Monday, March 25, 2013

Redwork Tutorial for ~H~

Today's letter in Monogram Monday is ~H~.

Now before I tell you the MOST exciting news about H, and what my word for it is, let me show you what I made today with this monogram.
It's a simple and pretty redwork scissor fob, and I thought perhaps you'd like to make one too?

You'll need a small circular shape to trace onto a scrap of white fabric, a scrap of red fabric, and a scrap of thin fusible wadding.
I had a small hoop, just 2.75 inches in diameter. I traced the circle shape, then traced the H in the centre of the white fabric. I stitch my H with two strands of red thread, before cutting out the circle along the drawn line.
Cut out the circles from your wadding and the red fabric.
Fuse the wadding behind the redwork H circle. Use spray baste, or a dab of applique glue to fuse the red circle at the back. 
Use some pinking shears to trim off 1/4 inch all around the circumference.
 I had a length of red gingham bias, so I doubled it over to cover the raw edges, then stitched a row of running stitch along it's length.
Open a small section above the H, between the wadding and the red backing fabric. Slip the two raw ends of the bias inside.
Secure the gingham ends with some stitches, being sure to just sew through the backing fabric, bias, and wadding - don't go through the front.
Bring the thread through the layers to the front, and finish with a row of running stitch all around.



Larissa said...

Yay!! This is fabulous news Jenny!!! So glad to see you've decided to rejuvenate your magazine!!

margaret said...

a lovely scissor fob Jenny and like the idea of subscribing to your magazine, will look into it, wondering how the dollar transfers to pounds?

DIAN said...

lovely post Jenny. I hope your magazine is well received.

Vicki said...

Good luck with your new/old venture. I'm sure it will be a great success. Vicki vickilorraine at hotmail dot com

Abby and Stephanie said...

Always such pretty-ness here. Love the scissor fob.

Vangie said...

What a blessing you are to so many people with your beautiful work, I've subscribed and eager to see the first mag. Vangie

Anonymous said...

What a cute fob! Thanks for sharing that. Congratulations on another wonderful issue of Elefantz Home.

Anonymous said...

I love the scissors fob! It would be a great gift with a pin cushion to match.
I hope to be able to subscribe to your magazine.....working on my budget no....Best of luck with it.
Love you!

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SewCalGal said...

Beautiful. I definitely want to try to learn to create such beautiful stitched projects this year. Thanks for the great tutorial and inspiration.


daisydilly (vicki) said...

Thanks for "H". Not sure how I missed it :).