Mr E flew home on Friday, just in time for the 33rd annual Townsville Christmas Toy Run on Saturday!
Mr E has ridden in the Toy Run before, but this was my first time.
500 bikes!! Over 700 riders and pillions! My camera simply couldn't fit everyone in, but I'll share some snaps of the day.
Here is the Mayor of Townsville, Jenny Hill, and our local Ulysses Branch President, Frank.
Jenny's husband is an avid motorcyclist and they never miss a Toy Run...
All 500 motorbikes rode in single file along the 30 kilometre route, but I can't take photos with my camera when wearing leather bike gloves, so can't show you the incredible view from the middle of the pack. All I could see in front and behind was an endless line of bikes. It was amazing.
Because this is an annual event to collect toys for needy families at Christmas, the locals knew to expect us along the regular route, so by the side of the road were entire families in deckchairs, or sitting on picnic rugs, with drinks and nibbles to watch the procession of bikes ride by.
I felt like the Queen waving to all the children and babies, with their excited shrieks of joy as we passed, but just as exciting were the elderly men and women whose smiles *beamed* at us and whose arms waved even more than ours! It was a real privilege to have been a part of the event.
The police were fantastic...
...and after an incident free ride everyone was very well behaved as we settled down to cold drinks and a sausage sizzle at Thuringowa RSL.
Everyone who participated brought gifts for the Salvation Army's appeal, and this blanket...
...was piled high and overflowing by the time we left.
Mr E...
Our friends, Marc & Marlar...
Can't wait to do this again next year!

what a wonderful thing to do and it looks like so much fun.xx
It is a great way to help the needy and fun for you guys too.They do the toy ran all over Australia even in Geraldton where my DD1 and partner participate..
OH Jenny, I love these kinds of rides. Hubby and I rode in the Teddy Bear Run several years back and it was such an inspiring day. Over 800 bikes, all carrying small stuffed animals for Police and Ambulances to carry with them for the children who are in scary situations, accidents, etc. We had so many at the finish of the day that they had to set up extra tables to hold them all. It was truly something to behold. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Big Hugs....
such a great cause and a great way to have fun with others that have the same interest, riding motorcycles.
How wonderful Jenny; all those toys for children who ordinarily may get very little! Sounds like a wonderful event with all the community being involved in some way. My knitting group are involved with a big event here in Brisbane on Sunday...BBQ for the homeless (but really for any needy) and we've been making/collecting toys, toiletries etc etc.
what a great way to help needy children have not come across it here, not only worthwhile but great fun for all who take part.
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What a fantastic roll up for the toy run. It looks like it was a great day out and the Salvos now have heaps of gifts for where they are needed.
Hi Jenny,
So much fun, and for such a great cause. There's nothing like looking ahead and back of you and seeing all those bikes - warms the heart and gives it a jolt of excitement as you hear the roar of all those engines!
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