I imagine most of us are busy mums, wives and homemakers; some juggling work outside the home, perhaps time poor with babies and toddlers to care for, or finding much of your day taken up with other responsibilities.
I haven't met anyone with surplus free time for quite a while! Have you?
I am blessed to work from home, and I never neglect to thank God and my husband for that privilege - but I also acknowledge that those of us who do run businesses from our homes rarely have opportunity to 'leave it at the office' come 5pm.
Last year I made the decision that my health needed to take higher priority than it had previously, and over a period of a few months I lost 9 kilos and felt better than ever. Then we moved. Then extra responsibilities like 80 minutes a day in the car to drive Blossom to and from work were added. I found myself time poor and struggling to keep up with designing, stitching, pattern writing, running a home, blogging, maintaining long distance friendships, and producing healthy and nutritious meals seven days a week.
My body began to show the effects of neglect.
Last week I decided this 'struggle' had to end, and a system that benefited the family AND me needed to be put into place - after all, a family needs a HEALTHY mumma and wife!
I bought some workout gear, and a shady hat...
...discovered my favourite exercise instructor had FREE classes online...
...and gave myself one hour per day of ME time to exercise, walk, read 'stuff', potter in the garden, soak my feet, or just do nothing. So far this is working a treat! It's not until you 'give' yourself time that you realise how much you need it, and how much nicer you are because of it.
If you had an hour to yourself each day, what would YOU do with it?
This morning Blossom and I left home an hour earlier than usual so we could try the coffee at our local cafe. We've lived close by for two months now, but never crossed it's threshold, so a visit was well overdue.
I had my standard skinny cappuccino, whilst Blossom enjoyed a chai latte and some scones...
The cafe is "Millie J" at North Shore, and has a lovely atmosphere.
Even the little sugar sachets were cute!
Lovely Wanda was cleaning out her craft room and wanted to send me some of her excess lace. I am going to have fun with these - I love cotton lace! She even made the patchwork card. Thank you Wanda!
In my sewing room I have finished the first of three projects for the next issue of Elefanz HOME magazine. The theme for Issue 10 is "Little Things".
I loved making this mini quilt, and incorporated my favourite block, the Churn Dash, with some stitcheries...
The blocks are 6" square, and the finished quilt is just 12" square!
Tomorrow morning Blossom starts an hour earlier at the pharmacy for training in diabetes treatment, so I am going to head to the beach with my ipod for an hour's walk. Luverly!!
What will you do to revitalize yourself?
Hi Jenny, I have been through everything you speak about in your blog, I love my family but sometimes I just wanted to be ME. Now I have retired and I have lots of ME time to do the things I want, but I don't regret one minute of the time I gave to my family because they turned out pretty good. I am off to see my lovely grandson Jude now and give him some hugs. Take care Love Jillxx
that is a great idea jenny and one that i need to do,thankyou for the motivation.xx
I walk the dog and do my exercises in the morning and then after they are done, I put a pillow under my head and just think of nothing or what I want to do thar day and lay still on the floor! Then it is time for my shower and putting on my clothes and start the working day in the house. But in the afternoon I take an other half hour for me, reading or writing or designing and that my way to get ME time!
Love the mini! Hugs
Jenny, You had me scared for a moment there thinking you were going to say goodbye to your blog or some such thing!
I am glad you are taking good care of yourself. YOU deserve it!
We had our son's dog for 3 months while he was at Marine bootcamp. We took her for a walk almost everyday even if it was freezing outside. She is back with him now and I have only walked 3 times in the last 2 weeks. BAD! I am heading out at lunch time today. The weather here is glorious!
I am looking forward to seeing your newest designs.
I know what you mean about needing "ME" time ... unfortunately though, I tend to leave this until the very end of the day ... And am lately, not going to bed until 1.30/2am!!! ... Obviously not good for the health and wellbeing of either myself or DD!!! ... I have been thinking for a long while that I really have to prioritise my health, pull out the exercise dvds (love this style of exercise!!) and just do it!! ... Tomorrow. Lol! ... Well done on making that commitment to yourself!!! ... And 9kgs is FANTASTIC!!! Hip Hip Hooray!!!
Your coffee visit looks great ... Love the little sugar sachets!! ... The lace from Wanda looks very pretty!! ... And I am LOVING the new pattern!!! Definitely looking forward to receiving that mag!!!
Have a great end to the week hun!!! Hugs!
Awesome Jenny! It seems our lives get more busy by the day. In this "hurry up" society that we have all created it is hard to even get 5 seconds by yourself to even recharge! I hope you stick to it! BTW I love, love, love the mini quilt. I have fallen in love with the Pam Kitty Morning collection as well. Can't wait until the next issue is out!
Great Jenny! I hope you are able to stick to it. In this "hurry up" society we have all created it is hard to even get 5 seconds alone much less an hour! I love the mini quilt! I have some Pam Kitty Morning too maybe I will be able to jump right in and get one done when the next issue is out!
I have another year and a half of homeschooling, so my work and life are all combined. So usually when I find a rare hour alone I spend half of it trying to figure out what to do.
Definitely need to start exercising and I may have to bring the boy along for a nice walk now that the weather is being so cooperative.
Congrats on your weight loss--that is what I really need to work on. Get the BP where it needs to be.
Love your new hat.
I think about excercising a lot. But the most I do during the winter is power walk 3 - 4 times a week around the neighborhood. Good for you for taking the plunge and sticking with it. Love your little things!
That is so true, Jenny, about taking time for yourself. Unfortunately, it was when I was most strapped down (with little kids) that I took the least care of myself. I learned too late! But now I know.
Well there you are, I've missed you! Good for you on taking time for yourself. It's so easy to get caught up in all of our responsibilities and forget ourselves...
Blossom looks adorable in her uniform, and I LOVE your top, Jenny! You look wonderful, girl. Great gifts from Wanda! Your little quilt is darling, I love the churn dash block and yours is brilliant!
Enjoy walking on the beach for me, it's almost time here to enjoy that too - can't wait!!
Hi Jenny. I am really glad that you are making some time for yourself. I know to my detriment what pushing yourself can make us sick - I have developed ME and have been struggling with it for 4 years now - I am slowly learning the lesson of putting yourself first and looking after my own needs - this isn't selfish but a must! I hope that you enjoy those times and feel better for them. Take care. C x
I admire your determination to take better care of yourself. That's wonderful! I wish I could join you. But with this darned hip (degenerative osteoarthritis), I'm unable to walk any distance. Well, I CAN walk, but eventually I end up nearly doubled-over with sharp stabs of pain that always catch me unawares. I wish I could do some sort of exercise. Instead, I'm trying to keep my weight down, which isn't any fun at all. Do enjoy your "me time." More often than not, mine is spent with my Bible and a study, or on the computer.
Hi Jenny,I have found that I am a happier person and a much better sewer if I exercise. Without exercise I am in almost constant pain from hunching over my sewing. I love sewing but have to keep it in perspective. I belong to a circus skills group and train with them twice a week for two hours each session. It is fantastic physically and mentally. Vicki
Glad to hear you are taking some 'Me Time'. Your little quilt is gorgeous. I love the fabrics. Looking at the yummy scone with jam and cream of Blossum's is making me hungry!
Good for you at taking control of your life. Sometimes we just let life happen and it really creates problems.
Glad to hear Blossom has a job. She is so pretty.
I am off to check out that exercise link.
Really love your mini quilt.
Your mini-quilt is gorgeous Jenny - love how you have used the churn dashes. I go for a walk on the farm, talking to the animals, or I garden, to revitalise myself.
Good for you, taking time for yourself. I am heading to the doc on Friday to discuss my sugars - yep I am diabetic and sugars are a tad high.
Love the shoes - what brand are they? (I love the pink in them)
Good for you, taking time for yourself. I am heading to the doc on Friday to discuss my sugars - yep I am diabetic and sugars are a tad high.
Love the shoes - what brand are they? (I love the pink in them)
Me time is so important but its hard to do sometimes. Family is a big part of my life too. Hmmm those scones look fantastic.
way to go Jen..we all need ot try and take time out for ourselves buyt sadly most times it just don't happen for a lot of us on a regular basis...love your joggers yeah fro pink and they look nice and light too,stitchery looks so cute...cheers Vickie
Your mini quilt is gorgeous. If only we could slow down time to catch up with everything we have to do. I work with adults with learning difficulties and find crafting helps me switch off after work. I hope you are feeling a lot better now Jenny. Marion x
Hi Jenny. Melody sent me over to say hi. I haven't been to your blog before but I like it! I drive two hours a day, to and from work. I don't mind the drive, but I hate the time it steals from my life. I do Kiegel exercises while driving - it's all I can really manage. Then I always walk my dog for twenty to thirty minutes. Good thing he needs his walks!
Good for you!!!! Sounds like you were ready for some time for yourself.....it is great that you are carving out that time; it can be so difficult!!! Go Jenny!!!!!
Good for you Jenny! We all need a little bit of "me" time to be the best we can be. My favorite way to spend me time is catching up with my friends in blogland while hanging out in the studio with the bunnies.
I'm glad you are taking care of yourself. I've been wondering how you have been since you moved and mentioned you had to be still for 2 weeks, and were struggling with being still.
Thank you for the encouragement to get moving again.
Oooo Jenny what a wonderful idea to create some me time, I am sure you will feel all the better for it! Love, love love the mini quilt, it is very beautiful!
Best wishes
Lynn B
I am going to try some of those workout videos. I need the boost in that area! I am trying hard but it is hard to find the time.
Hi Jenny
I was wondering when we will be getting April's block to embroidery.
I love your works. I bought issue 9 and am looking forward to making the Kitchen prayer. You are so very talented.
Phyllis in Oklahoma USA
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