Friday, October 25, 2013

My dawn romance...

A couple of months ago I shared with you how I'd begun the Good Morning Girl's 'fall' study of Luke.
Well, it is eight weeks later and today I penned my final thoughts and prayers for this study...

 I began with 15 minutes at dawn each day, but it only took a few weeks for my morning time with the Lord in this study to increase to 30 minutes.
At the end of six weeks I was spending an hour with Him each daybreak, waking excitedly before dawn and laying in bed until the sun rose just enough that I could read my Bible at the kitchen table and see clearly to write.
I would brew my coffee, and embrace the next 60 minutes alone with Him, His Word, my pen and journal - and prayer.
I wanted more. So I prepared another binder and began writing out the book of James. After my Luke study was over each morning I'd turn to James and write a few verses; pondering their truth and the implications to my own life...

I also started a new prayer journal, where I wrote monthly headings that cover the prayer needs of my family, sponsored children, and friends; making notes on answered prayers, and any insights the Lord had for me. 
I also use this journal to write down any Scriptures the Lord has highlighted for my own life, and notes to myself about applying them.

I just need to stitch a cover for it, as He has given me the perfect verse to embellish in thread and when it's done I'll share it with you. 

With the wonderfully life changing Luke study over, I have decided to use the resources of the Good Morning Girls once more, and just printed up their Advent Study from last year. Praise God for their generosity in preparing these studies! May they be blessed.

I'm sharing this today to encourage you, sweet sisters.
If you have sensed your walk with Jesus to be slipping away due to life and time restraints, can I hug you, and suggest you just 'start' with a 15 minute breakfast date with Him?

There is no appointment more beautiful or life giving than a date with Jesus.

Good Morning Girl studies can all be seen HERE on their webpage.

Have a blessed weekend, dear friends.
I am praying for you.


elitruj said...

Hermoso Regalo El Que nos Dio Dios,Su Amado Hijo
Gracias Por Compartir Esta Hermosa Palabra

Janet said...

Thank you so much for sharing your faith in our Lord! I am new to your blog and have enjoyed it very much.

Diane said...

I am going to begin the study of the book of James on Monday.

Thank you for sharing this .



Jenny of Elefantz said...

James is my go-to book for 'how to live out the Christian life in its fullness' Diane. Be blessed as you study it!

Jenny of Elefantz said...

It's lovely to meet you, Janet! :-)

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Amen, Eliana!

margaret said...

you give so much encouagement to us with your commitment to your faith, it is so good to have you share with us and to help us along our path with Jesus. Will have a look at James later today and also check out Good Morning Girls. I have used Delia Smith`s advent book in the past but have to admit not following everyday.

Unknown said...

I make the same study as you. I follow gmg since 2010. I was in foreign group before this study and this time I lead my own group in french!!!! It was awesome. I will follow the thanksgiving and advent studies too. Many blessings and prayer from France

Jenny of Elefantz said...

That's wonderful, Sandra! :-)

Patricia said...

Jenny, Because of your post regarding the GMG, I joined the study of Luke. It is a very rewarding study and I will continue to do more of their studies.

Thank you,
Patricia C

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of a prayer journal where you note prayers answered. Of course they are ALL answered, but I know what you mean. =) I'm finding more and more that there are so many things to learn just about prayer itself. Thanks for sharing your spiritual journey.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

I agree, Patricia, they are excellent...not leading, but allowing the Lord to illuminate His Word to each of us in a way that we individually need. Be blessed!

Jan Rhoades said...

Hi Jenny. What a lovely week you have had and shared with us. I think your duck is just the ant's pants and I loved the fancy diary/journal cover. Mine are more more functional but you have inspired me to do a little more before I give them to friends. Have a great weekend. God bless always.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Bless your precious heart, Jan. I'm sure your friends love any gift you've made for them because they are made by you. Such is friendship and sharing. xx

Anonymous said...

Lovely post. Very encouraging :)

Tammy said...

Thank you Jenny for useing my picture. I am currently working on the e f g h block. I am useing the needles I won in your giveaway. They make my stitching look neater and more petite. The needles I was useing were way too big.. When I get the current block I am working on finished I will email you a picture.

Shirley Ann said...

Lovely post Jenny! I don't often comment but do love your blog so much. Not only are you gifted with the needle and inspire me but I just love how your love of Jesus shines through.

Shirley Ann

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful resource Jenny. As always, you have blessed us with yet another of your "gifts".

Baa. xxx said...

Going to get Hannah and I to look at this website next week when we have some time - it would be nice to do the Advent one together with her. It looks a great website - thanks for sharing it.