A while ago I shared a tiny peek at a new design I was working on, and today I am going to show it to you all finished!
~All Things Bright~
Even though this is my design, I was totally inspired by God's beautiful creation!
If you would like to own this pattern you'll only be able to purchase it as a member of Fee's Gift of the Month Club!
Fee began her club in November with another of my designs, the "Shabby Roses Decorative Pillowcase"...
My pillowcase was the gift for the 1st month, but in a few months my sweet "All Things Bright" wall hanging will be the gift pattern and kit!
To sign up for Fee's Gift of the Month club or to learn more about it, visit HERE. Remember, it's the only way to get either of these two new Elefantz patterns.
I'm almost finished the final design for Issue 18 of Elefantz HOME magazine...
It's even cuter than I imagined! I wonder if you have any idea what it is??
Maybe I can finish it tomorrow and do the big reveal!? In the meantime, let me know your ideas.
Something else I finished in the last week was this cushion cover using one of my favourite Elefantz Christmas tree designs from 2009...
The top has a ribbon closure...
*** Stop by later this week because I'll be sharing the free stitchery block with you! ***
Just out of curiosity, if you could stitch a line from a song, hymn, poem or quote into a project, what would it be??
You never know, you may inspire me...

Gorgeous work on the mini quilt!
lovely mini quilt Jenny.xx
Love the little quilt and the swirly tree.
Off the top of my head I thought of "Somewhere over the rainbow . . "
Your work is sooo beautiful - eye candy almost evey day! My 2 favorite songs would make a lovely stichery: When You Wish Upon a Star and Somewhere Over the Rainbow.
My favourite hymn is Amazing Grace all the words are special but if I was pushed I think these are the best 'T'was Grace that brought us safe thus far...and Grace will lead us home.' xx
One of my favorite Christmas songs is "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" - it makes me smile every time :*)
Love your new All Things Bright design and looking forward to the free stitchery block - what a sweet "bird" tree!
This is my father s world......
There are 2 poets I simply LOVE, the portuguese poets Fernando Pessoa and Luis de Camões, I would certainly use one of their verses
Beautiful stitching as always Jenny... perhaps the sneak-peek is a birdhouse?
One of my favourite movie lines is from Jaws "We're gonna need a bigger boat" but that's not good inspiration for a pretty stitchery, LOL!
Jenny, this is one of my favorites at this time of year here in the US..."All I want for Christmas..is YOU..." You're the perfect person to put this gorgeous phrase into a gorgeous stitchery. Thanks!
'How Great Thou Art' - you could make a whole quilt out of that one hymn!
And your stitchery is beautiful.
Hi Jenny Absolutely love the wallhanging - only sad that I can't get hold of it as a pdf. I am happy to see that you are enjoying your designing and making again. GB C xxx
I'm with Elisa...Amazing Grace...it has brought us safe thus far and will lead us home.
Those are the tweetest little birdies ever! My hearts are both coming home for Christmas. Oh joy!!!
Beautiful stitching
Ask any racer, any real racer. It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile. Winning is winning.
Hey Jenny, Am I not going to get this months emazine?
always such pretty things on your blog. Love those little birdies.
Since it is fall in our neck of the woods I have always like this quote which I also had on my blog in Oct.
Delicious Autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly above the earth seeking the successive autumns. George Eliot
does that inspire you to create something new?
Beautiful work as always Jenny <3 My favourite saying at the moment - and I remind myself of it all the time - is 'Prayers go up.......Blessings come down". So true xxx
Hi Jenny, Oh my gosh your little All Things Bright is so wonderful!!! I think if I could stitch a line from a hymn, it would be "It is well, with my soul". It is one of my favorite hymns. Well, your new stitchery for the last issue of EH looks like it is something to do with spring/summer flowers. Whatever it is, it is looking delightful!!! Big Hugs....
oops, forgot to mention that your Tree design from 2009 is really adorable. I don't remember having ever seen that one. Lovely! More Hugs...
Hi Jenny, I think your new mini quilt is my favourite Elefantz design so far. It is just gorgeous. I can tell by your designs that your are really back enjoying your designing process again. I'm so happy for you. I think your new mystery design is bunting. Vicki vickilorraine at hotmail dot com
Lots of lovely creations you have shared with us on this blog, thank you
I think it depends on the mood has at the time but at the moment the sentence that pops into my head is If God leads you to it He will lead you through it
My fav Bible quote is 'This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it."
I would love to do one of your mini quilt with that quote!
I am always "blown away" by your beautiful stitching. Love your Christmas cushion cover. I like all the quotes, verses listed by everyone else. It's hard to pick a favorite of mine, but lately "That was then, this is now". I am working on forgiveness.
Hi again Jenny! I have been looking more closely at your sneak peak and I'm seeing letters...are you making a wonderful sampler? Or just one of your gorgeous applique pillows or hangings? No...don't tell me, LOL. What ever it is, I know it is going to be amazing. Hugs...
Your stitcheries are so beautiful! :0)
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