It's been a while since I did a show and tell post, but I'm taking a break from writing the e-zine this morning to share with you these photos of Elefantz projects made by some lovely blog readers.
Grab a cuppa because you may want to follow the links to the blogs of those who have them!
Some of the photo are very blurry, but I don't want to omit them because these ladies have kindly taken time to email me photos to share - just remember that iphones and ipads (especially ipads) do not take the best photographs and its often a good idea to take a few photos of the same thing and choose the clearest to send or use.
Tammy Lyons was the winner of my 5 year Blogversary giveaway in September, and she is also making my free BOM, Shabby Roses Home. I love this photo of her work space with the first block...
Carol Mina has been very busy stitching some of my new and older designs!
Esperanza has been brightly stitching Shabby Roses Home blocks too!
Gunn in Norway is stitching my Daisy Days BOM, and recently sent me this little photo of her sweet version of Wednesdaisy and Thursdaisy, as well as the Little House in California runner from a recent Elefantz Home Ezine!
The very productive Fiona over at Bubz Rugz made my Shabby Roses 'Bouquet' quilt. I shared this first in 2010, and then over one week during my 5 year blogversary last month. Fiona made this when I first shared it three years it!
Margaret Vernon beautifully stitched "Lord Bless You" for her father who is terminally ill...
Joy couldn't resist stitching my 'joy' applique from a recent issue of Handmade magazine onto a bag she'd made, and also framed my little redwork 'Partridge & Pear' stitchery in a frame she found at the op shop and her husband had painted for her. Aren't they an industrious couple!?
Pia celebrated Autumn by stitching an older wall hanging pattern of mine that featured machine raw edged applique, "Autumn Falling". I love her machine quilting around the tree!
Lida is another prolific stitcher, and she's made quite a few of my patterns...
Thank you to all these lovely ladies for sharing their work with us!
If you have photos of any Elefantz designs you have made just email me HERE and I'll share them in a monthly Show & Tell blog post.
Back to writing the ezine...
PS: some of the patterns above are still available HERE in my shop.
Don't know how I did that but somehow I posted my comment to this post on yesterday'
Wonderful projects. Luv the elephant!
Wonderful projects.
lovely to see how your projects are being done by your followers
so many amazing designs you have come up with Jen....
I like your large flat table that your machine has, it's such a good design, perfect for quilting, hope you don't mind me asking but which machine is it please?
Thanks for sharing, they are all so unique and beautiful !
Thanks for sharing. All the ladies have done wonderful stitching.
Patricia C
Almost like going to a quilt show of lovely, familiar designs which surprise one with differences. Thanks to everyone who shared, and to you for posting the pictures.
Jenny what fun to see all the stitcheries! I found you on Pinterest and started folllowing you - Everyday I smile when I see your posts! I adore embroidery and love the work you create. So grateful for you sweet blog. It really makes my day!
Really cool to see how people have stitched your designs!
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