifts, but never have enough time to do all I want. However, I will be retired 3 months before Christmas next year - all my loved ones had better be prepared, LOL.
That dinosaur tail is quite lovely--my son would love that!!
All the stitchery you have done makes me want to get some embroidery going on:)
What lovely presents you made! And you received some beautiful presents, too. The stitchery and frame from Blossom looks just perfect for you. The frame she chose is great-really suits the stitchery.
What thoughtful and lovely gifts you made and received, straight from the heart.
Oh Jenny I truly adore you and I cant wait to receive your newsletters. So full of beautiful pictures and lush makings. You truly inspire me to create! Analisa in Dubai xx
What gorgeous gifts, Jenny - love that tail, lol! Those coupons are a great idea!
What lovely gifts - and you can see the love in all of them!
what a beautiful array of gifts.
Just wanted to wish you and yours a HAPPY NEW YEAR...hugs from mom and wet kisses from me.
Lucky people, to be on your gift list!!! My fav. was the dinosaur tail... ha ha... my nephew loved to wear tails when he was little. He wore towels, belts, scarves...whatever he could find, pinned to his shirt. He would have LOVED this tail!
You made wonderful things and I really like your blog.
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