Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The Linen Cupboard

Don't you think linen cupboards look so tidy when the door is shut?
Mine does.
 We live in a small house, so I walk past this linen cupboard numerous times every day. It has this cute hanger on the handle that I made using a stitchery by my friend Vikki a couple of years ago...
(this photo below was taken where it used to hang in the previous house)
Anyhow, that sentimental door hanger makes me believe the linen cupboard looks fine.
Yesterday, while preparing a Guinness stew for Mr E's dinner, I hastily opened the linen cupboard for a clean apron, and forgot to close my eyes so I could avoid the sight that would greet me!
There was that big thud of horror in my stomach, which stirred me on to finishing the stew preparations quickly, and take charge of the chore before me.
While the stew simmered for the next three hours, I pulled everything out of the linen cupboard and piece by piece decided then and there if I really needed it.
As the hours passed, a towering pile of 'donate-able' sheets, pillowcases, towels and other pieces of linen began to totter on the chair beside me. It's amazing how much stuff we collect over the years that really is just surplus to our needs, don't you think?
But amidst the excess, I found some almost forgotten treasures! My collection of vintage embroidered doilies, cloths, and napkins!
Most of these were collected when the children were very young. Every afternoon I would bake something special, and Blossom would set the table with porcelain tea cups and saucers, and an array of pretty linens. This brought a gentle peace to the ritual of storytime and poetry reading in our homeschool days.
Smiling at those precious memories, I spent all night sorting through and pressing them, ready for use again. 
And after all was done, I stood back and admired my hard work.
A place for everything, and everything in it's place.
I set aside a number of doilies - the embroidered kind, and the crocheted kind - for use in some projects that are running through my creative thoughts.
It's gotten me all excited!! I'll start with these...
They are so very fine, and light...perfect for re-purposing. Drop by in another day or so and I'll show you what you I've done to them.
On my sewing table I've been playing with the next set of projects for Elefantz HOME magazine. Tomorrow I'll share photos. So exciting, as these new designs are me getting back to my shabby, embroidery roots! More about that tomorrow. ;-)
Before I go, let me show you this beautiful handmade gift my dear friend Judith sent me!
Even the wrapping had me oohing and aahing!
Inside was the prettiest box, just for me...
And inside the box was a set of miniature gift cards and envelopes!
I don't think I've seen anything so pretty in a very long time. I have been very blessed by Judith
Thanks so much, hon. xxx
In case you were wondering, the Guinness Stew was amazing, and tonight's Salmon with Lime was even better. No desserts though...too busy de-cluttering and re-acquainting myself with old pretties. ;-)
I'd best open a block of chocolate, and Mr E will be quite content. 
Until tomorrow,


Carolyn Sullivan said...

I love finding "old treasures" in your own home! I have some old dollies too, I've contiemplated using them in a quilt. So I'm interested in what you do w yours. right now they are under some of my porcelin collectables in the cabinets.... Not as visually appealing to me.

Clara {Clover and Violet} said...

My linen closet needs much attention! I must put it on my to do list. Thank you for the inspiration, love doors!

Jo in TAS said...

Oh I do love Mrs Tetley's handiwork and I know you'll create something beautiful with those doilies. I think you should surprise blossom with ne of those teas when she comes home!

Rosa said...

I would love to see what you make with the doilies - I have a large collection and am clueless what to do with them:-)

Abby and Stephanie said...

I craft better in a clean space. I just did the same to my hoosier cabinet where I store my vintage things. You have some beauties to create with.

trish said...

Your linen closet looks amazing! Great job! :o) Can you believe I don't have a linen closet?? It's true. :o)
Hoping your week is a wonderful one.
love, Trish

Sheila said...

Your chore of tidying the closet was well worth while and your pretty linens look lovely . Can't wait to see what you produce with the doilies as I have some waiting for repurposing too.

Anonymous said...

I did the same thing one day last year. I try to keep it neat but it does get jumbled now and then when I cram something in there....get those fancies out and use you ever wonder why we save things like that to use when company comes? I love the old linens and look at them whenever I'm in an antique store.
Mama Bear

Christine M said...

Don't you feel great when you clean out the linen cupboard and then put everything back in very neatly! I know I do. I've recently emptied my cupboard as we are renovating the bathroom and the cupboard backed into it. Everything is now out in the laundry stacked reasonably neatly until a new cupboard is built! I came across my lovely old doilies and things too.

Carrie P. said...

Look at all the pretty things you have in that closet. Looks so nice and neat now.

Country Whispers said...

My linen closet looks pretty much the same as yours. I go through it often though in hopes of downsizing but there are too many things in there that I just can't part with.
Can't wait to see what you do with the doilies.