Thursday, January 30, 2014

A day of waiting...

Cyclone Dylan is close to shore now, due to hit land in about 9 hours.
We're in the range and will feel the effects, but the direct hit will be south of us. Praying the Lord's hand of safety on everyone in this region. 
The cyclone is coinciding with a king tide so widespread flooding will affect a large area here in Townsville. We're on the edge of the predicted flooding, but hopefully it won't get to us.

Today Mr E did some more securing of outdoor furniture and general tidying up around the grounds whilst I watched the wind and rain approaching from the sewing room (the still photo missed the wildly waving trees)...

...and prepared new designs for stitching.

I picked a bowl of fresh basil for tonight's pasta dinner in case it was all blown away tomorrow, but in general our meals are all quite simple at the moment...

It sounds strange, but life is quite slow and surreal on a cyclone watch in our home.
It was the same with Yasi in 2011
Blossom and I are working our way through the last five episodes of our beloved Poirot tonight, and as the wind blows crazy outside, we sit calm and content with inner peace. God is good.
Mr E continues with his work, and Bob-the-dog and Princess Sophie sit close by - I wonder if they remember this atmosphere from Yasi?
I pray all my blog readers in the affected areas are safe and secure. xx



Conni said...

What a beautiful view from your sewing room! Praying for you and your family and all those in the path of this storm. God is faithful and He will do it!

Cindy said...

Hoping you are spared any damage!

Abby and Stephanie said...

Stay safe.

Jeito Mineiro de Ser said...

Sounds scary!
That the Lord of the Universe, protect you all!

Shirley Ann said...

Thinking and praying for you and those in the storms path.
Blessings in Christ
Shirley - England

Wanda said...

Jenny, praying for you and your family. I'm in Florida so I totally understand what you're going through. I'm probably the only person I know who prepares for a hurricane (cyclone) by making cookies! Never know how long you'll be without power after the storm. Oh, and making sure the laundry is done, especially under garments!! Looking forward to hearing you're safe.

StitchinByTheLake said...

Praying for all of you in the path of this storm. blessings, marlene

Lisa V said...

Stay safe and take care.

Hilachas said...

Blessings on you along with prayers for your safety.

Anonymous said...

May the Lord keep you and your family safe. Waiting seems to be the hardest part of these storms.
We've been through many here in South Florida and sometimes it takes longer for the storm to arrive than it does for the storm to pass. God is our Protector!

Melody said...

You and all in the area are in my thoughts. Keep safe.

Robin in New Jersey said...

Oh dear me. Of course living on the other side of the world, we have not heard about this cyclone. Praying for safety for all of you down under. As someone who experienced a hurricane in Oct. 2012, I can somewhat understand what you are going through and feeling. Keep the faith, my friend.

Kate said...

Will keep you in my prayers. Blow some of it towards the west coast of North America. We are in a drought.

Kigwit said...

I hope you pass through the storm safely. My prayers are with you and your family.

SewCalGal said...

Stay safe. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way and to all those in the path of this hurricane.


Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Keep safe..

little acorns said...

I've been thinking of you & praying for you & your sweet family all day. Praying the storm passes quickly & for safety for you & all those in it's path. (.... & Bailey says to snuggle lots.... That what he does!) 💕

Wendy said...

Sending up prayers for you and all those who will be affected by this storm Jenny...May Gods' hand rest upon your home to keep you safe and secure...hugs sent your way.

Christine M said...

Stay safe Jenny. Thinking of you all. xx

Susan said...

Stay dry and safe.

Maria said...

Thinking of you and all the folk in the area. Keep safe. XX

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Stay safe my friend. Light, love and hugs to you!

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Prayers from Texas Jenny!