Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I've never made a Christmas wreath.
Have you?
I bought this polystyrene wreath two months ago with a vague idea how I'd use it, but it's been sitting in the corner unnoticed every since it entered the house. Poor ignored wreath.

Must do something, and soon.

So yesterday I went on an internet search to see whose clever idea I could have a play with to give my neglected wreath a purpose in life, and happily found some really gorgeous wreaths in the process!

This one would be perfect for leftover binding strips. It's from Jeni Baker, who made hers out of strips cut from vintage sheets. She shares her tutorial HERE...

Totally drool-worthy is Lucy's crocheted wreath with sunflowers! If you have lots of leftover yarns this would be a lovely way to use them up - or head to your local op shop or charity store because they usually have big bags of wool for a few dollars. It's on her Attic 24 blog HERE...

As we have a white Christmas tree, I can see this wreath heading to the top of my 'might make this one' list. The tutorial is on the BHG website HERE...

Do you have an abundance of Christmas baubles bought at the after-Christmas sales last year? 
Wouldn't this be a glamorous use for them?
The tutorial is HERE on Eddie Ross's blog...

What about that over-abundant stash of ribbons you have? Do you love tying bows?
Then this one is for you!
Tutorial HERE on Shelterness...

Another contender for top of my list is this sweet vintage inspired wreath from Jess Mutty. I'm thinking of my stash of linens and the cotton laces I bought recently. See her tutorial HERE...

And finally, this sweet felt rose wreath might just knock the others off my list. It's from Heidi at the Pretty Poppy. Love felt. Love roses. She shares the simple tutorial HERE on her blog...

Which one is your favourite, and why?
Love to hear in the comments.

I'm off to make a wreath! What about you?!



Patricia said...

Great Jenny, They all are pretty and easy!

Thank you, Patricia C

Abby and Stephanie said...

The sheet wreath is my favorite. Love the addition of the flowers. I have a little stash of vintage sheets. I wonder what they'll become. Looking forward to seeing a Jenny Wreath.

Baa. xxx said...

Love the Vintage sheet one best - but also the creamy vintage lace one too.

Clara {Clover and Violet} said...

Oh they are all so pretty! I real love the one made with the strips of fabric, of course fabric!! I do love the one made with the ornaments too!! Can't wait to see what you'll make!!

Valdja Maria said...


Valdja Maria said...


Lorrie said...

I love the burlap one with the vintagey bits, and the white flowers on the last one. Oh, and the vintage sheet strips - so many wonderful wreaths!

Christine M said...

They are all gorgeous. I don't know which one I like best! I'm looking forward to seeing your one Jenny.

Melody said...

A fabulous post. I love them all.

Rhonda Cafe said...

I love the vintage one, I spent 7 months making vintage and lace decorations for my niece's recent wedding - have lots of hessian, lace and gorgeous lace yoyos left over. Might make her one for Christmas as a nice keepsake. Thanks for the ideas Jenny xx

teddieturtle said...

I made one out of strips of plastic bags tied around the wreath in knots - it looks good. I found this website and these rose wreaths look lovely - - you could make the roses smaller and use more to cover the wreath. Jo

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Jo, they are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the link. :-)

Jenny of Elefantz said...

What a beautiful keepsake, indeed!

Victoria said...

I'm with you...the vintage inspired wreath. That one could be left up all year round! I can't wait to see what you do.

Fiona said...

they are all so clever and inspirting..... I think my favourite is the simple white one with the red flowers and berry plume....

margaret said...

lots of ideas here, I made mine with a wire coathanger and cut strips of dark green fabric which were then knotted to the ring, I then added white felt ornaments, it comes out every year.

DIAN said...

I have some of those wreaths waiting for attention. I think I like the fabric strips.

Unknown said...

I like the vintage one made from old sheets. I remember years ago, I had an "empty" wreath. I cut up a bunch of red and green squares that had white in it. I cut them with my pinking shears. I then took a screw driver and "stabbed" the wreath with the squares. It took a long time but I really enjoyed the finished project.

Shirley Ann said...

I made a crochet spring wreath earlier on this year - inspiration taking from Lucy at Attic24. I am quite keen on making a few more for each season - all on my 'To Do' list ;o)

Link to my wreath:

Shirley Ann in England

Anonymous said...

This is so timely because I've been thinking about making a wreath, too! You put up such beautiful choices, I can't even pick a favorite, so I looked at what I could make with what I have at home. Probably the linen one. Thanks for all those terrific links!

Carrie P. said...

I have been wanting to make one of those wreaths with the felt flowers. I really like both of those maybe because they remind me of the outdoors. Can't wait to see yours.

Tammy said...

My favorite is the one made fromt he christmas ornaments...I made one last year similar in blues and silvers...Came out very pretty.

Tammy said...

I just emailed you pictures of it.