So, my Princess Sophie likes sleeping on the ironing board.
So, it's almost summer and she is malting all over it.
So, I have a good long chat with her and explain the problem. I make a comfortable place for her on the couch (with her own blanket!) and forbid her to take rest in my sewing room again.
So, I buy a NEW ironing board cover, because I see she is enjoying her own blanket on the couch.
I put the new cover on my ironing board. I am pleased.
Then I go make a coffee.
I come back.
Does she care???
Not one bit.
So, the NEW lint remover is now my best friend, and 'Princess' Sophie lives up to her name.
The past few months I've been reflecting on my life a fair bit. That's how I knew I needed to close my magazine. Bit by bit I'm working through the reasons why I get overwhelmed and feel like my feet are about to give way under me.
What stands out more than anything (in my working life) is my personal design style.
You see, I design stitcheries - it's the most natural thing in the world for me to do. But the problem with my penchant for stitchery design, balanced with needing an income, has been how I can display them.
A quilt? A cushion? A bag? Framed?? I could go on.
It's having to make my stitcheries *into* something that usually gets me frazzled.
Having finally figured this out, I feel as though I have crossed a mental border into a whole 'nother brain space...and it's adventurous. \o/
The last 24 hours I have been working on an idea that makes me tingle! It's coming quite naturally, you see, because it's *just* a stitchery.
It's intricate, VERY stitchy, and I cannot wait to start.
After it was sketched, refined, and traced onto some natural homespun, I chose the thread colours...
...before spending an enjoyable 15 minutes winding them onto new plastic cards. I even pulled out a brand new pack of needles of a brand I have never before used - but it's all part of the adventure, isn't it?!
It's going to be fun, because it's all coming naturally. At last.
"Hello, I'm Jenny of Elefantz, and I design stitcheries...."
That sounds so right.

Dear Jenny I hope we can see this new stitchery soon it sounds wonderful.
Oh Jenny, my daughter`s cat also called Sophie thinks the ironing board is the best place in the world to settle, especially when warm after the ironing has been done!!
The colours you have chosen for your next project look delicious. How I relate to you, I have the same problem do things then not know what to make them into, never mind I enjoy the doing!
Jenny, you need to stay true to yourself and your own style. I hope that your new project will solve your problem. Maybe you could think about collaborating with someone so that you can do the stitcheries (the part that you love) and they could make them into something. Aren't you concerned that Sophie might get burned sitting so near to the iron? Vicki vickilorraine at hotmail dot com
Hello stitchery designer! This sounds like a good solution to your problem. I was always amazed at how much you made for your magazine in one month. It must have turned something you love into something that was very stressful.
Love seeing Princess Sophie holding her ground on your ironing board - very cute.
Don't stress the cat hair. My cat prefers my cutting mat..... which leads to interesting (so to speak) situations. The only line I draw for her is the sewing machine. She is not allowed near the thing, since she likes to swipe at the needle! IEIEIEK! Love the colours in your new stitchery, can't wait to see the result. You will love those needles. I use them all the time! Have fun.
Looks like you have lots of stitcheries to keep you busy Jenny. Look forward to seeing what you create with them. Glad you finally feel like you have found your path to follow. Hugs.....
wow Jenny i admire you for self discovering yourself and being true to you,good luck for your new happy journey.xx
Princess Sophie is so funny! She looks very comfortable on your ironing board! LOL And I'm looking forward to your new stitchery designs! I love the colors you've chosen to use! :0)
Kitties are like that aren't they, we had a kitty growing up that the only place she wanted to sleep was on my feet on my bed!! They always win!! Your stitchery looks so beautiful, but you always do beautiful works!!
Ah yes, the life of a CAT...Jenny, that's exactly the problem that's been confronting me lately, I love to design but what to MAKE with it. Can't wait to hear your idea and see your new design!
Que gatito mas precioso¡¡¡bello de verdad Besos May
Good Luck with this adventure Jenny - I will be looking forward to seeing where this new path leads.
I think you need a second ironing board.
Oh Jenny, your Sophie is just to adorable to truly scold isn't she. Looking at these photos of her I thought back to when she was lost in the storm and you were beside yourself with worry and I realize that Sophie will get her way because like me, you love your fur babies that bring you so much joy and unconditional love. So yes, stock up on those lint rollers, LOL. Also, I can't wait to see what you are designing now. As I read your post I got more and more excited for you and your new 'adventures'! You little teaser photos tell me it is something beautiful that I will adore.
Enjoy this new adventure my sweet friend! Big Hugs...
Can't wait to see what your are designing!
Gee Mom -
1. the new cover is princess pink.
2. it's warm from that thing you keep
rubbing across the princess pink
3. It's where you are.....of course I
want to be here!
I'm looking forward to seeing your new stitchery.
It sounds like you have a plan forword now - I am so glad that you are rediscovering the things that give you joy. I look forward to seeing them soon. GB C x
Gotta love those fur babies! I think Princess Sophie is gorgous! Maybe she's hanging around till you made a stitchery of her, ha! I think maybe she just loves you!
Blessings Karen and Hannah
Sweet cat and I am glad you have found your nook where you are happy and not stressed.
Kitties and kids - definitely have minds of their own, don't they? Can't wait to see your new design!
Jenny, this is really just such a gorgeous post, making me have a laugh at the cat (my dog is the same!)...
Since I started blogging, I have at times got caught up in seeing lots of designs & patterns, & wanting them all... but not really appreciating it for the work & talent that the designer has put into it... so in the last few months I have been trying to return to "love what I stitch & stitch what I love"... and when I pop in to read your blog posts, I'm reminded of that every time...
Exciting to start down a new road with the feeling that we already know where we are going and that great things await us at the other end!
I have found that cats require pedestals with the newest coverings so they can be properly admired. It was so nice of you to offer her a fresh cover to lay on.
One of our cats has the annoying behavior of sticking her face in front of my work whenever I'm handling scissors. I have accidentally cut whiskers because of this. She still doesn't learn. If only I could train her to hold out her claws instead. I could trim her nails while I'm at it!
Peace and Laughter,
Lol! It's coz every time you use the ironing board - you're warming it up for Miss Sophie!!! \o/ She's gorgeous!!
I am in love with what I can see of your new stitchery!! Have you always wound your threads around the cards? I used to, way back when I started doing my cross-stitch (I'm talking over 15 years here...) and I just found it so time consuming - and that it took up even *more* storage space than just keeping the threads in little baggies (which is the system I have now been using for over 10 years ... with my collection, it's been quite handy, lol!)
I'm also incredibly excited to see the new direction your life is taking over the coming months & years!! Will be praying for you in this time of transition!! Hugs!!
Princess Sophie is gorgeous! Why don't you put a towel over your ironing board cover - so that she can sleep on it, and when you need to iron just remove the towel? That's what I do with Frodo - who is also an ironing board lover!! Fi x
Princess Sophie is sew pretty. She does have a mind of her own. ;o)
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